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Query was: point
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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
Matching lines:
- teaching. He gives them every possible encouragement, while he points
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- from any sectarian or fanatical standpoint but it is so that he who
- introduction. The point now at stake is that people should not
- or possibly longer, but that is not the point. The point is that he
- our hearts with this knowledge, and from this starting point
- their heart is! They generally point to the wrong place, and if in
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- I pointed
- This is the essential point. The child is wholly sense-organ, and
- you must make a point of doing a great many things yourself that they
- if you are inventive, you can find in point of fact, pictures for all
- fellow who points”), not “Index finger,” that is
- beautiful because you find it beautiful, and therefore point it out
- importance to know what happens at a certain point in the child's
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
Matching lines:
- point is really this.
- the point of view of Spiritual Science.
- pointed out to you the child comes to know of the plant world as
- point of discriminating between himself as subject and the outer
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
Matching lines:
- melancholics, and here the sanguines. This will give him a point of
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- once with a teacher who had got up to this point (in explaining the
- part in it. Before you come to the point of saying: Now tell me the
- children can then gradually learn the numbers up to a certain point,
- [At this. point Dr. Steiner turned to the translator
- point is that we must never, never separate thinking from visual
- the point of explaining the Theorem of Pythagoras by this comparison
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- point of time in the life of the child which falls between the ninth
- of languages. I have characterised for you this turning point between
- right thing from the point of view of artistic education. In a true
- this point of time is reached language teaching must under no
- language to the other. Up till the point of time I have described to
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- have the age up to the point of time which I have described to you
- which surround him in the outside world; up to this point of time it
- of the bareness of the mountains and point out that here there are
- pointed out to me that this sum was actually taken from a book of
- out to its conclusion you come to the point of saying to yourself:
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- division: but if we regard it from the standpoint of “how many
- early on it should be pointed out to the child that it is possible to
- you must be sure to point out that this difference is fundamentally
- turning point of the ninth and tenth years. Up to this time keep to
- point of view one feels that the reality should be represented in
- I always speak from the standpoint of practical life, I have to say
- possible for me to insist that I myself should appoint the teachers
- was for us definitely to take this standpoint: We have a
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