Rudolf Steiner e.Lib
Broken Vessels
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Broken Vessels
The Spiritual Structure of Human Frailty
On-line since: 30th June, 2013
Broken Vessels
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Lectures Section
Copyright Protected
The eleven lectures presented here were given in Dornach from
September 8 to September 18, 1924. In the collected edition of Rudolf
Steiner's works, the volume containing the German texts is entitled
Das Zusammenwirken von Ärzten und Seelsorgen:
Pastoral-Medizinischer Kurs
(vol. 318 in the Bibliographic Survey).
The lectures in this volume, translated from the German by Gladys
Hahn, were previously published by Anthroposophic Press under the title
Pastoral Medicine: The Collegial Working of Doctors and Priests (1987).
By Rudolf Steiner
Translated by Gladys Hahn
Bn 318, GA 318, CW 318
To meet inner frailty with truly adequate concepts, Steiner describes
in this book specific inner structures of both health and unhealthy states
that escape ordinary perception. Addressing topics ranging from
sleepwalking to psychosis to the visions of St. Teresa of Avila, he
suggests how to approach the misalignments of nonstandard inner
structures and other psychic difficulties with what he calls
“pastoral medicine” — a truly holistic healing that
can bring body and soul together, and help them function in the most
effective and powerful way.
These eleven lectures were given in Dornach from
September 8 to September 18, 1924. In the collected edition of Rudolf
Steiner's works, the volume containing the German texts is entitled
Das Zusammenwirken von Ärzten und Seelsorgen:
Pastoral-Medizinischer Kurs
(vol. 318 in the Bibliographic Survey).
The lectures in this volume, translated from the German by Gladys
Hahn, were previously published by Anthroposophic Press under the title
Pastoral Medicine: The Collegial Working of Doctors and Priests
This volume is presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf
Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.
From Bn 318, GA 318, CW 318.
Copyright © 2003
This e.Text edition is provided with the cooperation of:
The Anthroposophic Press
Some editions and/or translations of this book are available for purchase from:
for related titles available for purchase at
Thanks to an anonymous donation, this lecture series is now available.
| Cover Sheet |
| Contents |
| Forward by Michael Lipson, Ph.D. |
| Lecture 1 |
September 08, 1924 |
| Lecture 2 |
September 09, 1924 |
| Lecture 3 |
September 10, 1924 |
| Lecture 4 |
September 11, 1924 |
| Lecture 5 |
September 12, 1924 |
| Lecture 6 |
September 13, 1924 |
| Lecture 7 |
September 14, 1924 |
| Lecture 8 |
September 15, 1924 |
| Lecture 9 |
September 16, 1924 |
| Lecture 10 |
September 17, 1924 |
| Lecture 11 |
September 18, 1924 |
| Notes |
| The Foundations of Anthroposophical Medicine Lectures and Writings by Rudolf Steiner |
| Back Cover Sheet |
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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