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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Cover Sheet
Matching lines:
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: About the Transcripts of Lectures
Matching lines:
- There was never any question of concessions to the prejudices or the
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Contents
Matching lines:
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
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- lecture in this series consists of questions and answers, and reveals
- questions the teachers who were present at these lectures would now
- question as to find the right answer. These lectures may well help
- the reader to put new and truer questions to the genius of
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
Matching lines:
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
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- the question: How can we bring to revelation in a man what lies,
- life into earthly life? This is the kind of question which can be
- but a clumsy little creature, who does not ask questions, and one can
- questions his environment as little as a sack of flour. But
- child begins to ask questions. “What is that? What do the
- questions; he begins to be curious about the things around him. You
- is really a question of developing the concept of a kind of
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- programme; they are always very clever. But it is not a question of
- these things. It is a question of knowledge. And your knowledge must
- questionable success. We began with one hundred and thirty to one
- question of what he himself thinks out and discovers out of his own
- the unquestioned authority, unless, that is, the child has the
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
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- And in these things it is not only a question of giving children
- then, it is a question of a synthesis, a harmonising of everything
- will always be a question of finding out what the development of the
- foremost he needs living pictures where there is no question of cause
- which he has noted down the questions he wants to ask the children
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
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- violet and the blue sky. Children's questions. Discipline dependent
- life courageously, for in fact the whole question of education is not
- a question of the teachers at all but of the children.
- also consider this question of keeping discipline. We once had a
- children that they looked up to him with unquestioned love. What was
- children ask questions; we should be able to see from the face and
- gestures of a child that he wants to ask a question. We let him ask
- question leads to another and eventually the children will bring up
- every imaginable kind of question. Your task in all this is really to
- bring into the class the unquestioned authority about which we have
- cannot keep order in your class, if you have not this unquestioned
- in question would tell one story after another and the children were
- a question of whether the teacher has sufficient confidence in
- yourself that will help you to keep the necessary unquestioned
- or tenth year, this hardly comes in question at all. Let the child by
- let us consider the following question: Why did I choose a story with
- are dealing with more complicated teaching matter, and the question
- recapitulations. This question of forgetting is of very little
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- question of a pure number the whole remains the same, but the single
- this is not the case, and it is simply a question of pure counting,
- dropped on the way. Now there arises the question: How many does he
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- of the child's mental growth. There is no question of approaching the
- the question. And the sum was quite seriously carried through in the
- is not merely a question of knowing that the child is excitable and
- question of finding out that in the one case the child has an
- of questions anything which you may have upon your minds, so that we
- may use the time for you to put your questions which I will then
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- Questions and Answers
- The questions were handed in to Dr. Steiner in
- question is as follows:
- question probably arises from my statement that in multiplication the
- in the question: By what must a number be multiplied in order to get
- our question refers to dividing into parts, we have to do with a
- be a question, then, of postponing the transition from the concrete
- regard to the teaching of drawing, it is really a question of viewing
- therefore answer this question by saying that where-ever possible you
- no question of our having to converse in Latin and Greek, but our aim
- more comes the question that is put to me whenever I am anywhere in
- it may serve the agility of the body. It is a question of really
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