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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
Matching lines:
- question as to find the right answer. These lectures may well help
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
Matching lines:
- speech.” In Gymnastics man finds relationship to
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- satisfaction to find that here in England you are ready to consider
- to such things as thinking, feeling and willing we find no reality in
- seeks knowledge of man must find it in Anthroposophy. It is obvious
- observe this same child at the age of fifty, I should probably find
- this body in the child, it really is terrible to see how he must find
- but you will find that most people do not even know exactly where
- particular word, you will find that you thereby entirely drive out
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- if you are inventive, you can find in point of fact, pictures for all
- look around you will find plenty of objects which you can use to
- establishment of today. You come into Class I A, where you find a
- in the Waldorf School you find no such thing. You go into the first
- If you go into Class B you find that this teacher is letting the
- You would never find uniformity of teaching in Classes A, B and C.
- knows what kind of hocus-pocus going on, and in V B, you might find
- Waldorf School, for though there is freedom everywhere you will find
- curriculum? They do not find it at all unreasonable. They find it in
- finds its rightful place if it is to be the guide and leader of the
- the innermost depths of his soul, and the teacher must then find the
- beautiful because you find it beautiful, and therefore point it out
- only do harm. The important thing is to find a loving word, a word
- the handbooks on education we find all kinds of intricate details
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
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- there, you will find that most of them have reddish-yellow flowers.
- find out what kind of soil each plant belongs to; the art of manuring
- say according to their soul qualities first of all, we find cruel
- are brave fighters and we find courageous animals amongst the mammals
- too. We find majestic beasts. like the lion. In fact, there is the
- brave. We should find it a very one-sided arrangement if people were
- distributed over the earth in this way. You do sometimes find such
- in animals. Rather what we find with a human being, especially when
- animals? With man we find that he can really possess all qualities,
- with all his other organs you can find that man, even in his external
- the human kingdom. Indeed this is the way man can find his
- not find the world less interesting than a man does. A man can make
- up the scent of the man, follows it and finds him. All this is due to
- everywhere in the wide world you can find some connection between man
- out of themselves because their education has not led them to find
- concrete details you can find the right way of speaking of the plants
- will always be a question of finding out what the development of the
- kinds we may give the child in an artistic form what he himself finds
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
Matching lines:
- children like this for some time. Then you will find that one
- really find its way into the children's hearts. This can only be
- attained by knowing your children. You will find that you can acquire
- such an important place in teaching. And you will find that the best
- and one must develop true religious feeling by finding in oneself
- find the right pictures you can work with the child in this way all
- find pleasure in this picture-making. And you will see that when, by
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- find today is that the ideas a teacher has are largely abstractions,
- probably find that the thread of your recollections breaks somewhere,
- you may find that what I am now going to say will be rather difficult
- can pass on and say: “Look, you can find the number two
- find a remarkable analogy for this human head. If you have a car and
- but in a healthy sense. And humour must find its place in teaching.
- had and you know what is left over, and you have to find out what was
- and the remainder and have to find the subtrahend, you will be doing
- “Here we have the whole, the product. How can we find out how
- five can I make? Then I find out that there are eight more groups of
- whole, the product, and find out how often one factor is contained in
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- finds relationship to space.
- only expresses certain forms. For you will find that the child has an
- and to find ways and means of making faithful reproductions of the
- now been completely drawn in. The astral body finds its way slowly
- So we find the nervous system being constantly worked upon by the
- finding its way into the physical body with the help of the air
- must yourself find joy in it.
- English included, we find that the vowel A expresses astonishment and
- only thought out with the head. Today you mostly find that people
- they want to find the right word in translating from one language
- together that you find “testa”
- necessity of finding his place in it; when he thus finds his way into
- Sport and Gymnastics arise. In these man is trying to find his own
- he should be fit for the world and be able to find his way into it.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- children a mineral and say: this is what you would find if you were
- the other end another force, as one so often finds in the Physics
- change of teeth you will find it is specially the head-organisation,
- badly you have taught. If you had taught well you would find no
- find out how old they all are together.
- but where can you find such a sum in reality? The men are all living
- it is all added up together. This you can find repeatedly in the
- For in Einstein's books you even find, for instance, how you could
- find, for instance, in the “exemplary” Kindergartens that
- latter case you will very soon find that you yourself as the teacher
- boys and with greater eagerness too. You will find many other
- question of finding out that in the one case the child has an
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- to find the part: that is one kind of division. In the other kind of
- division I start from the part, and find out how often the part is
- pleasing system than this. I hope you find it so, because then you
- out you will find that a transition also takes place in life itself.
- all that we find in optics, for example, where people are eternally
- really find these rays of light? They are nowhere to be found. What
- now finding that there are not only children but also teachers who
- it is at present, but through Anthroposophy we find the best method
- for it. It is difficult enough for us to find sufficient Religion
- settled entirely on grounds of expediency. If you simply find that
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