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  • Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
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    • The Anthroposophical Movement within
    • good thing for mankind that in this Movement some
    • edition, and on a number of corrections and improvements,
    • knowledge seemed to me to find expression in such men as
    • weight, constitute genuine knowledge. Men did not venture to
    • — no fundamental progress was possible. If a more
    • This mental tendency has become habitual throughout the
    • development which Nature gives the powers of the senses. The
    • saw my essential task, in the fulfilment of which I only had
    • time. Yet side by side with this requirement I had to do full
    • “Competent judgment on the
  • Title: Prefatory Note: First Scientific Lecture-Course
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    • from this principle the phenomena of colour which were not
  • Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • fundamental trend and tendency in Science, which should permeate your
    • call the experimental side of Science and what concerns the outlook,
    • the idea, the fundamental views which we can gain on the results of
    • experiment. Today, by way of introduction, — and, as the saying
    • several creatures and phenomena he may form concepts of species, kind
    • and genus. He sub-divides and classifies the beings and phenomena of
    • many single wolves, single hyenas, single phenomena of warmth, single
    • phenomena of electricity are given to the human being, who thereupon
    • attempts to gather up the single phenomena into kinds and species. So
    • “hyena”, likewise he classifies the phenomena into
    • experiment, or by conceptual elaboration of the results of
    • experiment, to arrive at what he calls the “causes” of
    • phenomena. Speaking of causes, our scientists will have in mind
    • “ether” or the like, as underlying the phenomena of light
    • and electricity. From the results of experiment they try to arrive at
    • causes of phenomena, the scientists are always wanting to find their
    • justified to say that when we perceive a phenomenon of light or
    • wave-movement in the ether. They do not pause to think, whether it is
    • the latter being the supposed wave-movement in the ether, or else the
    • the phenomena are spoken of; it still undoubtedly prevails in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • movement. This we can spin, as it were, out of our own life of
    • counted and computed or that is spatial in form and movement, and it
    • external experiences the moment we go beyond what can be counted and
    • respect) still mostly goes on speaking for example of the phenomena
    • space and time, is a movement in the ether. Yet if you look it up in
    • about the phenomena of light, you will find contradictory and
    • simply adduce the essential elements to bring the formula before your
    • the moment, we are considering the movement pure and simple, not its
    • — pressing upon the point for a single moment which of course
    • interests us at the moment is however this: — On the right-hand
    • immense. It cannot find it because it has no real human science,
    • movement. To that extent, the formula is phoronomical. When I write
    • same phenomenon — loss of consciousness — is taking
    • in our consciousness quite neutrally. The moment we go beyond this,
    • observe as an objective phenomenon in Physics, is of great importance
    • outer object in our experiment swims in the water, so does the brain
    • While, with some justice we may regard the brain as the instrument of
    • is the essential feature of the phenomenon of Will. As a conscious
    • phenomenon it is blotted out, extinguished, because in fact the Will
    • in which the life of man unites with the material element that
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • phenomenon with the prism — at the end of yesterday's lecture
    • and by. We shall have to go into the phenomena of light and colour
    • prism — the phenomena of colour, in all their polar relation to
    • treatment of light and colour. The strange education we are made to
    • undergo instils this mental habit. Thinking of outer Nature, people
    • For the phenomena of
    • a number of statements as to the way colours arise in and about the
    • prismatic phenomena we were beginning to study yesterday. It was
    • and split up. For in some such way the phenomena were interpreted. If
    • to the bottom of it. He began borrowing and collecting instruments,
    • enough to send him some scientific instruments to Weimar. Goethe
    • wanted his instruments back. Goethe had not yet begun; — it
    • Goethe had to pack the instruments to send them back again. Meanwhile
    • the instruments back, but kept them and went on with his researches.
