1st July, 1924
would like, dear friends, to consider todays lecture as
affording a kind of typical example of how we intend to proceed with
the rest of the course. We may naturally have occasion to extend or
modify our method from time to time. To begin with, we will take as a
basis for our discussion together, the case of a boy who will
presently be brought in. The history of the case is as follows.
boy has been with us since 11th September, 1923, and was nine years
old when he came. During the time of pregnancy the mother felt quite
well; in the fifth month she made a tour through Spain. The birth was
very difficult, the child had to be turned and helped out with
forceps. In the first year, he was well and healthy, and there was no
thought at all of abnormality. When six months old, he lay once for a
very long time in the sun, with the result that he was overcome
afterwards with a kind of faintness, followed later by fever. He was
breast-fed for three months only, and from nine months to three years
old was a very poor eater. During all this time he had really no
desire for food at all. In the second summer of his life, the parents
noticed that the boy's eyes were changing and becoming less clear. In
this second year he was also not yet able to speak or to walk; and he
would frequently start screaming and crying at about four o'clock in
the morning, without apparent cause. He developed a habit at this
time that should never be disregarded in children the habit,
namely, of sucking his thumb. Cardboard splints were on this account
strapped to his elbows, and at night he was made to wear aluminum
shields on his hands. The wearing of the shields was continued for
three years. The boy was all this time backward in his development
and at the age of five was still unable to speak connectedly. Then we
come to the time of the change of teeth, beginning from the seventh
year. The middle teeth have been changed, but the other upper teeth
are not all changed yet. Or has he by now changed some more? Yes, he
has got one new tooth. One of the front teeth is also not yet there.
Yes, I see it has come through. The other was already strongly
developed when he came to us. The mother informs us that the father
too as a child was very late in his development, and the second
dentition was with him also very considerably delayed.
the time when he came to us, the boy was in a weak state of health.
He weighed scarcely 53 lb. He has delicate bones, and his hands and
feet are disproportionately large. He is very clumsy with his hands.
External tests all give a negative result. After he came, he showed
signs of increasing restlessness, and grew more and more difficult to
manage. His manners are rather bad. The bodily functions are in good
January of this year, the boy has become decidedly quieter and more
human. The things in the world outside have begun to interest him and
arouse his wonder. A quality is developing in him which we must do
our utmost to encourage attentiveness to the world around.
I do not mean an attentiveness merely of the intellect, but a
turning with heart and feeling to the things of the world. Things he
sees around him call forth wonder and astonishment in him. Let me
take this opportunity to emphasize that mere intellectual attention
to the world can never work therapeutically; the feeling and the will
must also be engaged. The boy is moreover becoming friendly; whereas
at first he would pass people by with indifference, he now recognises
them again. It is not easy to rouse him to be active in any
way. What he does, he does unwillingly. By January, however, he did
manage to acquire some proficiency in the useful art of knitting.
What is important is that one introduces the child to an occupation
of this kind which on the one hand brings him into mechanical
movement, but yet on the other hand makes him pay attention, for in
knitting one can easily drop a stitch! He likes best of all to play
with a little cart or sledge. He will talk for hours at a time of
nothing but his little cart. That will remind you of the symptom of
which I was speaking yesterday. He is also learning quite quickly to
speak and understand German. There, then, you have the description of
the immediate facts and findings.
now, if you will begin to observe the child for yourselves
(to the boy) Come here a minute! you will find many things to
notice. Let me draw your attention, first of all, to the strongly
developed lower half of the face. Look at the shape of the nose and
the mouth. The mouth is always a little open. With this symptom is
connected also the peculiar formation of the teeth. It is important
to note these things, for they are unquestionably bound up with the
whole soul-and spirit constitution of the child. We must not make the
mistake of attributing the open mouth to the formation of the teeth;
both are to be traced to a common cause, namely, that in this child
the lower man is not fully under the control and mastery of the upper
man. If you can see that, then much will become clear to you. Imagine
that here you have the upper man, the nerves-and-senses man.
