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Query was: down

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • something even less stable; rules of education were laid down based
    • the child comes down to earth; before this he has been
    • once. You would never think of putting it on. But when you come down
    • down from the spiritual world is very strong in us, and it is clumsy
    • before he comes down into earthly life a man takes but little
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • changing of the teeth. If the individual who comes down out of the
    • soul of the child is spoilt by it. Even down into the body, right
    • down into physical health, the child is ruined. Through such
    • is observation of life down to the minutest details.
    • laid down, real hair and goodness knows what all! But with this the
    • laid down for the guidance of teachers, but it is of far greater
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • within him, but harmonised. All the qualities tone each other down,
    • which he has noted down the questions he wants to ask the children
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
    Matching lines:
    • leaf which a puff of wind had just blown down from the tree. There
    • You will for instance say to hi: “Look, this goes down to here
    • (left half) but this only comes down to here (right half,
    • incomplete). But this doesn't look nice, coming right down to here
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
    Matching lines:
    • apple-woman wrote it down on a piece of paper. Mary comes home and
    • down by the apple-woman, and now we want to know how many this person
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
    Matching lines:
    • in the brain, touches the nerve fibres everywhere, goes down again
    • thinks of the word simply as something written down or something
    • to the spirit. When the human being dies, or before he comes down to
    • down here and his head up there, jumps, he jumps “down”
    • ridicule the idea that the sky is above us by saying: Down there in
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
    Matching lines:
    • child develops from the head downwards in the early years of his
    • this child stay down and not go up with the rest of the class;
    • children stay down in the same class even if they have not reached
    • Otherwise, as I have said, we do not let the children stay down but
    • b.) must lead both upwards and downwards, and so on.
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
    Matching lines:
    • down the nuts and stored them for the winter. And when they came to

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