    • It soon emerged that the phenomenon was not at all as commonly
    • to begin with, make their appearance purely and simply as phenomena
    • primary phenomenon. We are no longer seeing the original phenomenon
    • colours. The latter phenomenon only arises when we take so small a
    • edges stay as they are. This is the primal phenomenon. Colours arise
    • the given facts. However, as you have seen, in these phenomena not
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • placing before you what we may call the “Ur-phenomenon”
    • — primary phenomenon — of the Theory of Colour. By and
    • by, you will find it confirmed and reinforced in the phenomena you
    • Colour. Of course the phenomena get complicated; the simple
    • Ur-phenomenon is not always easy to recognize at once. But if you
    • take the trouble you will find it everywhere. The simple phenomenon
    • Ur-phenomenon: Light through dark — yellow; dark through light
    • This simple phenomenon
    • recall from this point of view the experiment which we have done. We
    • drawing of the phenomenon (see
    • passing through the prism, the light gets darkened. The moment we
    • have the following phenomenon: Looking along here, I see what would
    • with the fundamental fact we have just now been ascertaining. Then,
    • blue or bluish-red. You need but express the primal phenomenon,
    • For the phenomenon we
    • phenomena there has been much intellectual speculation, my dear
    • Friends, in modern time. The phenomena have not merely been observed
    • and stated purely as phenomena, as we have been endeavouring to do.
    • giving rise in us to the phenomenon of red, etc., — this will
    • an experiment of Fresnel's, towards which some preliminary work had
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • shewing, as well as may be with our limited resources, the experiment
    • careful experiment, it is true, we should perceive that everything
    • light above all in 1859 by the famous experiment of Kirchhoff and
    • you will presently see, the elements we are compiling will pave the
    • way to an understanding also of this phenomenon. In the first place
    • to arrange the experiment so as to project the spectrum on to a
    • experiment was shewn to everyone in turn).
    • the following experiment. You now see the complete spectrum projected
    • it were, to close in upon — this very complex phenomenon.
    • alchemical experiments with a kind of Heavy Spar (Barytes). He made
    • exposed this to the light, a strange phenomenon occurred. After
    • phenomenon of after-luminescence — phosphor escence — is
    • not the simplest. Another phenomenon is really the simple one. If you
    • experiment can be made with a variety of other bodies. It is most
    • by another kind of light, we call the phenomenon Fluorescence. And,
    • the phenomena, in a manner of speaking, side by side. What we must
    • try to do is to approach the phenomena rightly with our thinking, our
    • forming of ideas. There is another fundamental idea which you will
    • velocity. The space and time are our own instruments. They are bound
    • and the same element with the so-called bodies whenever we behold
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • other natural phenomena which we shall presently be studying. I will
    • off the experimental part until tomorrow. We must determine still
    • to discern and truly to set forth the facts in the phenomena of
    • Men began studying the
    • phenomena of light in rather recent times, historically speaking.
    • Nay, the whole way of thinking about the phenomena of Physics,
    • the 16th century. The way men thought of such phenomena before the
    • What did they teach you of the phenomenon you see when you observe
    • displacement. Surely this is wrong. For even if I fix my gaze on this
    • what is displaced in these optical phenomena can never be thus
    • abstractly confined. If therefore I repeat Newton's experiment
    • whole theory of the phenomenon upon it. I still ought to speak in
    • really going on when the phenomena of colour comes into being before
    • “I know four men. One of them owns £25, another £50;
    • kind of enrichment when in a light-filled space. We draw the light
    • is a very similar phenomenon, like a cessation of consciousness, when
    • seek the transition from the phenomena of light to the phenomena of
    • looked for the fleeting phenomena of light — phosphorescence
    • and fluorescence — and then the firm and fast phenomena of
    • reflect a little on the facts and we shall recognize an immense
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • today with an experiment bearing upon our studies of the theory of
    • the usual straight line. We try to gather up the diverse phenomena
    • phenomena as we can before we try to theorize. We want to form a
    • darkness. Today I will begin by shewing you the phenomenon of
    • consider please the following phenomenon; it is most important,
    • therefore I mention it once more. Say in a room you have a red
    • familiar with this phenomenon, and also knew that of the coloured
    • And as an outcome — as with the cushion mentioned just now
    • experiment that the green really is objective. It remains green,
    • hence the phenomenon cannot be one of mere contrast but is
    • will produce the phenomenon and you must now look through on to the
    • [After some careful experiments on a later occasion,
    • on this passage.) He also recommended chemical and photographic
    • with, my dear Friends, along with all the other phenomena which we
    • objective phenomenon of the green is called forth. Now side by side
    • phenomenon, the green that stays there on the screen; though not a
    • real fact. When I am seeing red through my eyes, as at this moment,
    • apparatus is my eye; I see an objective phenomenon through my own
    • eye. It is the same objective phenomenon which I see here, only
    • experiment.
