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Searching First Scientific Lecture-Course

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Query was: air

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • unimpaired, but into it the darkening, the dimming effect is sent
  • Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • dark — i.e. the unimpaired brightness and on the other hand the
    • Here we have cut it out very neatly; you see a pretty fair circle.
    • air. Now my sighting line impinges on the water. The water does not
    • let my force of sight go through as easily as the air does; it offers
    • difficult for me to see through the water than through the air; the
    • could fill the vessel with a gas thinner than air (
    • turn fairly quickly and you still see the seven colours as such
  • Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • air (Euler for instance thought of it thus). If I call forth a sound,
    • the sound is propagated through the air in such a way that if this is
    • the place where the sound is evoked, the air in the immediate
    • neighbourhood is, to begin with, compressed. Compressed air arises
    • here. Now the compressed air presses in its turn on the adjoining
    • air. It expands, momentarily producing in this neighbourhood a layer
    • of attenuated air. Through these successions of compression and
    • through the air — with a velocity, you will recall, of 300,000
  • Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • a note, you will be able to show that the air inside it is vibrating.
    • demonstrable movement of the particles of air or of the bell; so you
    • executed by a body or by the air and our perceptions of tone or
    • unless the air in our environment is vibrating we shall not hear any
    • the air.
    • through our organs of hearing. The vibrations of the air beat on our
    • the air. So then it is the ether.” By a pure play of analogies
    • one is thus led to the idea: When the air beats upon our ear and we
    • the vibrating air and our sensation; so in like manner, when the
    • vibrating of the air when we perceive sounds — was transferred
  • Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • to swim in the element of air, which of course we always have
    • us is a kind of intermediary between the airy and the solid state.
    • Now we can also experience ourselves quite consciously in the airy
    • descends effectively into the airy element. Even as it enters into
    • enters into the element of air. Here again, it can
    • what is taking place in our environment of air. It is precisely
    • one we live with in the element of air, inasmuch as we ourselves
    • into the gaseous or airy element. Then are we living in the airy
    • this; so too must we partake in the element of air. We must
    • ourselves have something of the airy element within us in a
    • differentiated airy element outside us. In this respect, my dear
    • breathe-in the air and breathe it out again. When we breathe-out
    • the air we push our diaphragm upward. This involves a relief of
    • somewhat condensed modification, so to speak, of the air, for it is
    • really the out-breathed air which brings about the process. When I
    • differentiation, enabling me to perceive and experience the airy
    • differentiation of the air.
    • manifestation in the air outside you. The ear is in a way the
    • the differentiated airy movement that comes to you from without.
    • functioning as an airy body. You, as a living organism of air, live
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • sound advances in air — how far it goes, say, in a second
    • be reproduced, to demonstrate this oscillatory character of air or
    • air and we may therefore say that when we hear any sounding body
    • the air between it and us is in movement. Indeed we bring the air
    • tube, which we connect with another tube full of air, so that the
    • movements of the metallic tube are communicated to this air. If we
    • with air, the mobility of the tiny spheres of dust enables us to
    • there arises a condensation, a densifying of the air; this will
    • way. So there arises a thinning-out, a dilution of the air. Then at
    • condensations of the air. We really need not do all these
    • to direct a stream of air on to the moving disc. (He did.) You can
    • — 40 in fact. When Herr Stockmeyer blew the stream of air on
    • air was going. Thus on the inner circle we got 40 beats, but on the
    • of time we have 80 beats, 80 air-waves in the one case and 40 in
    • violent disturbance of the air. And from this premise Hamerling
    • air or vibrating ether, — let him put down the book which
    • me in the way I see you. Only the oscillations in the air, between
    • and expansion in the air, is transmitted through this peculiar
    • imagine the sound penetrating here in the form of air-waves and
    • air. Remember too what I was saying: a thing may look complete and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • conception and that of other scientists he had achieved pretty fair
    • glass tube from which the air has to a certain extent been pumped
    • through air of very high dilution. High tension is engendered in
    • when it goes through the highly attenuated air. It becomes even
    • air inside the tube.
    • air or gas, called for more detailed study, in which many
    • like those of matter. Shoot a material cannonball through the air
  • Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • which the air or gas was highly rarefied, led scientists to see in
    • which the air is rarefied. It has its cathode or negative pole
    • moment he wakes up. A chair has fallen over. This was the impact
    • impact of the chair. All this elaboration of the outer world
    • gas or air under the influence of warmth and in relation to its
    • mathematical certainty that air could not be liquefied. Yet air was
    • you will recall the analogy of the bell-jar from which the air has
    • fair example — have been pervaded, it will assuredly be of

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