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Query was: soul
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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Cover Sheet
Matching lines:
- is concrete and pictorial; the education of children's souls through
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: About the Transcripts of Lectures
Matching lines:
- is concrete and pictorial; the education of children's souls through
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Appendix to Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- is concrete and pictorial; the education of children's souls through
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Contents
Matching lines:
- is concrete and pictorial; the education of children's souls through
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
Matching lines:
- is concrete and pictorial; the education of children's souls through
- concrete and pictorial: the education of the soul through wonder and
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
Matching lines:
- is concrete and pictorial; the education of children's souls through
- nourishment. The teacher's task to give “soul milk” at
- on the right mood of soul. The teacher's own preparation for this.
- seven and fourteen soul qualities are paramount. Beginnings of
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- teacher's task to give "soul milk" at the change of teeth and
- on the basis of a true knowledge of man in body, soul and spirit.
- we wish to acquire a knowledge of the soul, we, with our present-day
- relating to the soul is merely a name, a word. For even with regard
- in the soul in reference to these things. What the so-called
- known that willing, as it appears in the soul, is young, while
- willing is a youthful thinking in the soul. Thus everything
- pertaining to the soul contains youthfulness and old age, existing in
- Naturally, even in the soul
- these realities of the soul in the same way as he can of the
- feel helpless. But as there is no science of the soul the teacher is
- unable to speak about the human soul as the modern physician can of
- concerns itself with the whole man, body, soul and spirit; and these
- aspects of body, soul and spirit, in such a way as will give a
- feeling for the fact that the soul too must grow! If I furnish a
- doing with the soul. We furnish the child with ideas which do not
- expansion. We are constantly squeezing the soul into the ideas we
- badly as the body generally fits the soul, you would discard it at
- outer nature, by our parents and so on; it is a model. The soul
- The soul nature which came
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- specially interesting to follow the qualities of soul which now
- his childish organism into spirit, soul and body. Health for the
- soul of the child is spoilt by it. Even down into the body, right
- Kindergarten methods weaklings in body and soul are bred for later
- their own inner impulse of soul, as they have been accustomed to do
- who bear a true knowledge of the human being in their souls are able
- releases the inner life of soul and brings a smile to the face. Sour
- the soul life. The sense-organs do not think; they perceive pictures,
- the child's sense experiences have already a quality of soul, it is
- not a thought that emerges but an image, albeit a soul image, an
- you bring before the child something of an inner soul quality and
- lifeless objects as though they were “ensouled,” and that
- because he endows it with a quality of soul.
- “ensoul” the object, but he does not yet distinguish
- they were human. You must not “ensoul” them out of a kind
- has no soul, whereas the dog has a soul. The first difference he
- to the fact that he has a soul. One can indeed treat all things that
- receives the very best foundation for his soul life when in this way
- we nourish his instinctive soul qualities of fancy. This must be
- the child in body, soul and spirit as an absolute unity. This must be
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
Matching lines:
- plant world was then something that the child's soul could receive as
- say according to their soul qualities first of all, we find cruel
- greatest variety of soul qualities, and we characterise each single
- is really the truth about these soul qualities of man and the
- more academically, the synthesis of all the different soul qualities
- definite way, with his whole life of soul, body and spirit.
- in his own soul, in the hidden depths which he brings with him into
- be educated in a healthy way in his soul life.
- one part of his soul life; in the depths of human nature, even in the
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
Matching lines:
- on the right mood of soul. The teacher's own preparation for this.
- children then receive from you will live on in their minds and souls
- a feeling for the inward life of the soul. A teacher or educator must
- something in the soul which may indeed sprout and grow. You may then
- of all kindle in our own souls what we then have to work out for
- ourselves; but first it must be enkindled in the soul. If once or
- child's soul so that it grows with his growth, something which one
- in their souls. This is very important, and it all depends on whether
- well as the bad, will depend on your own mood of soul. You can
- teacher must come into his class in a mood of mind and soul that can
- of the child's mind and soul, for it is this which will enable him to
- contrasting feelings which are rooted in the human soul. And even
- as the world-ocean. Your soul is a drop in this ocean of God. But as
- great sea, so your soul is the same as the great God is, only it is
- upon you wherever you may be. For the human soul is like an
- what is there in their souls.
- thereby save the children from what can work such harm in their soul
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- significance, for in truth man is permeated with soul and spirit in
- soul. You must always be thinking of how you can bring life, not
- not only affect the soul life but the physical body also, causing
- education of spirit, soul and body as a unity.)
- soul quality of your teaching; you must build on the fact that here
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- one, upon which the soul and spirit are now at work.
- already told you that if the spirit-soul is strong, then during the
- of soul.
- soul from within, in which case there is a vowel, or else it is the
- you can see how vital it is that if the human soul is not to become
- make perhaps a similar movement, but in this case, the inner soul
- the realm of soul. In Gymnastics and in Sport man feels as though
- soul life flow outwards and thereby becomes a real expression of the
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- Between seven and fourteen soul qualities are paramount. Beginnings
- nine-and-one-third the child takes in everything with his soul. There
- is nothing that the child would not take in with his soul. The trees,
- child's soul life. From about nine-and-a-third to about
- between the soul quality which he sees in himself and what is merely
- Thus we have the soul quality and the living quality. Then from
- between what is of the soul, what is living, and what is dead, that
- in the book Riddles of the Soul and in various lecture
- about, but it is good because of the soul qualities in it, because of
- School which are the heart and soul of the whole teaching. In these
- is of soul in the world, with all spirit in the world. So that the
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