This works upon the whole of the rest of the human being. For, as you
know, this is the part of man that is the most developed in the first
period of life; it brings the most forces with it from the embryonic
time, and during that time had in it the most highly developed
forces. The rest of the body is more or less dependent on what forms
itself here in the upper man. Whereas the lower man forms itself
directly from the constitution of the mother body, the rest of man is
only indirectly dependent on what forms itself here. The formation
you see here in the jaws the jaws belong, of course, to the
limb system should be completely taken into the head
system. But in this case the head system is not strong enough to
bring the limb system fully into itself; consequently, external
forces work too powerfully upon this limb-system. Look at a
well-formed human being, where the lower part of the head is in
harmony with the rest of the head. You will be quite right in
concluding that you will find in such a person a nervous system that
is in the highest possible degree master of the metabolism-and-limbs
system. No external forces will in this case exercise undue
influence. If however the head is incapable of controlling the rest
of the body, then the forces that come from without will work too
strongly into the rest of the body. In the child before us, we have
clear evidence of this in the fact that the arms, and also the legs,
have not the proportions they would have if they were brought into
right relation with the upper part of the body, but have grown too
big, because external forces have worked upon them in excess. (Look,
he's amused! I think Fraulein B. was asking him why he keeps his
mouth open, and his reply was: To let the flies come in.
This is a firmly fixed opinion of his.)
that we have been describing is, you see, due in the first place to a
weakness in the upper part of the organisation. Observe now how the
head is narrow here (in front) on both sides, and pressed
back; so we have in this boy the symptom of narrow-headedness, a sign
that the intellectual system is but little permeated with will. This
part (at the back) expresses strong permeation by the will. The
front part of the head is accessible only to external influences that
come via sense-perception, whereas the back part of the head
is accessible to all manner of influences from without. You have
therefore here a beginning of what manifests so strikingly in the
arms and legs; the brain enlarges and spreads out at the back of the
study of such a child can be very interesting; indeed a child like
this is more interesting than many normal children, although many a
normal child is easier and pleasanter to deal with.
(in the front) you have that part of the whole head organisation
which has its substance supplied to it from the rest of the organism.
What is deposited here in the way of substance not forces,
but substance is derived entirely from external nourishment.
Here, on the other hand (at the back) substance begins to be
supplied, not from food, but from that which is received through the
breathing, through the senses, etc., and is cosmic in origin. The
back of the head is, as regards substance, of cosmic origin. Here (in
the front) as we remarked, the head is pressed together. In all
probability this points back to a purely mechanical injury, either at
birth or during pregnancy, a mechanical injury in which we can see
nothing else than a working of karma, for it can have no connection
with the forces of heredity. As a result of this compression, the
head tends not to let enough substance get carried up into it from
the food that is eaten as nourishment. For it has anyway no
inclination to start working upon the nourishment that does reach it,
the demand for nourishment being so slight in this front part of the
head. You can see therefore, simply by observing the external form of
the head, that the boy is bound to be at some time quite without
appetite. Here, in this front part of the head, the accumulation of
what is received by way of nourishment begins to be deficient.
insufficiency in the control exercised upon the whole limb system has
its influence upon the breathing system. The entire system of the
breath is very little under control, and breathing tends to become
disturbed and uneasy. This is connected with the whole way in which
the lower jaw is formed. The lower jaw receives into itself a great
quantity of air too much, indeed; with the result that
substance is accumulated in too great measure, both here in the lower
jaw and in the limbs. Hence the symptom that is so conspicuous in a
child of this kind: the inbreathing is not in right relation to the
outbreathing, it is too vigorous as compared with the outbreathing.
Consequently, the boy is unable to develop within him the right and
necessary quantity of carbonic acid; he is deficient in carbonic
acid. So here you have also a clear demonstration of the fact that in
a human being who is deficient in carbonic acid the limb system will
be found to be over-developed; and with the limb system is of course
connected everything in the human being that has fundamentally to do
with movement. What ought to happen is that gradually, in the
course of life, the whole system of movement in man should become a
servant of the intellectual system. (To the boy) Stand still a
minute! And now come here to me and do this! (Dr. Steiner
makes a movement with his arm as if to take hold of something; the
boy does not make the movement.) Never mind! We mustn't force him. Do
you see? It is difficult for him to do anything; he has not the power
to exercise the right control over his metabolism-and-limbs system.
