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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Cover Sheet
Matching lines:
- Steiner presents here the idea of the three seven-year periods
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: About the Transcripts of Lectures
Matching lines:
- Steiner presents here the idea of the three seven-year periods
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- beginning. As it is, the restriction was dropped more than a year
- spiritual sight became ever more clearly defined, the edifice
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Appendix to Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- Steiner presents here the idea of the three seven-year periods
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- that it is the same. So that the proof is quite clear if you have a
- course it can be drawn more clearly but I think you will understand
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Contents
Matching lines:
- Steiner presents here the idea of the three seven-year periods
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
Matching lines:
- Steiner presents here the idea of the three seven-year periods
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- citizen of the spiritual as well as of the earthly world. Many of the
- ideas which Steiner stressed forty years ago have since appeared
- reader of these lectures must bear in mind that in giving them
- Steiner assumed in his hearers some fundamental knowledge of that
- establish. Some of his statements may therefore appear to have a
- careful research and depth of study lie behind them. In general,
- human being at all) unless you learn to rejoice in the great
- whole story of man's development on the earth. There is therefore no
- intervening years! Perhaps it is as difficult to put the right
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
Matching lines:
- Steiner presents here the idea of the three seven-year periods
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- year.
- plant belongs to the earth. This is the true picture and gives
- introduced till twelfth year. History should first be presented in
- school life. Drawing of diagrams, from ninth year. Completion and
- factor. Theorem of Pythagoras (11–12 years). Details given of a
- clear, visual proof, based on practical thinking. This will arouse
- seven years etheric body is an inward sculptor. After seven, child
- has impulse to model and to paint. Teacher himself must learn Anatomy
- twelve years) should be based on modelling. Between seven and
- science teaching from twelfth year only, and connected with
- Teacher' Meetings, the heart of the school. Every child
- year. Healthiness of English weights and measures as related to real
- English life. These can be introduced at an early age.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- My dear Friends,
- teachers who from the depths of their hearts do indeed recognise the
- god-given, within his nature after he has descended from pre-earthly
- life into earthly life? This is the kind of question which can be
- known that willing, as it appears in the soul, is young, while
- of life, these faults can be clearly seen in them. But in those who
- my hearers shall really endeavour to direct their observation, even
- and must learn something. Then one thinks how best to teach so that
- the child can learn such and such a thing quickly. But what is a
- child, in reality? A child remains a child for at most twelve years,
- to learn by heart. I may have worked his memory too hard. If I do not
- overloaded the memory of the child when he was eight or nine years
- what the result will be, forty or fifty years later, of our
- though I bought him a pair of shoes when he was three years old, and
- each successive year had shoes made of the same size. The child
- enough to go on wearing the same sized shoes! Yet this is what we are
- we can still see quite clearly at work the effects of the child's
- habits of life before birth or conception, in its pre-earthly
- years of its life. You will say: A fine sort of spirit! It has become
- his pre-earthly life? Well, my dear friends, suppose all you clever
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- guide the child through the critical moment of the ninth year.
- seven years a second life organism is gradually built up in the
- spiritual pre-earthly world is weak, then this second life organism
- seven years till about fourteen, a kind of victory is gradually
- example the human eye or ear. What is the characteristic of such a
- place. The child during the first seven years is really completely
- seven years is really an eye. If something takes place in the child's
- so in the first seven years, and according to this the organism
- implanted tendency in the early years will then remain through the
- are that matters; if you are good this goodness will appear in
- appear in your gestures — in short, everything that you do
- can learn what is good or bad, that he can learn this or that, but to
- course of the nineteenth century. The children certainly learn a
- great deal there, they almost learn to read. They are supplied with
- until their seventh year so that the above remarks apply to all
- in the pre-earthly existence, then indeed the children would become
- seven years of life and not what you express outwardly in words as a
- third and fourth year, but before then the child has quite special
- early years are wholly sense-organ, though life is not easy for such.
- year he became a splendid Eurythmist and developed a great
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
Matching lines:
- plant belongs to the earth. This is the true picture and gives the
- kingdom. Minerals should not be introduced till twelfth year. History
- child reaches his ninth or tenth year he begins to differentiate
- when the child has passed his ninth or tenth year we must introduce
- hair or a rose, it is another. In ten years' time the stone will be
- hair of the earth. For the plants belong to the earth just in the
- very long way. And when you realise that the small clod of earth
- it, then you will see how necessary it is to manure the earth in
- the plant; the earth lives with the plant.
- some plants which blossom in the spring, about May or June, and bear
- fruit in autumn. Then they wither and die and remain in the earth
- earth forces out of their environment. If this is the earth, then the
- the living earth itself has as it were withdrawn into the tree. Under
- plants, for the earth is an organism and the plants are like the hair
- of this organism. The child must be able to see that the earth and
- the plants belong together, and that each portion of soil bears those
- earth, and to give the child a clear feeling that the earth is a
- the earth. People speak of the earth as having the force of gravity.
