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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Cover Sheet
Matching lines:
- certain themes — the need for observation in teachers; the dangers
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: About the Transcripts of Lectures
Matching lines:
- certain themes — the need for observation in teachers; the dangers
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Appendix to Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- certain themes — the need for observation in teachers; the dangers
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Contents
Matching lines:
- certain themes — the need for observation in teachers; the dangers
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
Matching lines:
- certain themes — the need for observation in teachers; the dangers
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- of teachers or intending teachers, no more than five in number
- teaching. He gives them every possible encouragement, while he points
- He shows them how essential it is for a teacher to work upon himself,
- make ample use of humour and keep his teaching and himself lively and
- education, and Steiner reminds the teachers that they must never
- give a lively picture of the kind of teaching Steiner wished to
- to a few central themes: the need for observation in the teacher: the
- questions the teachers who were present at these lectures would now
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
Matching lines:
- certain themes — the need for observation in teachers; the dangers
- of stressing the intellect too early; children's need for teaching that
- nourishment. The teacher's task to give “soul milk” at
- all education, e.g. in teaching of writing and reading, based on free
- creative activity of each teacher. The child as integral part of his
- environment until nine. Teaching about nature must be based on this.
- teacher can guide the child through the critical moment of the ninth
- teach about plants and animals (seven to fourteen). Plants must
- Only at eleven or twelve should any teaching be based on cause and
- Development of imaginative qualities in the teacher. The story of the
- on the right mood of soul. The teacher's own preparation for this.
- teaching matter must be intimately connected with life. Thus in
- a basket of apples, a purse of coins. In teaching
- has impulse to model and to paint. Teacher himself must learn Anatomy
- by modelling the organs. Teaching of Physiology (nine to
- wind or strings. Teaching of Languages; up to nine through
- science teaching from twelfth year only, and connected with
- Teacher' Meetings, the heart of the school. Every child
- teach children to draw a tree in shading, speaking only of light and
- Language Teaching.
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- teacher's task to give "soul milk" at the change of teeth and
- has arisen to form the first beginnings of a College of Teachers,
- teachers who from the depths of their hearts do indeed recognise the
- realities of the body, so that as teachers of children we are quite
- feel helpless. But as there is no science of the soul the teacher is
- that knowledge of the human being must be the basis for a teacher's
- good teacher you must say to him: Make Anthroposophy your foundation.
- teaching and education. Our task is to introduce an education which
- direction to education and teaching. That is what we shall do. But
- and must learn something. Then one thinks how best to teach so that
- admit this possibility, if I am a short-sighted teacher, having
- But the teacher should know
- below. The teacher should be able to judge of this because he has
- That is to say, your teaching must not be made up of isolated units,
- artistically to the teaching of reading, and how this artistic
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- all education, e.g. in teaching of writing and reading, based on free
- creative activity of each teacher. The child as integral part of his
- environment until nine. Teaching about nature must be based on this.
- The "higher truths" in fairy tales and myths. How the teacher can
- This is what ordinary Physics teaches everyone. That which is outside
- angry father or a hot-tempered teacher, then the vascular system, the
- what you teach him, does not yet make any impression, except in so
- it is so important, especially for little children, that as a teacher
- acquire dexterity in all directions. Therefore what the teacher needs
- teachers must also be able to develop this life of fantasy, for those
- that can make him a really good teacher.
- imaginative picture. Therefore in your teaching you must work in
- we can work least of all in pictures if we are teaching the child
- comes to school we take him into the classroom and start to teach him
- to do. And if we teach him this before the change of teeth and set
- ways and means of your own. The teacher must be inventive, he must
- On no account should you teach reading first, but proceeding from
- read and write perfectly. These are things which the teacher must
- show you, above all, that it is quite wrong to teach reading before
- fancy of the teacher and educator.
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
Matching lines:
- How to teach about plants and animals (seven to fourteen). Plants must
- teaching be based on cause and effect, which is foreign to the young
- about the plant and animal kingdoms which one can use in teaching.
- you must not teach Geography and Geology by themselves, and then
- you will be teaching something which is quite unreal. This will have
- object-lesson teaching of the present day is utter nonsense.
- to him by the kind of Botany teaching which is usually pursued,
- teacher come in with a terribly long face they will be tempted to
- method of teaching. Teachers who are always solemn will never achieve
- from. this you will see that you can teach about the animal kingdom
- teaching of cause and effect until later on, towards the twelfth
- again this makes demands on the teacher's fantasy. But he must be
- teach and educate out of the very nature of man himself, arid for
- teaching which I have been describing to you. So now in conclusion I
- another example: Dr. Stein, a teacher at the Waldorf School, often
- teacher had woven into the lesson.
- teacher follows such methods as these he will stand before the
- essential for a teacher is self-knowledge. If for instance a child
- or angry with something his neighbour has done, then the teacher must
- little. The teacher must always keep himself in hand, and above all
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
Matching lines:
- Development of imaginative qualities in the teacher. The story of the
- on the right mood of soul. The teacher's own preparation for this.