If he had, he would have lifted his arm in the way I showed him. With
this is also connected the lateness of the second dentition. In order
for the change of teeth to go forward in the right way, there must be
a co-operation between senses-and-nerves system and
metabolism-and-limbs system. The working together of the two systems
provides the foundation for the change of teeth. These phenomena are
all closely connected with one another.
now what is the result of all this? As we have seen, when the child
was born, and for as long as the metabolism and-limbs system had not
yet developed as is the case, of course, with a very young
child he was able to be in control of his body. No one
noticed that there was anything abnormal. Only in course of time,
when he had grown quite a bit, could the abnormality, which was
present all along, show itself. And it is just as we might expect,
that he should attain comparatively late those faculties which depend
on the upper system's having the lower system under control. He was
late, namely, in learning to speak and to walk. What would have been
the right educational treatment for this child in very early years?
Obviously a special effort should have been made to begin with
Curative Eurythmy even before he was able to walk, simply moving his
limbs oneself in eurythmic movements. If this had been done, then the
movements carried out in this way in the limbs would have been
reflected in the nerves-and-senses organism, and since at that early
age everything, is still supple in the child, the form of the head
could actually have grown wider. By beginning in good time to produce
in a child movements that have the right forms, a great deal can be
accomplished for the forming of the head, and one cannot but rejoice
at the results that can be achieved in this direction. In the case of
the boy before us, where the very bones of the skull have been
narrowed by external pressure, it is certainly difficult for the head
to grow any bigger.
the time when I was engaged in teaching, an abnormal boy of eleven
and a half years old was given into my care. I have written about him in
The Story of My Life.
The parents and the family doctor
were at their wit's end what to do with this child. He would have to
be put to learn some trade and that was terrible to
contemplate! With the exception of his mother, who took the matter
quietly, everyone was frantic about it; what a disgrace for a highly
respectable city family to have to put their boy to a trade! To pass
comment or criticism on the matter was not my business. The boy was,
among other things, hydrocephalic. I stipulated that he should be
left entirely to me. His attainments up to that time may be judged
from the fact that he had completely failed a short while before in
the entrance examination for one of the lowest classes in the
[Primary School up to age of fourteen.] All he had done in the
allotted time was to rub a large hole into a copy-book with a piece
of india-rubber. The boy had also the strange and singular habit of
not wanting to eat at all at table, but of eating with great relish
potato skins that had been thrown away as refuse.
a year and a half had passed, the boy had progressed so far as to be
able to attend the First Class in the Gymnasium.
[Grammar School from age of
eleven or twelve.] The secret of the matter lay in the care
and attention given to the movements of the limbs; through this, it
came about that the hydrocephalic condition disappeared. The head
became smaller a clear sign that results can be achieved in
this direction. Where, as in the boy before us, the bones of the
skull have been pressed together by a blow from outside, there will,
as I said, be great difficulty in achieving any enlargement of the
head, but some improvement might nevertheless have been attained.
now the question is: What guidance can we gain from our observation
of the child, as to how we are to proceed with his education? Of
primary significance for us as educators is the fact that the boy has
had to bring his soul-and-spirit nature into a body whose forces are
not harmoniously developed. Karmic complications lie behind this.
Believe it or not, the boy is a genius. What do I mean by that? (He
doesn't understand what we are saying.) I mean that, in accordance
with his karmic antecedents, he could have been a genius. In the
conditions, however, under which the boy finds himself at the present
day (and he was of course obliged to be born into these conditions)
he has been unable to develop the possibilities that were present in
him by virtue of his antecedents; hence, and to that extent, there is
abnormality. The choice of his parents has clearly had its bearing on
the situation. It has made things difficult for him; he looks out
upon the world under difficult bodily conditions. For he has a body
that has grown hard and rigid, owing to the fact that the forces of
the upper and of the lower man do not interlink properly, do not fit
well together. We have thus to do here with a hardening of the
organism. When the boy wakes up, the astral body and the I
organisation cannot dive down into the organism as they should. They
come up against a kind of brick wall.
now man's whole faculty of attention, the ability we possess
to be attentive to the world around us, depends on our being able to
establish the right adjustment between soul-and-spirit on the one
hand and the bodily-physical nature on the other hand. Suppose we are
unable to do this. Then, in so far as we are concerned merely with
the more superficial side of life, the inability to establish the
right adjustment will show itself in clumsiness, in unskilfulness.
