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- Title: Prefatory Note: First Scientific Lecture-Course
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- wanting to defend Goethe's Theory of Colour in every
- from this principle the phenomena of colour which were not
- Theory of Colour in Goethe's spirit.”
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- colour, what we subjectively describe as the quality of colour is the
- light or colour for example, the objective wave-movement in the
- of the “subjective” phenomena of colour and the
- his Theory of Colour is also founded, of which we shall be speaking
- will perhaps begin to speak of Colour, for example, more in Goethe's
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- of light and colour rather as follows: — We ourselves are
- affected, say, by an impression of light or colour — we, that
- in greater detail in due time. Now in and with the light the colours
- such. With the help of the light we see the colours, but it would not
- all that meets us by way of colour really confronts us in two
- — there is no less of a polar quality in the realm of colour.
- kindred colours — orange and reddish. At the other pole is what
- we may describe as blue and kindred colours — indigo and violet
- world of colour meets us with a polar quality? Because in fact the
- polarity of colour is among the most significant phenomena of all
- yesterday, this is indeed the Ur-phenomenon of colour. We shall reach
- it to begin with by looking for colour in and about the light as
- glass — phenomena of colour arise at the edges.
- completely filled with colours, The displaced patch of light now
- more thorough study of it, we should find in it all the colours of
- phenomenon, the pure and simple fact. We see colours arising in and
- light is displaced and the phenomena of colour appear at the edges
- dimness, and by this means the dark or bluish colours are
- downward region the red or yellow colours. So therefore we may say:
- shades of colour; downward, the light outdoes and overwhelms the
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- and by. We shall have to go into the phenomena of light and colour
- prism — the phenomena of colour, in all their polar relation to
- treatment of light and colour. The strange education we are made to
- light and colour, let us now begin again, but from the other end. I
- a number of statements as to the way colours arise in and about the
- colourless light go through a prism the colourless light is analyzed
- we let a cylinder of colourless light impinge on the screen, it shows
- a colourless picture. Putting a prism in the way of the cylinder of
- light, the physicists went on to say, we get the sequence of colours:
- explain it thus, so he was told — The colourless light already
- contains the seven colours within itself — a rather difficult
- — the seven colours, into which it is thus analyzed.
- yonder wall. He really expected to see the light in seven colours.
- But the only place where he could see any colour at all was at some
- Looking at such a place through the prism he saw colours; where there
- seven colours at all, only a reddish colour at the lower edge,
- aperture has edges, and where the colours occur the reason is not
- that where light adjoins dark, colours appear at the edges. It is
- The colours therefore,
- colours. The latter phenomenon only arises when we take so small a
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- — primary phenomenon — of the Theory of Colour. By and
- Colour. Of course the phenomena get complicated; the simple
- light colours, i.e. in the direction of the red and yellowish tones.
- Blue or violet (bluish-red) tones of colour will appear (
- of colours, from violet to red; we caught it on a screen. I made a
- yellow-red colours.
- coloured.
- region). Through something darkened — through the blue colour,
- you do. Likewise the red colour below is proof that here is a region
- “objective” colours if you wish to speak in learned
- colour-spectrum, began to speculate as to the nature of light. Here
- is the prism, said Newton; we let the white light in. The colours are
- light into its constituents. Newton now imagined that to every colour
- corresponds a kind of substance, so that seven colours altogether are
- colours — so that the seven colours are parts or constituents
- then too I find I get a rainbow, only the colours are now in a
- into greenish-blue. I get a band of colours in a different order. On
- analyzable and would consist of seven colours. This, that he saw the
- black band too in seven colours, only in a different order, —
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- the colours are reversed. We have already discussed, why it is that
- the colours appear in this way when we simply look through the
- colours to what we call “bodies”. As a transition to this
- problem looking for the relations between the colours and what we
- Concerning the relation of the colours to the bodies we see around us
- (all of which are somehow coloured in the last resort), the point
- will be explained how it comes about that they appear coloured at
- say: When colourless sunlight — according to the physicists, a
- gathering of all the colours — falls on a body that looks red,
- this is due to the body's swallowing all the other colours and only
- another body appears blue. It swallows the remaining colours and
- namely the way we see what we call “coloured bodies”
- coloured light. The Bologna stone had acquired a relation to the
- coloured light, — a property the chlorophyll does not retain.
- coloured so long as we illumine it. The second is Phosphorescence: we
- cause a body to remain coloured still for a certain time after
- colour. We have this sequence: Fluorescence, Phosphorescence,
- Colouredness-of-bodies.
- these lectures we have seen how colours arise — and that in
- ways, colours arise in and about the light; so also they arise, or
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- really going on when the phenomena of colour comes into being before
- that in some way the colours spring from the light alone. For from
- between the lighter and the darker colours. The light ones have a
- colours on the other hand have a quality of drawing on us, sucking at
- from the lighter colours we draw near the darker ones, the blue and
- light, the enduring colours. We cannot treat all these things
- eye too is a sense-organ and through it we perceive the colours; so
- and finds expression in light and colour there is the vibrating
- different colours. By calculation one may even explain from the
- what underlies the phenomena of light and colour: namely, undulations
- has taken place. First it is light and colour which they desire to
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- colour. As I have said before, all I can give you in this Course
- that wherever colours arise there is a working-together of light
- coloured shadows, as they are called.
- shadows, without perceptible colour. You only need to take a good
- is illumined by both sources of light. Now I will colour the one
- coloured glass, so that this one of the lights is now coloured
- colour on to the white surface. In such a case, you are seeing the
- familiar with this phenomenon, and also knew that of the coloured
- reddish-shining colour. In fact I see the screen more or less red.
- — I with my own eye generate the contrasting colour. There is
- screen as a whole now has a reddish colour.
- green strip. It stays green, does it not? So with the other colour:
- Theory of Colour it must of course be rectified.
- researches to show the real nature of coloured shadows.]
- with colour. The light and darkness then work together in a
- permanently fixed colour, it stays as long as we create the
- the green colour that appears to me when I have been exposing my
- eye for a time to red, the colour or coloured after-image that is
- “subjective, objective” distinction, between the colour
- that is temporarily fixed here and the colour that seems only to be
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- pitch; thirdly a certain quality or colouring of sound. The problem
- Theory of Colour,
- “Ethical-Aesthetical Effects of Colour”
- never do this if you take your start from the colour-theory of
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- discharges; the coloured line which you are seeing is the path
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- shimmering in a violet shade of colour, and the canal rays coming
- of light, colours could be seen arising, but man had not enough
- inner activity to receive the world of colour into his forming of
- colours, scientists replaced the colours, which they could not
- in Goethe's Theory of Colour. We shall be studying the element of
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