- should teach with descriptive, imaginative pictures, for what the
- a feeling for the inward life of the soul. A teacher or educator must
- you will say you ought never to be a teacher if you have to appear
- I can be with them as a teacher though I am still awkward and clumsy.
- chap. II.] The teacher or educator must thus take up his
- a question of the teachers at all but of the children.
- feelings within him. Nothing is more useful and fruitful in teaching
- remain as long as possible with one teacher. When they come to school
- at seven years of age the children are given over to a teacher who
- the teacher is able to keep discipline in the class through his own
- teacher in the Waldorf School, for instance, who could tell the most
- immediately wanted a second. The teacher yielded to this wish and
- teacher gave in again and prepared a third story for them. And at
- last it came about that after a time this teacher simply could not
- example I greatly admired the way one of our teachers handled a
- has now improved very much). And lo and behold, while the teacher was
- teacher had made a great fuss the boy would have gone on being
- the result will be just as it was in the other case, when the teacher
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
Matching lines:
- All teaching matter must be intimately connected with life. Thus in
- of apples, a purse of coins. In teaching addition, proceed from the
- every subject that you teach, so that you do not make use of things
- in your teaching that are remote from life itself. Everything which
- find today is that the ideas a teacher has are largely abstractions,
- very great difficulties into education and teaching. Just consider
- kinds of theories are thought out for the teaching of number and
- or bead-frame for teaching. In a business office people can use
- concern us at the moment, but in teaching, this calculating machine,
- the child to understand every single thing we teach him. He must take
- that are introduced into the teaching of today, you may well be in
- teacher must have his eyes open wherever he goes and look at
- once with a teacher who had got up to this point (in explaining the
- teaching the children numbers, out of the reality of what numbers
- counting and you should now teach the child as follows: “This
- you proceed on these lines you will be teaching the child to count in
- out of its parts, and do not teach him to look first at the whole and
- what must now be taken into account in our Arithmetic teaching. It
- something we should particularly bear in mind in the teaching of
- eighteen, and divide it up into the addenda; that is how to teach
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- child has impulse to model and to paint. Teacher himself must learn
- Anatomy by modelling the organs. Teaching of Physiology (nine to
- music from beginning of school life, wind or strings. Teaching of
- therefore you as teachers have a wide knowledge of the forms that
- organism. It is therefore of real importance for the teacher to try
- and do some modelling himself, for the teachers' training of today
- moulding your teaching out of a knowledge of man. This is what must
- very special in the human organism. As teacher and educator one
- able to teach rightly. Here then the air enters the body, distributes
- teaching singing or music with the clear feeling: every child is a
- digestion into consciousness in our teaching, but I want to show that
- teaching is this artistic element of which I have just spoken.
- only make all your teaching artistic, but that you also begin
- teaching the more specifically artistic subjects, Painting, Modelling
- and tenth year must be very specially borne in mind in the teaching
- teaching for the child entering school, but he ought not really to
- that fundamentally any kind of school teaching before this time is
- have described. But for the teaching of languages it is specially
- this point of time is reached language teaching must under no
- teaching. And another element comes in here, something which belongs
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- of science teaching from twelfth year only, and connected with real
- - Imitation of life. Teacher' Meetings, the heart of the school.
- is essential for us to teach in such a way that everything within the
- through our teaching of plant and animal life. You can treat these
- itself. You should not begin your teaching of Physics as set forth in
- golden rule for the whole of teaching is that the child should not
- education and teaching you must address yourself to whichever system
- What is the result? The result is that with teaching of this kind the
- familiar to them. You yourself, with the authority of the teacher and
- through having discussed the subject with his teacher, and all that
- principle. “Aliveness” in the teacher must pass over to
- will see from all this, the whole of your teaching and education must
- ordinary life, and if the school teaching is wrong, that is if we
- life. Then through your teaching reality will be carried back into
- men's thinking, and the teacher has need to consider this very
- you to make it a rule not to let anything come into your teaching and
- surface. That is why it is so infinitely important for the teacher
- that this may be so we have our Teachers' Meetings in the Waldorf
- School which are the heart and soul of the whole teaching. In these
- meetings, each teacher speaks of what he himself has learnt in his
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- How to teach children to draw a tree in shading, speaking only of light
- Direct Method in Language Teaching.
- for the other children. Plan of such teaching described, of which the
- method of teaching? Or should there be no difference at all in the
- used in the teaching of the rudiments of number, e.g. the tables, in
- regard to the teaching of drawing, it is really a question of viewing
- And the teaching of drawing, as such, is only of real value when it
- only when you begin to teach the child something like perspective, in
- worst thing you can do is to teach the child to draw a horse
- now finding that there are not only children but also teachers who
- would like to join our school. There may well be many teachers in the
- outer world who would be glad to teach in the Waldorf School, because
- have been prepared for the teaching profession in the training
- colleges. One gets a slight shock in the case of the teachers of
- History, Languages, etc., but worst of all are the Drawing teachers,
- can scarcely converse with the Drawing teachers: they are such
- them, quite apart from the fact that they want to teach drawing in
- these drawing teachers gradually turn into, simply because of having
- against drawing teachers. I would like to put it thus: here is a
- be barbarous if an orthodox drawing teacher came and had this tree,
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
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