Traces of this sort of inability can be observed in the majority of
people today. In my experience I apologise for the hard
verdict! most persons are highly unskilful. They find it
difficult to develop skill and deftness. If I go over in my mind all
the eight hundred children we have in the Waldorf School, I cannot
say that any large percentage of them are distinguished for skill and
ingenuity. And wherever you go, you will find evidence that this
inpouring of the astral body and I organisation into the physical
organization does not come off as it should. The reason is to be
sought in the fact that we are now living in the full flower of the
age of intellectualism. The thinking, the mental and spiritual
activity, that belongs to our time, reaches only into the bones
not into the muscles. And a person who sets out to make use of his
bones does not thereby become skilful! The intellectual system in man
is adapted for making its way into the bony system, but in order to
get the bony system moving, it requires the help of the
muscles; and the ability of the astral body and I organisation to
insinuate themselves into the muscular system is in our time
astonishingly small. How is this? The root of the trouble lies in the
fact that this intellectual age of ours is not devout, is not
genuinely religious in character; the churches of the various
denominations do not really make for deep and sincere religion. But
now, the development of the muscles attached to the bones depends on
the presence in the world of great men who are revered as examples,
as heroes. As soon as a human being can look up, even if only in
thought, to great souls and see in them his pattern and example, then
a right contact begins to be established between his muscular and his
bony systems. And in the boy we are considering, lack of interest has
been from the first a marked characteristic.
now you can also see in this boy a striking confirmation of what I
told you earlier that thoughts do not themselves undergo
change. The thoughts a person produces cannot ever be false. It is
only a question of whether he produces the thoughts at the right
occasion, or again of whether he produces too many thoughts, or too
few. The thoughts themselves are reflections of the external ether.
the boy is asked why he keeps his mouth open, and replies: So that
the flies can fly in that is an exceedingly clever answer;
the thought is, however, wrongly applied. The same thought, applied
later in life to some machine that people were trying to invent,
could turn out to be the grand idea of a clever inventor. Thoughts
are, in themselves, always right and correct; for they are part of
the world ether, they are contained in the thought constitution of
the world ether.
is of the greatest importance that the possibility should be there,
for the soul-and-spirit to make proper connection with the world
outside via its own bodily sheaths. In dealing with such a child, we
have to go to work on a twofold principle. We must put before him as
few impressions as possible; and we must try to bring these few
impressions into association with one another. The instruction we set
out to give must be so simplified, must contain so few elements, that
it can quickly be perceived as a connected whole. And it will be, if
we take the trouble to make it so. Whenever we want to get children
to do something for what I am saying now is true not
for this boy alone; you will be able to prove its truth with the
other children too whenever we want to get them to do
something, we must take special pains to accompany what the children
have to do with things to stimulate the children's interest and
attention. Where we have children of this kind, who are unable to
come forth out of their body, who fail to bring the soul into the
body and so become master of their own bodily nature, the important
thing will be to provide every possible opportunity for their
interest to develop. Suppose we are beginning to give them
painting. We must, in the first place, be careful to avoid getting at
all anxious or worried if the children make a dreadful mess of their
work! (This warning has been equally necessary in the Waldorf
School.) If we teachers are bent on having everything left perfectly
clean and tidy when the lesson is finished, we shall be following a
false principle. Tidiness is a matter of quite secondary importance.
On the other hand, it is of very great importance that the teacher
should be constantly watching to see that the children are attentive
to each single movement they are making with their hands, to see that
the children follow with close attention all that they are doing.
This requires that the teacher shall be himself fully there.
Even more than with other children is it necessary with these, that
the teacher is wide-awake and on the spot the whole time, not
allowing himself ever to lapse into vacancy or vagueness of thought.