- This is spoken of as belonging to the earth. But the plants with
- their force of growth belong to the earth just as much. The earth and
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
Matching lines:
- school life. Drawing of diagrams, from ninth year. Completion and
- you how between the change of teeth and the ninth or tenth year you
- must always be able to bear being clumsy and awkward. A man who
- you will say you ought never to be a teacher if you have to appear
- And those before whom it behoves me not to appear clumsy and awkward
- — these children I shall only meet in later years, again
- working of human destiny in repeated lives on earth. See Rudolf
- can come back to in later years and make use of to arouse certain
- seventh and eighth years, and later, perhaps in the fourteenth and
- fifteenth years, to come back to it again in some way or other. Just
- at seven years of age the children are given over to a teacher who
- saw the blue sky — indeed she was overcome with fear, but she
- did not yet know why she felt such great fear. Then a dog ran by, not
- she stayed all day long, hiding in her fear from the great big
- dawn she had no fear. It made her glad at heart and happy to see the
- dawn. As the dawn faded the pale blue sky gradually appeared again
- be afraid again and thought she would only hear from the lamb what
- “Dear lamb, do tell me, will the great big violet up there come
- appeared to her as Divine Love, which was streaming towards her from
- in the right mood, so that when the children have heard the story
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- (11-12 years). Details given of a clear, visual proof, based on
- and that you did once learn to count, but actually you do not really
- fortieth year he can say to himself: Now I understand what in my
- eighth or ninth year, or even earlier, I took on authority. This
- to bring them nearer to the child's understanding.
- thus he will gradually learn to build up number out of life.
- earthly life. It is there for beauty's sake, it is true, because our
- spiritual activities are concerned it is really not nearly so much in
- man's former earth-life. The head is a metamorphosis of the former
- life on earth, and the fact of having a head only begins to have a
- real meaning for man when he knows something of his former earth
- between his big toe and the next toe and learn to write with his
- learn as counting. And when you have worked in this way for a time it
- learn to count in the way indicated in the diagram, 1, 2, 3, 4 and so
- children can then gradually learn the numbers up to a certain point,
- learns to do sums. The child ought to be familiar with this kind of
- tiny little caricatures of demons, and our learned scholars would not
- something we should particularly bear in mind in the teaching of
- the wood as a whole, and only when you come near it do you perceive
- already learnt to count, and so that we get a clear idea of the whole
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- In first seven years etheric body is an inward sculptor. After seven,
- child has impulse to model and to paint. Teacher himself must learn
- twelve years) should be based on modelling. Between seven and fourteen
- them thoroughly. We must get a clear picture of the child between the
- change of teeth and puberty; we must know that in the years before
- he changes his teeth, for during the first seven-year period it is
- be clear in our minds that the independent activity of the etheric
- body in the first seven years has to put forward all the independent
- artist in the child in the first seven years; it is a modeller, a
- change of teeth at the seventh year. Then it can work as an activity
- first seven years of life the etheric body has been carrying out
- have learnt about the lung or the liver, or let us say the
- the lung is not symmetrical. One half is clearly divided into two
- segments, the other into three. Before you learn this you are
- any more than you could put the heart on the right hand side of the
- yourselves therefore should really try to learn anatomy by modelling
- which latter is emancipated and free at the seventh year, but also of
- between the seventh and fourteenth year? It does not really come to
- being drawn inwards between the seventh and fourteenth year, and when
- teaching singing or music with the clear feeling: every child is a
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- of science teaching from twelfth year only, and connected with real
- - Imitation of life. Teacher' Meetings, the heart of the school.
- these three sections that we must bear in mind when we have to guide
- the children through these early years of school life.
- child or without him bears the character of a unity. I have shown you
- things in quite an elementary way up till the twelfth year. The third
- section extends from the twelfth year up to puberty, and it is really
- indeed say that from the seventh year to about nine-and-a-half or
- “living.” We can now speak of the whole earth as living.
- approaches his twelfth year. Only then should we begin to speak about
- make it clear to ourselves that this is really how things are: in the
- approaching his twelfth year, for this lifeless world must be grasped
- a collection of minerals, but start from the earth, the soil, and
- configuration of the earth; then we can speak of how the mountains
- we have given a clear description of the mountains we can show the
- later years. See Rudolf Steiner: The
- child develops from the head downwards in the early years of his
- year. Rhythm of breathing, rhythm of the blood, the whole rhythmic
- think; you breathe all day long. Your heart beats at night as well as
- the head has as little to do with it as possible, but the heart, the
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- Not before the ninth year. Healthiness of English weights and measures
- of English life. These can be introduced at an early age.
- first school year
- multiplication and division which here appears most clearly.
- early on it should be pointed out to the child that it is possible to
- first school years it is really only in the method of expression that
- is very important that the child should learn such things.
- multiplication and division in the first school years, but it should
- turning point of the ninth and tenth years. Up to this time keep to
- have done that for two or two-and-a-half years and have really seen
- and tenth years of which I have spoken.
- longer see it clearly, then we begin to treat the number itself as
- early, before all the trees were already stripped! “A
- the ninth and tenth years when abstract number as such can be
- surfaces in light and shade, and out of these a face appears. To
- of black and white or colour. Lines will then appear of themselves.
- shade or in the colour do the “drawing lines” appear.
- explain this matter more clearly, so that there shall be no
- Its only value is that it is a fashion dear to the English people,
- Drill or Gymnastics one simply learns from anatomy and physiology in
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
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