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  • Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • speak of the phenomena of sound and tone in the scholastic system
    • of the earliest things to which men became attentive in this
    • domain. They also became attentive to the so-called phenomena of
    • elements. It has first a certain intensity; secondly a certain
    • phenomenon that underlies it — or, shall we rather say,
    • accompanies, runs parallel to it. The usual experiments can easily
    • glass plate. We need not actually do all these experiments, but if
    • movements. These forms of movement are naturally conveyed to the
    • the air between it and us is in movement. Indeed we bring the air
    • itself directly into movement in the instruments called pipes.
    • have gradually discovered what kind of movement it is. It takes
    • movements of the metallic tube are communicated to this air. If we
    • prove by direct experiment that we are dealing with dilutions and
    • experiments; they are at hand, if I may say so. What you can get
    • to the phenomena of Nature spiritual forms of thought such as we
    • Physics nowadays, is fundamentally a product of the said tendency,
    • perceive notes of different pitch. How do the external phenomena of
    • of different pitch? The answer can be shewn by such experiments as
    • experiments of this kind shew how the pitch of the note is
    • is s, the whole wave-movement must be advancing n
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • draw your attention to the development of electrical discoveries,
    • elementary phenomena of electricity. A rod of glass, or it may be
    • emerged from a more detailed observation of these phenomena. The
    • the qualitative descriptions which these phenomena suggest, one
    • brings negative toward itself in some way. You know the phenomenon
    • characteristic phenomena, say, of positive electricity, the other
    • you have often witnessed the experiment.
    • immense and epoch-making technical developments which followed.
    • The effect produced — the development of warmth — may
    • applied it to the most manifold phenomena of Nature, — nor
    • reversing the experiment which we have just described, warmth could
    • too being already conceived at that time as a wave-movement in the
    • all, is a phenomenon not unlike what you would have if here for
    • proof that with electricity something like a wave-movement is
    • generally imagines wave-movements to spread out. Even as light
    • they had begun to imagine wave-movements, since the phenomena of
    • Hertz's experiments proved to be more like a closing chapter of the
    • those experiments where an electric current, which you can generate
    • more intense when the vacuum is higher. Look how a kind of movement
    • phenomenon gets modified. The electricity which otherwise flows
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  • Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • can always make visible by experiment. In Science today — and
    • to develop a right way of thinking upon the facts and phenomena
    • as we have seen, the phenomena of light had been brought into a
    • phenomena produced by the passage of electricity through tubes in
    • The phenomena
    • these radiations. Yet in this very experiment we are again
    • element of matter. For you can imagine that a bombardment is taking
    • protected. This can be shewn by Crookes's experiment, interposing a
    • in this way are the Roentgen rays or X-rays, mentioned
    • is the chemical element itself which as it were gives itself up
    • phenomena.
    • may become for you an essential way, not only into these phenomena
    • man sought to follow up the phenomena of Nature, was not
    • evades you. It will not answer the roll-call. In these experiments
    • of phenomenon in the outer world, — but the
    • the 19th-century thinking to penetrate into the phenomena. But this
    • phenomena themselves with human thinking. Now to this end certain
    • (albeit, in a certain sense, from the wrong angle). What men
    • was that they could explain the phenomena so beautifully by means
    • of arithmetic and geometry — by the arrangement of lines,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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