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Searching First Scientific Lecture-Course

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Query was: sound

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • is propagated through the ether in the same way as sound is through
    • air (Euler for instance thought of it thus). If I call forth a sound,
    • the sound is propagated through the air in such a way that if this is
    • the place where the sound is evoked, the air in the immediate
    • expansion, known as waves, we imagine sound to spread. To begin with,
    • the waves are of a different kind from those of sound. In sound there
  • Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • particles of the sounding bell are vibrating. Or with a pipe playing
    • For the phenomena of sound and tone therefore, you have the
    • sound. For this field of phenomena it is quite patent: vibrations are
    • going on around us when we hear sounds. We can say to ourselves that
    • sounds. There is a genuine connection — and we shall speak of
    • it again tomorrow — between the sounds and the vibrations of
    • proceed very abstractly we may argue: “We perceive sound
    • organ of hearing, and when they do so we perceive the sound. Now the
    • have the sensation of a sound, there is an inner connection between
    • vibrating of the air when we perceive sounds — was transferred
    • hours I propose to discuss the phenomena of sound, and those of
  • Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • phenomena of sound or tone. You see from this: we
    • phenomena of sound and of musical tone. Even as we ourselves with
    • when, say, a pipe, a drum or a violin is resounding — the
    • bear upon what sounds towards us from without when, for example,
    • warmth of the water, so too do you perceive the tone or sound by
    • constructed musical instrument with the sound or tone that comes to
    • hearing of the differentiated sound or tone — is, as you see,
    • that of Tone or Sound. There is however a remarkable fact in this
    • sound — and you will recognize: Here you yourself are
    • Air (Sound, Tone) ↓
    • level, beneath this niveau, when in perceiving tone or sound
    • Spirit, but in mere words, mere sounding phrases, until Psychology
    • tomorrow speak of the science of sound and tone, whence you will
  • Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • speaking about sound and tone which you will find in the customary
    • speak of the phenomena of sound and tone in the scholastic system
    • their attention was the velocity with which sound is propagated. To
    • interpreted as the speed of propagation of sound. If a gun is fired
    • your perception of the sound, the time the sound has taken to go
    • sound advances in air — how far it goes, say, in a second
    • of sound”.
    • much was done for the science of sound or tone by the Jesuit
    • pitch; thirdly a certain quality or colouring of sound. The problem
    • sound or a musical note, there is always some oscillatory
    • air and we may therefore say that when we hear any sounding body
    • recognize that the sound is propagated just in this way; first
    • which the sound is propagated.
    • when we come to sound or tone. Neither the s nor the
    • describing as ‘sound’ or ‘tone’. If I now
    • hand I want to look at the reality of the sound — at what is
    • upon the inner faculty of the sound to have velocity. This then
    • will lead me to a qualitative study of the sound, whereas the way
    • is merely quantitative. In the theory of sound, in acoustics
    • channels even in the theory of sound. It is so evident, they may
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • extent. For sound and light, they were imagining wave-trains,
    • fundamentally different from that of the phenomena of sound or
    • sound and warmth we ourselves are swimming, so to speak, as was
    • it. So has the sound, the ear. For warmth too, a kind of
    • the case of warmth and in that of sound or tone. The same cannot be
    • mind, and you will then admit: Our experience of light, sound and
    • realm of light and sound and warmth into the realm of the
    • speak, into the realms of light and sound and warmth etc. For we
    • light, and sound, and warmth, is then akin to our conscious life,
    • when in Nature we pass on from the phenomena of light, sound and
  • Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • and algebraic too) to the phenomena of light or sound, then in your
    • different when we go down from the phenomena of light and sound,
    • confronted by the very opposite than in the phenomena of sound or
    • tone for instance. In sound or in musical tone, the very way man is
    • placed into this world of sound and tone — as I explained in
    • a former lecture — means that he enters into the sound or
    • real essence of the sound or tone. I explained this some days ago;
    • been pumped out. In sound or tone I am within what is most
    • so-called material element, but also what in the case of sound and
    • essence of the sound or tone is of course there in the outer world
    • in the case of sound could only be perceived in soul, is there in
    • the same sphere in which — for sound — I should have no
    • in the case of sound or tone I can only perceive in the soul.
    • perceptions of sound, and the perceptions of electrical phenomena
    • sound you are dividing yourself as it were into a human duality.
    • to experience of the sound or tone as such, in the thus inwarded
    • way. The phenomena of sound and tone and light are akin to the
    • intermediate between light and sound on the one hand, electricity

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