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- Title: Prefatory Note: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- Physics the Christ will be found. Thus will a spiritual
- form of Chemistry and Physics come to pass in
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- quite impossible. Through all that lives and works in the Physics and
- of Physics. There is one thing however to which we may draw attention
- we always look for, when speaking of the World in terms of Physics.
- study transient, living phenomena of Nature in terms of Physics. We
- Physics will be such as to enable one to speak in Goethe's sense. Men
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- modern Physics does not really understand what this leap involves.
- meant by the word “Ether” in Physics. As I said
- yesterday, present-day Physics (though now a little less sure in this
- confused ideas. Indeed, with the resources of Physics as it is today
- perhaps a bridge — the bridge which modern Physics cannot find
- Physics today cannot
- observe as an objective phenomenon in Physics, is of great importance
- indeed high time, if I may say so, for Physics to get a little grit
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- relation to the rest of Physics, and will therefore provide a good
- Physics they will invent all manner of concepts but fail to reckon
- Physics. All things are turned into mere phoronomic systems; what
- modern Physics has to say about it, — what is already said in
- Goethe's time. According to modern Physics, here are the colours of
- it will enable us to go forward also in the other realms of Physics,
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- truer Physics.
- credulous believers in the Physics of today, nor need we be of
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- Nay, the whole way of thinking about the phenomena of Physics,
- errors that have crept into modern Physics since about the 16th
- within the light-condition of our environment. Physics, since the
- been the bane of Physics since the 16th century. In course of time
- and as is done in Newtonian Physics to this day.
- Newtonian Physics to make as neat as possible an extract of this
- abstraction. From this abstraction however present-day Physics has
- arisen. This Physics is an outcome of abstraction; it thinks that
- not at all easy for Physics if these more recent phenomena really
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- the conventional categories of the Physics textbooks, — in
- what is given you in modern Physics, abstracted as it is from all
- what this school of Physics never does is to go simply into the
- Physiology and Physics, and we can scarcely blame our physicists if
- then be able to go on into the other realms of Physics.
- great achievements of modern Physics; it is in truth a very great
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- description of modern Physics may be said to date back to the 15th
- of modern Physics came about only gradually. What first caught
- Physics, especially at the beginning of modern time, either by the
- Physics nowadays, is fundamentally a product of the said tendency,
- of studying it which we have grown accustomed to in modern Physics
- especially, we see how modern Physics is always prone to insert
- Having absorbed and accepted the teachings of Physics, Hamerling
- appearance. That which arises (speaking in terms of Physics) in the
- far astray materialistic Physics goes and how unreal it becomes in
- modern Physics.
- the Physics of today, and which is to reality as is a tissue-paper
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- more comprehensive view of Physics as a whole.
- electricity”, thus opening up to modern Physics a domain
- Physics a somewhat wider and more qualitative aspect, — this
- thinking of 19th century Physics had been right.
- then at what has happened in Physics during the 1890's and the
- than that in Physics the old concepts are undergoing complete
- recent times is compelling even Physics — though, to begin
- Wherever in the formulae of Physics we write m for
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- right out of its bearings, so to speak, even by Physics itself.
- period has been in Physics. Impelled by the very facts that have
- not emerged, Physics has suffered no less a loss than the concept
- but into those of Nature generally. The Physics of the 19th century
- is just what Physics will require from now on. We have to enter the
- Physics.
- Physics — we calculate and draw them in geometrical figures.
- Science — above all in Physics — they will then see
- indeed many things like this in modern Physics, — very
- be cited. Reality today — especially in Physics — often
- of Physics. Ever-increasingly we shall be obliged to think in this
- need for the Waldorf School. In Physics especially it becomes
- deeply the ideas of Physics penetrate into the life of mankind.
- conceptions of modern Physics, terrible as these conceptions often
- in a Baltic University, on the relation of Physics and Technics,
- Physics, they will be better prepared to learn anew in other fields
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