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Query was: force

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
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    • of Darwinism, for he now felt that the driving forces
  • Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • forces or substances or even more universal entities. They speak for
    • instance of the force of electricity, the force of magnetism, the
    • force of heat or warmth, and so on. They speak of an unknown
    • We call the force of attraction Gravity or Gravitation and then
    • remember the so-called Parallelogram of forces, (
    • some little grain of material substance. I exert a force to draw it
    • movement as such; now I am saying that a force draws the little ball
    • from a to b. Suppose the measure of this force,
    • denote it by a corresponding length in this direction. With a force
    • pull with a certain force from a to c. Pulling from
    • a to c (with a force denoted by this length) I need
    • a different force than when I pulled direct from a to
    • line from c to b, and with a force denoted by the
    • towards b with a force of five grammes, I should have to
    • I pulled simultaneously with forces represented by the lines a
    • real pull, a real force is exercised. Here I must somehow measure the
    • force; I must approach Nature herself; I must go on from thought to
    • Forces, you have a clear and sharp formulation of the essential
    • mental pictures. You can reach movements but not forces with your
    • mental activity. Forces you have to measure in the outer world. The
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • mechanics already has to do with forces and with masses. I will write
    • a force to be acting on the point. I will call v the
    • velocity and p the force that is acting on the point. Also
    • we will suppose the force not only to be working instantaneously,
    • no hindrance — but we will presuppose that the force is working
    • continuously, so that the same force acts upon the point throughout
    • which the force is acting on the point. Finally we must take account
    • the object which the force is moving and express the mass of it in
    • Now if the force
    • increase of velocity. A smaller force, acting on the same mass, will
    • larger force, acting on the same mass, will make it move quicker more
    • force which is acting on the given mass by the length of the path,
    • equation: the bigger the mass, the bigger the force must be. What
    • is still bearable. Only in that case you lose, a little of the force
    • exhausts, sucks out, withdraws from us the force of consciousness.
    • not in forces that pull downward but on the contrary, in forces that
    • pull upward. With our Intelligence, we live in a force of
    • unites with the downward force of gravity or weight. Our Intelligence
    • unite with the force of buoyancy, — inasmuch as our brain
    • counteracts the force of gravity. You see then how the diverse ways
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • its force after having gone through. Here therefore — where it
    • goes through less matter — the force of it is greater than
    • where it goes through more. It is the stronger force in the middle,
    • more force; due to the longer path at the edge, more force is taken
    • let my force of sight go through as easily as the air does; it offers
    • shorten the force and so I myself draw the object upward. In meeting
    • the stronger resistance I draw in the force and shorten it. If I
    • sighting force of the eye encounters in the denser medium it has to
    • sighting force of the eye. It is at such points that you see most
  • Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • by, you will find it confirmed and reinforced in the phenomena you
    • experiment, they do; or again, they reinforce each other. In effect,
    • so as to reinforce each other, a lighter patch will arise; if
    • force that is brought to bear. If the sodium light arising here were
    • force, it puts itself in the way, even as an indifferent obstacle
  • Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • being attributed from the very outset to a force proceeding from the
    • one and affecting the other body — a “force of
    • force of gravity”. If a stone falls to the Earth the
    • attract one another, — send some mysterious force out into
    • been people who have explained the force of gravity simply by saying:
    • It is a force acting at a distance and attracts the bodies towards
    • it is unthinkable for any force to act at a distance. They then
    • Figure VIc have been gratuitously added, just as the forces
    • Now it is simpler to add in thought some unknown forces than to admit
    • them a force of gravity, just as you might invent a force of gravity
    • insofar as they are pieced together from sundry forces of Nature by
    • forces” proves to be not without effect upon those processes
    • one was forced to admit that the two realms must have to do with each
    • electro-magnetic force. They know still better now, what light is,
    • than they did before. It is electro-magnetic streams of force. Only
  • Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • oscillation of the rhythmic forces, there is produced within you
    • finger — exerting pressure, using some force as you do so,
  • Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • of resin, is made to develop a certain force by rubbing it with
    • forces proceeding from the glass rod, and from the rod of resin or
    • connection of the electrical forces, positive and negative, with
    • other. We see how the electrical forces, when thus confronting one
    • electrification is called frictional electricity, since the force,
    • electricity”. It is a force of tension which is really always
    • foundation of all the so-called “forces of Nature”. It
    • mechanical force we turned a flywheel; this was attached to an
    • chemical forces and see how warmth arose in the process. Again,
    • especially this so-called transformation of Nature's forces on
    • between the diverse forces of Nature so-called, — trying to
    • magnetic force. Crookes therefore called that which is shot across
    • electromagnetic force. Such was his line of thought: the very fact
    • with magnetic and electric forces. Other discoveries followed. You
    • properties these bodies have. They ray-out certain lines of force
    • explosions of force, if we may so describe them, which can be
    • same cylinder of force which is here raying forth, there is one
    • shooting force, tending to remain behind, makes itself felt as
    • those forces which develop in us when we are sleeping. And we are
  • Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • be deflected by magnetic forces, they prove akin to what we should
    • including the forces? Whence do we get these ideas? We may commonly

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