Take up your brush! And now draw it over the paper! If we
accompany the whole process with a constant rousing of interest and
attention, we shall achieve something; we shall find that even right
up to the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth years, a great deal can
be done in this way in the direction of rendering the organism more
supple and pliant. As we go on, we must find it possible to talk to
the child somewhat as follows: Look! Do you see the tree out
there? I want you to draw that tree. Look at its branches! Can you
show me now on your paper what the tree is like?
|  Figure 2 Click image for large view | |
One has, you
see, to be right there the whole time. Look, there
comes the pony! He's running! At the same time you point out
the colour of the tree, the pony, etc. And now there's
Mussolini, the little dog, going to meet him! The little dog is
barking at the pony, and the pony is going like this with his
legs! You must try to live the whole story with intense
vivacity. And this lively participation in everything that happens,
which is really a manifestation of spirit, is infectious; the
children catch it! You will find that if you want to help children in
this way you need plenty of verve and enthusiasm. If you are dull or
apathetic, if you are the sort of person who prefers to remain seated
and dislikes having to stand up, the sort of person who has not the
smallest inclination to be constantly rousing himself into activity
and movement then you will never succeed in anything you
undertake in the way of education. For it is not a matter of being
ready with all sorts of cleverly thought-out devices; it is a matter
of doing, on each single occasion, just what that particular occasion
thing you must do with children of this kind is to engage them in
conversation as much as ever you can. This boy did not at
first take part in conversation. Now he does. Listen, and you will
see how far he has advanced in this respect. (To the boy) Do you
remember, you told me one day that a pony had arrived? Tell me now,
how big is the pony? Have you ever taken him out? Yes,
the pony runs about in the Sonnenhof [The
home for backward children in Arlesheim, Switzerland.] all
the time; and it lies down on the grass. Is it in
the stable when it rains? And is there a big pony too?
Yes, the big pony is called Markis.
You see, if you make conversation with him in this way, he joins in
and talks with you; whereas before, he used to roar and bellow at
you. Another extraordinarily interesting thing to observe is the
following. When he came to us the boy spoke English only. He has
learned comparatively quickly to speak German. You can indeed see in
him a beautiful example of how language pours itself right down into
the ether body and physical body. But the construction of his own
language had become more firmly fixed in him than it is in other
children; we have, in fact, in this boy a wonderful opportunity to
study how the construction of a language sticks fast. He does not say
Ich bin gewesen (I have been), but Ich have
gebeen. He is finding his way into the German language quite
well, but takes with him into the German the form and configuration
of the English. He has many other similar expressions. Instead of
Geh weg! (Go away!), he says Geh aweg!
From this very firmness with which the English language has
established itself in him, you can see how stiff and rigid his body
is. If you take pains to get him to talk, doing all you can to draw
him out, you will discover that he has a great deal more to overcome
than most children. For what he has already learned sits terribly
tight in him. By bringing life into him however, constantly
new life, we shall gradually enable the stiffened body to grow
inwardly supple and mobile. If you can, for instance, get him to say
Ich bin gewesen, that will be a real achievement on his
part; for it will mean he has roused himself to inner mobility.
Beware however of trying to reach the result by force, by driving it
home, as it were; no, it must be arrived at by conversation, by
engaging the boy again and again, untiringly, in conversation. A
child of this kind should be able to notice that we take an interest
in him, and share in what he is doing. We must ask him questions, for
instance, about things he has had to do with, things with which he
must obviously be familiar, making plain to him in this way that we
ourselves are concerned in what he has experienced. That is for him
very important.
will not, I think, be difficult for you to realise how helpful
Curative Eurythmy can be for a boy like this. Suppose he does the
movements for R and L. R is a turning; something is
turning round, is revolving. There at once you have mobility. Most of
you are attending the lecture course on Eurythmy, and will know also
what L signifies. Think what formative forces the tongue is
developing when L is spoken! L is the sound that signifies yielding
or compliance, adapting oneself to fall in with something. And that
is what the boy's organism needs: to be made pliant and supple, so
that it shall be ready to adapt itself. And then you will remember
how I said that in him the inbreathing process outweighs the
outbreathing process. We have therefore to see that the outbreathing
is stimulated as much as ever possible, and that the boy himself
participates in it. This happens in M. M is the sound that belongs
particularly to the outbreathing. When it is done in Eurythmy, the
whole limb system comes in to help. And N provides the tendency to
lead back into what belongs to the intellect. We shall accordingly
have for this boy R, M, L, N. As you see, once we have a
comprehensive picture of the child's condition, we know what we have
to do. For this we must, of course, know, first of all, the true
nature of each particular sound, and be absolutely at home in
Eurythmy; then, we must on the other hand have also the ability to
look with clarity and discernment into the bodily organisation of the
child. Both of these are things that can quite well be learned, but
both are completely lacking in the pedagogy of the present day.
