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- Title: Prefatory Note: First Scientific Lecture-Course
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- from this principle the phenomena of colour which were not
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- several creatures and phenomena he may form concepts of species, kind
- and genus. He sub-divides and classifies the beings and phenomena of
- many single wolves, single hyenas, single phenomena of warmth, single
- phenomena of electricity are given to the human being, who thereupon
- attempts to gather up the single phenomena into kinds and species. So
- “hyena”, likewise he classifies the phenomena into
- phenomena. Speaking of causes, our scientists will have in mind
- “ether” or the like, as underlying the phenomena of light
- causes of phenomena, the scientists are always wanting to find their
- the phenomena are spoken of; it still undoubtedly prevails in
- Nature. He takes the phenomena to begin with — say, such a
- Phenomena like this the scientist sums up and so arrives at what he
- phenomena, the classification into species and genera, whether of the
- metamorphosis both of phenomena and of the several creatures. Also
- time makes experiments; having thus studied the phenomena, it then
- of the “subjective” phenomena of colour and the
- the phenomena themselves together till in the last resort he gets the
- kind of phenomena which he calls archetypal, — the
- Ur-phenomena. These archetypal phenomena — once more,
- actual phenomena; he only sifts and simplifies them and then calls
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- respect) still mostly goes on speaking for example of the phenomena
- about the phenomena of light, you will find contradictory and
- — strong enough to dive down into the phenomena of Nature and
- down into such phenomena as pressure and buoyancy. Here is true
- into its thinking. — so to connect outer phenomena like the one
- phenomena — in this instance, the swimming of the brain. Catch
- polarity of colour is among the most significant phenomena of all
- glass — phenomena of colour arise at the edges.
- light is displaced and the phenomena of colour appear at the edges
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- and by. We shall have to go into the phenomena of light and colour
- prism — the phenomena of colour, in all their polar relation to
- For the phenomena of
- prismatic phenomena we were beginning to study yesterday. It was
- and split up. For in some such way the phenomena were interpreted. If
- to begin with, make their appearance purely and simply as phenomena
- the given facts. However, as you have seen, in these phenomena not
- the phenomena in this case I must say: the cylinder of light has been
- these phenomena? Evidently there is an active relation between the
- In our attempts to follow up the phenomena of light by means of lines
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- by, you will find it confirmed and reinforced in the phenomena you
- Colour. Of course the phenomena get complicated; the simple
- phenomena there has been much intellectual speculation, my dear
- Friends, in modern time. The phenomena have not merely been observed
- and stated purely as phenomena, as we have been endeavouring to do.
- certain other phenomena, they set to work to explain it in a
- However, there were phenomena at variance with this idea; so then
- a great difference there is between taking the phenomena purely as
- understanding, remaining amid the phenomena themselves — and on
- thought requires us so to explain the phenomena that they themselves
- is simply to take the phenomena as we find them.
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- the phenomena, in a manner of speaking, side by side. What we must
- try to do is to approach the phenomena rightly with our thinking, our
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- other natural phenomena which we shall presently be studying. I will
- to discern and truly to set forth the facts in the phenomena of
- phenomena of light in rather recent times, historically speaking.
- Nay, the whole way of thinking about the phenomena of Physics,
- the 16th century. The way men thought of such phenomena before the
- what is displaced in these optical phenomena can never be thus
- really going on when the phenomena of colour comes into being before
- seek the transition from the phenomena of light to the phenomena of
- looked for the fleeting phenomena of light — phosphorescence
- and fluorescence — and then the firm and fast phenomena of
- more unaccustomed to state the phenomena purely, yet upon this all
- depends. For if we do not state the phenomena purely and simply, but
- bottom of it all? This tendency to add to the phenomena in thought
- whole! By thus considering only the partial phenomena and then
- phenomena for which a very convenient fact is indeed given. If you
- For the phenomena of sound and tone therefore, you have the
- sound. For this field of phenomena it is quite patent: vibrations are
- ascertain by means of such phenomena as we have seen in our
- they could even devise explanations of the phenomena we have been
- however, other phenomena have been discovered. Thus we can make a
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- the usual straight line. We try to gather up the diverse phenomena
- phenomena as we can before we try to theorize. We want to form a
- with, my dear Friends, along with all the other phenomena which we
- then first projecting the phenomena we see out into space. We with
- fully when we go on from certain kinds of physical phenomena to
- others. No open-minded person, examining the phenomena of colour in
- phenomena of sound or tone. You see from this: we
- phenomena of sound and of musical tone. Even as we ourselves with
- our own consciousness have to partake in the phenomena of light so
- that we swim in the light-phenomena of our environment; and as we
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- speak of the phenomena of sound and tone in the scholastic system
- domain. They also became attentive to the so-called phenomena of
- to the phenomena of Nature spiritual forms of thought such as we
- perceive notes of different pitch. How do the external phenomena of
- to apply to the phenomena of sound and light? This surely would be
- call this the “mutual sympathy” of phenomena; it can be
- these parallel phenomena which appear so much more spiritual
- parallel, without more ado, all that goes on in the phenomena of
- tone and sound on the one hand and on the other hand the phenomena
- approach to the related phenomena. My seeing in effect is
- eye and the phenomena of light. What comes into our consciousness
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- elementary phenomena of electricity. A rod of glass, or it may be
- emerged from a more detailed observation of these phenomena. The
- the qualitative descriptions which these phenomena suggest, one
- characteristic phenomena, say, of positive electricity, the other
- applied it to the most manifold phenomena of Nature, — nor
- they had begun to imagine wave-movements, since the phenomena of
- I cannot go into these phenomena in greater detail, but I should
- phenomena which thus appeared in tubes containing highly attenuated
- experiments had to be made on the phenomena in these evacuated
- know what so-called “matter” is. But the phenomena
- electricity shewed very strange phenomena. A clear direction was
- The phenomena
- fundamentally different from that of the phenomena of sound or
- light for example, or even the phenomena of warmth. In light and
- our relation to the electrical phenomena. We do not perceive
- sensory and thinking life. Above all is this true of the phenomena
- electrical phenomena.
- direct experience of the phenomena of our own Will; all we are able
- we have no direct experience of the electrical phenomena of Nature.
- the external phenomena of electricity and magnetism.
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- to develop a right way of thinking upon the facts and phenomena
- as we have seen, the phenomena of light had been brought into a
- phenomena produced by the passage of electricity through tubes in
- The phenomena
- phenomena.
- may become for you an essential way, not only into these phenomena
- man sought to follow up the phenomena of Nature, was not
- the 19th-century thinking to penetrate into the phenomena. But this
- phenomena themselves with human thinking. Now to this end certain
- was that they could explain the phenomena so beautifully by means
- surfaces and bodily forms in space. But the phenomena in these
- This way of thinking was now applied to the external phenomena
- in outer Nature. We calculate Nature's phenomena in the realm of
- our intellect is thus at work on the phenomena seen by the senses.
- and algebraic too) to the phenomena of light or sound, then in your
- You unite it with the external phenomena, but you are quite
- when you connect it with the phenomena of light. What you then do
- phenomena of warmth) — by means of geometrical, arithmetical
- different when we go down from the phenomena of light and sound,
- via the phenomena of warmth, into the realm we are coming into with
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
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