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  • Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
    Matching lines:
    • good thing for mankind that in this Movement some
    • to lead again to spiritual sources that realm of human
    • my life-work began at a time when many people were feeling
    • The strivings of many of our contemporaries towards some form
    • The outer senses develop and awaken in the human being, so to
    • knowledge in its many aspects. Here I set forth, what in the
    • admittedly imperfect as it still is in many ways. Herein I
    • spiritual longings that became manifest among the members of
    • “To this end the many
    • more intimate circles I might speak of many things in a form
    • science of Man and of the essence of the great Universe as
  • Title: Prefatory Note: First Scientific Lecture-Course
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    • Man and of Mankind” by Rudolf Steiner (1911):
  • Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • of Nature in the customary manner of our time, generally have no very
    • many single wolves, single hyenas, single phenomena of warmth, single
    • phenomena of electricity are given to the human being, who thereupon
    • in many single experiences. Now we may say, this first important
    • by the man of today in scientific research, is that he tries by
    • problematical for Goethe. He did not like to see the many concrete
    • manifestation of an entity into another. He felt concerned, not with
    • with — things that are really exercised by man before he
    • is something man understands on its own ground, in and by itself.
    • so many times greater than the force needed to make a gramme go a
    • manifestation of Force, we shall be able to say that the force
    • in many instances we really find it so. There are whole fields of
    • wherever we can find so many single points from which quite definite
    • we may truly say: All that Man makes by way of machines — all
    • that is pieced together by Man from elements supplied by Nature
    • artificially by Man, the workings of centric forces and cosmic are
    • one exception is what Man makes artificially; man-made machines and
    • relation is even of Man himself to all his study and contemplation of
    • a clearer picture of Man's relation to Nature and how it needs to be.
  • Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • immense. It cannot find it because it has no real human science,
    • — no real physiology. It does not know the human being. You
    • human experience contains the m no less than the v,
    • Here then you have the real relationship to man. To understand what
    • implied in the letter m, yet with our full human being we do
    • in man's own constitution. Our brain, you see, weighs on the average
    • in which the life of man unites with the material element that
    • — We have to consider man, not in the abstract manner of today,
    • embrace also the knowledge of the physical. In the human being we
    • spoke, manages to filter through to the Intelligence. Hence our
    • be co-ordinated with what lives in man himself. If we stay only in
    • instance, and how they work in man. Man in his inner life, as I was
    • man. In the part of him which serves Intelligence, you get the ether
    • space. Manifestly we then come into quite another relation to the
  • Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • and prisms — and what comes to manifestation through the light.
    • all manner of other things, — light-rays and so on. The
    • Physics they will invent all manner of concepts but fail to reckon
    • like so many soldiers. The seven naughty boys were there in the light
    • our study of the nature of the human eye. Here is a model of it
    • IIIf). The human eye, as you know, is in form like a kind of
    • outer world. At this place in the human body therefore — in the
    • cornea, — a man in his bodily nature is quite of a piece with
    • we shall try gradually to discover how the many-coloured world
  • Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • cylinder of light. This light however consists of ever so many
    • mirror, for many of them go in that direction also. It will be very
    • corpuscular emanation will not explain this phenomenon of alternating
    • As I said before, the fact that wave-movements in many directions
    • adding things out of the blue, of which man has no knowledge. Of
  • Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • then investigated in many ways and were called
    • There are many bodies
    • the phenomena, in a manner of speaking, side by side. What we must
    • first have to look for the velocity, so in like manner, we are in one
    • ask: How do we manage to swim in light? We obviously cannot swim in
    • many ways — in and about the light itself. In the most manifold
  • Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • for with these too, as human beings, we do somehow unite.
