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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
Matching lines:
- existence of the eternal being of the child in the spiritual world
- which you live, he said, you cannot even become a social human being.
- But neither can you become a social human being (perhaps not even a
- human being at all) unless you learn to rejoice in the great
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
Matching lines:
- Singing. Child's experience of well-being like that of cows
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- human being was lacking. These ideas about education arose at a time
- that knowledge of the human being must be the basis for a teacher's
- work; that being so, he must acquire this knowledge for himself, and
- being done in life because it is all worked in so unpractical a way.
- must always be thought of as becoming an older human being some day.
- but the whole of life; we must look at the whole human being.
- belong together, they are one and the same human being. We must know
- being.
- must take the whole human being into consideration, the growing,
- living human being, and not just an abstract idea of man.
- is a very different being before shedding its first teeth from what
- are so. Now when a human being is to descend, he must choose a body
- spiritual world the human being can work on the body so that it may
- remain, but the softer ones are constantly being renewed. In the
- a being whose nature is of God and the spirit has descended to earth.
- interest in what he may call his spiritual inner being. In the life
- world is then our inner being and there exist no such distinctions as
- stirs into being within him.
- only make an impression upon him by being something oneself. He
- this idea of “soul milk” into being for your work with
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- before the change of teeth, we may describe the child as being wholly
- being and human life. What kind of school plan you make is neither
- I knew for example a small boy who on being given something to eat
- never forget that the human being is a whole, and as such he must
- who bear a true knowledge of the human being in their souls are able
- today are really not suited to the human being till a later age, in
- being able to read and write well before this age, the better it is
- human being is active. The fingers take part, the position of the
- The most important thing is first to bring the whole being into
- like human beings, that they tell each other things, that they love
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
Matching lines:
- they were human beings who speak and act. The child thereby has the
- being.
- whole head, as part of the whole human being. Now if you go out into
- same way as the hair belongs to the organism of the human being. And
- being.
- living being that has hair growing on it. The plants are the hair of
- becoming so poor that there is no hope of their being suitable for
- understand it if they have been given conceptions of plants as being
- human being may incarnate at all, he has to absorb something which is
- cannot think of human beings in this way. We cannot think of one man
- as being only gentle and patient, another only cruel and a third only
- in animals. Rather what we find with a human being, especially when
- face of certain situations a human being may show cruelty simply out
- being has these things within him. When we think of this matter in
- that the animal possesses. Man reaches his goal if in his whole being
- man's being.
- united synthetically in man, and if you analyse a human being you get
- exists again as a giant human being. The whole animal kingdom is a
- giant human being, not brought together in a synthesis but analysed
- only a small portion remains, the rest of it being metamorphosed,
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
Matching lines:
- must always be able to bear being clumsy and awkward. A man who
- cannot endure being clumsy and doing things stupidly and imperfectly
- teacher had made a great fuss the boy would have gone on being
- little violet is a little blue being. The sky is a great blue being,
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- being of the child with this kind of counting or with similar things
- over to number from the human being, for man is not an abstraction
- but a living being.
- human being skilful in every way. This cannot be done through sport,
- people thinking of every single thing as being put together out of
- within it, as the human being for example, then you cannot divide it
- thereby ruin his whole being. He will become dried up and this will
- considered, so that in old age the human being is still mobile and
- being more reasonable, will cut it out wrong again and again and have
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- experience of well-being like that of cows chewing the cud. Instrumental
- being replaced by a new body. The change of teeth, indeed, is only
- to see that when you have explained anything about the human being to
- interesting to see how the child forms things out of his own being.
- and the change of teeth is in a certain sense being drawn out of the
- being drawn inwards between the seventh and fourteenth year, and when
- then the human being has arrived at the moment of puberty, of sex
- So we find the nervous system being constantly worked upon by the
- musical instrument and inwardly feels a kind of well-being in the
- well-being which is at the same time knowledge. During the process of
- digestion comprehending the whole world. With us human beings all
- are really in a bad way, we human beings, because the head does not
- higher stage, this feeling of wellbeing at the inward flow of sound.
- come to feel what it means for their own musical being to flow over
- guided. The human being feels how his whole organism is being
- connected with the child's own being, and this he cannot yet
- to the spirit. When the human being dies, or before he comes down to
- in the same way as the human being does, neither does it cry in the
- human being, like language; Eurythmy is visible speech.
- expresses what is in the inner being of man. We must feel this, we
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- that you are going to some shop where things are being weighed out,
- where an Arithmetic example was being given which was supposed to
- that time being taught by Dr. Karl Schubert who had a very special
- the being of man and some idea of the place of man in the world.
- child, of course in his own way, knows what a human being is within
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- England where education is being discussed:
- reputation of being an Anthroposophical School of a sectarian kind.
- a conception of the real being of man, and which is now to be brought
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