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Query was: whole

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Cover Sheet
    Matching lines:
    • 'whole', then the parts, to the children's imagination.
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: About the Transcripts of Lectures
    Matching lines:
    • 'whole,' then the parts, to the children's imagination.
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Appendix to Lecture 5
    Matching lines:
    • 'whole,' then the parts, to the children's imagination.
    • fits in to the space (3), and if you cut out the whole thing you can
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Contents
    Matching lines:
    • 'whole,' then the parts, to the children's imagination.
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Preface
    Matching lines:
    • 'whole,' then the parts, to the children's imagination.
    • grasps the whole, and the part comes later in its proper relation:
    • whole story of man's development on the earth. There is therefore no
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
    Matching lines:
    • 'whole,' then the parts, to the children's imagination.
    • for a new Art of Education. The whole of life must be
    • synthesis of the whole animal kingdom. Minerals should not be
    • whole. Other numbers proceed from it. Building with bricks is against
    • child's nature. His impulse is to proceed from whole to parts, as in
    • addition, proceed from the whole. In subtraction, start with
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • The need for a new Art of Education. The whole of life must be
    • in educational life, but we are urged to do so out of our whole
    • be. It was impossible to know man in his wholeness and to ask
    • concerns itself with the whole man, body, soul and spirit; and these
    • externally, to the whole man.
    • Life as a whole is a unity, and we must not only consider the child
    • but the whole of life; we must look at the whole human being.
    • must take the whole human being into consideration, the growing,
    • right conception of man's life as a connected whole that we come to
    • descending to earth we live entirely in the outer world. The whole
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • circulation of the blood in the choroid. The whole choroid is
    • within the eye. The whole eye adjusts itself according to these
    • when someone becomes furiously angry, then the whole child will have
    • whole of the rest of life.
    • whole of life depends on how one conducts oneself in the presence of
    • is of no use at all. It really has no value whatsoever, and the whole
    • whole body for he is also an organ of sense with regard to taste. He
    • tastes with his whole body; there are many remarkable instances of
    • it is always different. The whole character of a person is expressed
    • never forget that the human being is a whole, and as such he must
    • behind, for instance. Some walk by planting the whole foot on the
    • pronounce the whole word but begin only with M; and now we can form
    • painting-drawing, drawing-painting, that I have spoken of, the whole
    • body, the whole man is engaged. In reading only the head is occupied
    • The most important thing is first to bring the whole being into
    • keep a clear view of the whole. From the arrangements of the Waldorf
    • it is to survey the whole; though I shall later indicate certain ways
    • spirit that pervades the whole. It is very important that you should
    • but if everyone can do as he likes, then the whole school will fall
    • truth he really feels himself within the whole world. He feels that
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • found, in some form, in man. Man as synthesis of the whole animal
    • formed one whole together with the child's own body. I showed
    • rose is only a reality together with the whole rosebush. The hair is
    • whole head, as part of the whole human being. Now if you go out into
    • consequences for his whole life, for this kind of plant knowledge
    • earth. This is of great significance for his whole life. For think
    • one can only understand by considering earth and plants as one whole.
    • the pre-earthly world into the earthly world — this whole world
    • he may not be so fearfully lazy yet his whole bearing and behaviour
    • that the animal possesses. Man reaches his goal if in his whole being
    • entirety. Then comes another kind, but again not the whole of it.
    • the whole animal kingdom.
    • the whole face, while the forehead recedes; then you get a dog's
    • exists again as a giant human being. The whole animal kingdom is a
    • animal would arise. Thus man bears the whole animal kingdom within
    • the fact that there is really an immense variety, a whole world of
    • about the whole world.
    • will know that man unites within himself the whole animal kingdom, he
    • but he will think of the whole animal kingdom as the great analysis
    • of a human being spread out over the whole earth. Thus he, a human
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
    Matching lines:
    • as a natural development, right through their whole lives.
    • life courageously, for in fact the whole question of education is not
    • teachers' meetings, which are the heart of the whole school life, the
    • perfect themselves. The child presents a whole series of riddles, and
    • another in his place. With the new teacher the whole class is a model
    • whole group of his children with all their peculiarities pass before
    • whole hour; this is not so, for if it were to take an hour one could
    • vantage from which he may get to know the whole class.
    • whole life. Learning to think directly through the head is not the
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
    Matching lines:
    • is good (also writing with the feet). The ONE is the whole. Other
    • nature. His impulse is to proceed from whole to parts, as in medieval
    • whole. In subtraction, start with minuend and remainder, in
    • when external results can be obtained, one does not touch the whole
    • whole hand in the Roman five and this is how it actually originated.
    • The whole hand is there within it.”
    • of comprehending the thing as a whole. This is the natural way of
    • his whole body. The head is the traveller that sits back restfully
    • always a whole and must be presented as a whole first of all. You are
    • doing wrong to a child if you always make him put together a whole
    • out of its parts, and do not teach him to look first at the whole and
    • then divide this whole into its parts; get him first to look at the
    • whole and then divide it and split it up; this is the right path to a
    • whole out of parts. He has many other needs and impulses which are,
    • break up the whole into its parts, which is actually far more in
    • accordance with the nature of man — to see how the whole arises
    • has an influence on the whole of culture, as you will see from the
    • centuries very little emphasis was laid upon putting together a whole
    • more from the idea of the whole (which he then split up into its
    • become accustomed to go from the parts to the whole instead of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
    Matching lines:
    • as much as if you were to copy the whole thing in wax or plasticine.
    • fill out the whole body from the outer environment, from the skin,
    • breathing works in with the whole nervous system. Indeed this working
    • together of the breathing with the whole nervous system is something
    • of teeth and puberty, that the astral body carries this whole process
    • marvellous thing. In the cow a kind of image of the whole world is
    • into the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, and during this whole
    • digestion every cow has a wonderful aura in which the whole world is
    • digestion comprehending the whole world. With us human beings all
    • ignorant of the whole origin of the sound and only hear the outward
    • really call forth a feeling for music in his whole organism, and you
    • little songs as a whole, and to play a little too as far as that is
    • this whole configuration of the air, which otherwise he encloses and
    • guided. The human being feels how his whole organism is being
    • the whole language is built up in the vowels out of a feeling of
    • absolutely untrue. The whole thing is nonsense.
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
    Matching lines:
    • consider the whole period between the change of teeth and puberty we
    • “living.” We can now speak of the whole earth as living.
    • here again proceeding from the whole and not from the part. This is
    • golden rule for the whole of teaching is that the child should not
    • whole conception is wrong from beginning to end. The truth of the
    • man, which contains the whole rhythm of breathing, the circulation of
    • the whole growth of the child.
    • year. Rhythm of breathing, rhythm of the blood, the whole rhythmic
    • will see from all this, the whole of your teaching and education must
    • School which are the heart and soul of the whole teaching. In these
    • either the whole class or individual children is spoken of in our
    • this time, through the whole tenor of our teaching, they will have
    • wholeness when the children come to the seventh and eighth classes,
    • the whole cosmos. This then is what we strive to achieve on the one
    • school. The whole school is the concern of the teachers in their
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
    Matching lines:
    • say: if a whole is divided in a certain way, what is the amount of
    • whole into a definite number of parts. Here I proceed from the whole
    • contained in the whole: then the division is not a separation into
    • number is not formed by the head, but by the whole body. The head
    • terrible amount of mischief has been wrought in our whole method of
    • produced which actually has a healthy effect upon the whole
    • other teachers: but as I have said, the principle of the whole thing

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