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- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- “objective” wave-movements in outer space. What he
- beholds spread out in space and going on in time is for him one, a
- is concerned with the way forces work in space and time. Arithmetic,
- kinematical phenomena can still take place entirely within a space of
- such point or space forces are concentrated, able potentially to work
- works inward from all sides, from the infinitudes of space? In the
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- space and time, is a movement in the ether. Yet if you look it up in
- move, it must be something in outer space. In short, we must suppose
- of the fact that the point must be something in space, and this
- space. Manifestly we then come into quite another relation to the
- again the cylinder of light passing through space, impinging on the
- imagine therefore into this space beyond the prism not only the light
- that has arisen spreads and shines further, so that there is a space
- it is so inserted that it goes through the same space as the physical
- inserted: here however it works independently. The space is filled by
- same space.
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- through the space of the room, we get a white circle on the screen.
- be a space — all this is remaining purely within the given
- facts — a space within which I should always find it possible
- wide space within which such pictures could be formed. But as you
- possibility. We let the cylinder of light go through the space and
- glass — and the light that goes through space. The lens so
- hspace="10" vspace="10" alt="Figure IIIa" align="center" width=
- hspace="10" vspace="10" alt="Figure IIIb" align="center" width=
- outward into space the stimulus which it receives. Surely we ought to
- eye. A second layer enveloping the inner space of the eye is then the
- humour, filling the entire space of the eye. The light therefore goes
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- through a space that is lit up. Thus you are seeing something darker
- through an illumined space and so you see it blue. It is the polarity
- through space was seriously shaken before long by other physicists
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- magnitudes — velocity, space and time, — velocity is the
- a so-called “body” flowing through space with a certain
- have sundered space and time; yet the space in question is not there
- time. The space and time, compared to this real thing which we denote
- duality of space and time. The real thing we have outside us is the
- velocity and that alone; as to the “space” and
- effect, we can separate ourselves, while from the space and time we
- activity. With space and time we are one. Much is implied in what I
- am now saying. With space and time we are one. Think of it well. We
- one with space and time. Nor should we, without more ado, ascribe to
- that through space and time, with which we ourselves are very
- velocity”. By means of space and time we only measure the
- velocity. The space and time are our own instruments. They are bound
- “subjective” — here, space and time — and the
- you with regard to space and time — namely that they are
- “Konigsberg”, as if to say “Space and Time are
- make use of space and time for our perception. In effect, space and
- with space and time, while we do not unite with the velocity. The
- have said of space and time is also true of something else. Even as
- we are united by space and time with the objective reality, while we
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- space. It is projected moreover to a position different from where it
- luminous pictures or spaces-of-light being diverted. In a particular
- part — the space it occupies — is shifted, the darker
- the one hand, and the bodily realm on the other. When a space is
- intensity; so likewise, when a space is filled with darkness, it is
- notion of a merely abstract space to the kind of space that is not
- negatively filled with darkness. Thus we may be confronting a space
- positive”. Or we may be confronting a space that is filled with
- space differ for our perception from the negative? As to the
- given up to a light-filled space and to a darkness-filled space. We
- space, with a kind of in-drawing of the light. It is as though our
- kind of enrichment when in a light-filled space. We draw the light
- kinship between the condition space is in when filled with darkness
- and on the other hand the filling of space which we call matter,
- to recognize the following, When we are in a light-filled space we do
- in a way unite with this light-filled space. Something in us swings
- out into the light-filled space and unites with it. But we need only
- spaces of our immediate environment and on the other hand the way we
- space and so attract each other (
- receive in the space between them and outside them.”
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Relatively dark spaces are created, — that is all. Where the
- shadow is, is simply a dark space. Moreover, looking at the surface
- then first projecting the phenomena we see out into space. We with
- Something, they say, is going on in the space outside, this then
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- the intervening space it could not get through, then again it
- other according to the three dimensions of space. Thus we can
- fill the empty space. Will you then say that the air which the
- from outside, but the empty space — purely to describe the
- already in existence, only it is outside of space. It is not yet in
- space. The conditions for it to enter space are not given until I
- surrounding space into the vacuum inside when the conditions have
- space along certain lines, of which an image was there. So have the
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- idea that the electricity that spreads through space is in some way
- akin to the light that spreads through space, — the latter
- the other. Electricity is thus able to take effect across space,
- influences or agencies do in fact spread out in space in a way
- space we could put two such “inductors”, as we may call
- spreads out in space and takes effect at a distance. In like
- spreading out through space, — analogous to the way one
- spreads out through space and takes effect at a distance, unfolding
- sequences of waves. Also for warmth as it spreads outward into space,
- imagined material particles to be shooting through the space inside
- matter, the several particles of which are raying through space
- which, when charged electrically, will shoot through space in this
- finely-divided condition — shooting through space. Not that
- showering through space. The old wave-theory was shaken. However,
- material particles showering through space, — or is it
- was matter shooting through space. This too now proved
- that the real thing in space is the velocity; it is velocity
- mere movement, space and time. We are including what is no longer
- space and having properties like those we formerly attributed to
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- screen which you put in the way; the space behind the screen is
- surfaces and bodily forms in space. But the phenomena in these
- only look parallel so long as I hold fast to a space that is merely
- space. I need only assume that the two lines meet, in reality,
- discover: whilst in the space which I myself construct in thought
- — the space of ordinary Geometry — the three angles of
- envisage another and perhaps more real space. The sum of the angles
- space of our own conceiving? We must admit: the space which we
- occupy only a portion of your space. You then enjoy, what you are
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