    • proceed at once to thought-out explanations, we can find manifold
    • explanations there are no doubt many others. It is a classical
    • — to add all manner of unknown agencies and fancied energies,
    • complete in mind if I describe the whole human body as a single
    • section of a whole. How many errors arise by considering to be a
    • the vibrating air and our sensation; so in like manner, when the
    • other. As a result, very many physicists now include what radiates in
  • Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • and darkness. What we now have to do is to observe as many
    • permanently fixed colour, it stays as long as we create the
    • within us. We human beings, after all, are to a very small extent
    • manifold and differentiated way — this upward and downward
    • manifestation in the air outside you. The ear is in a way the
    • we have three stages in man's relation to the outer world — I
    • in the manifoldly formed and differentiated outer air. It is no
    • you as a man-of-air converse and come to terms with the surrounding
    • beneath this level or niveau when functioning as airy man,
    • Man”. They speak no doubt of soul and mind, or even
    • this light affects the human eye. The eye somehow responds; at any
  • Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • Science. Namely, before that turning-point in time, man's whole way
    • characteristically Roman-Catholic as indeed it is.
    • the next hole came where the last had been, and there arose as many
    • ‘tone’. In all manner of variations you will find ever
    • these benches, are so many heaps of vibrations. If you deny to
    • qualitative is no concern of mine. A man who speaks like this is at
    • but in the life of humanity at large.
    • and understand how man himself is placed into the midst even of
    • to some extent analyzing the human eye. Today we will do the same
    • with the human ear. As we go inward in the eye, you will remember
    • describe the human ear, and in a purely external sense we may aver:
    • rhythm, manifested in the rise and fall of the cerebrospinal fluid.
    • its span — is also fundamental, in the real human being, to
    • will have a totality; it only comes to manifestation in a more
    • human being so as to bring him to life instead of seeing things in
    • animals the pecten, which man only has etherically, or the
    • human body I have the eye. In its more inward parts it is a
    • which the human being's own activity is already contained —
    • or oscillations. We must make greater demands on the qualitative
    • element in human thinking. If such demands are unfulfilled, we only
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • applied it to the most manifold phenomena of Nature, — nor
    • and manifold as they appear. These tendencies were crowned to some
    • manner. Hertz could now say that electricity spreads out and the
    • as it were, becoming manifest where it encounters other bodies, so
    • too can the electric waves spread out, becoming manifest —
    • air or gas, called for more detailed study, in which many
    • after the manner of the old wave-theories. Instead, they now
    • something is there, demanding our consideration),—
    • came to the conclusion which was in fact emerging from many and
    • So they were dealing already with many different kinds of rays.
    • the Luciferic and the Ahrimanic spiritual activities work into
    • itself. But the material thus emanated proves to be radium no
    • no sense-organ for electricity in man.” The light has built
    • for itself in man the eye — a sense-organ with which to see
    • warmth-organ is built into man. For electricity, they say, there is
    • often explained: as human beings we are in fact dual beings. That
    • this memberment of the human being; consider it with fully open
    • of light. An open-minded study of the human being shews that all
    • certain lower animals is but the symptom — becoming manifest
    • many complicated ways — which we have only gone through in
  • Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • proved complicated. As we say yesterday, manifold types of
    • man sought to follow up the phenomena of Nature, was not
    • sufficiently mobile in the human being himself. Above all, it was
    • of light, colours could be seen arising, but man had not enough
    • flowing electricity has become manifest to some extent, as a form
    • phenomena themselves with human thinking. Now to this end certain
    • that come to the human being rather than from him —
    • have been obliging human thought to become rather more mobile
    • from this realm; they come from the unconscious in the human being.
    • most exact of Sciences, is modern mankind's dream of Nature.
    • Nature is truly equivalent to the Will in Man. The realm of Will in
    • Man is equivalent to this whole realm of action of the cathode
    • which, once again, is in the human being the realm of Will, —
    • therefore are the realms, in Nature and in Man, which we may truly
    • think of as akin to one-another. However, human thinking has in our
    • realms. Man of today can dream quite nicely, thinking out
    • akin to the realm of human Will, in which geometry and arithmetic
    • of the old wave-theory, you will find many of them feeling a little
    • methods of calculation seem to break down in so many places. In
    • indeed many things like this in modern Physics, — very
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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