the case of such a child as we have now before us, I need hardly say
it is even more urgent than with other children that he should be led
to writing by way of painting. We shall therefore begin our teaching
with lessons in painting, working in the way I indicated a little
while ago.
that I have described to you will have helped to make it clear that
in this boy the astral body and the I organisation do not penetrate
the physical body and ether body. We must come to their help. And for
this purpose we shall have to intervene also therapeutically. What is
it that needs our support, our backing, as it were? The nervous
system, in so far as it is the foundation for the astral body and I
organisation. How can we strengthen the nervous system? What can we
are, as you know, three main ways in which we can work upon the human
being therapeutically: by medicines taken internally, by injections,
and by means of baths or lotions. When you give a person medicine to
take internally, upon what does the medicine work? Fundamentally upon
the metabolic system. You reckon, do you not, on the medicine taking
effect in a simple, straightforward manner on the metabolic system.
If you want to help the rhythmic system, you must give injections.
But if you want to work upon the nervous system, you will have to
give baths or lotions. Now, arsenic has a powerful effect on the
mobility of the astral body, the mobility it requires for diving down
into the physical and ether bodies and, in fact, also on the
form of the astral body. It can be observed in people who have
undergone arsenic cures that their astral body just slips into the
physical body, glides smoothly into it. When therefore you have a
child in whom you want to produce a right harmony between astral and
ether and physical bodies, arsenic baths will be your obvious remedy.
Prepare a certain quantity of Levico water
[A Spa water containing iron arsenic.] of a particular
percentage and let the child have a bath in it. This will work upon
the nervous system and strengthen the astral body.
now there is somewhere else where our help is needed. The forces of
the head system are too feeble in their influence upon the rest of
the body. We must come to the help of the stream of forces which goes
from the head to the lower organism. This stream of forces is
particularly powerful in the earliest years of life, but it is still
maintained between change of teeth and puberty, and even increases in
strength during that period, being at the end of it more powerful
than in the seventh, ninth or eleventh year. We can strengthen this
stream of forces and so help to induce a right correspondence between
metabolic system and nervous system, by making use of a secretion of
hypophysis. [A Weleda preparation
is certainly meant.] For this gives, as it were, a helping
hand to the stream of forces, and exercises from the direction of the
head a harmonising influence upon the metabolic system. We shall
therefore have, side by side, treatment with hypophysis cerebri,
arsenic baths and Curative Eurythmy. With these three working
together, we shall make progress with a boy of this kind.
now finally I want to ask your special attention again to what I said
of the need to be always alive and alert, the need to be right
there in whatever we are doing. Particularly in the education and
teaching of backward children, the importance of the need cannot be
over-emphasised. If once we have the inclination and goodwill to try
to attain this, then we shall find that our study and work in the
Anthroposophical Movement will make us more ready to be wide-awake
and alert in all that we undertake. There are, it is true, tendencies
at work among us in an exactly opposite direction. One suffers at
times a kind of pain when one comes into an assemblage of
Anthroposophists. Such a heaviness in the air! No inducing the
members to get a move on! If one begins a discussion, no one else so
much as opens his mouth; why, their very tongues are heavy
heavy as lead! And they pull such long faces! Out of the question to
expect them to look happy or to laugh! And yet, do you know what is
the first and most essential qualification for a teacher of these
children? Humour! Yes, real humour, the humour of life. You
may have mastered every possible clever method and device, but you
will not be able to educate these children unless you have the
necessary humour.
will have to be a feeling and understanding in the anthroposophical
movement for what movement, mobility, really is! I do
not want to enlarge on this subject, but I can assure you that I
never meet with less understanding than when, in answer to a question
as to what is to be done in a certain situation, I reply: Have
enthusiasm! Enthusiasm that is what counts; and
particularly in dealing with children who are abnormal.
is what I wanted to say to you today.
|  Lecture 1, Blackboard Image 1
Click image for large view | |