Searching First Scientific Lecture-Course Matches
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Query was: sun
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- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- of action in certain directions. And we have sundry means of
- completely sundered, and so would all my calculation. Here in effect
- calculation, — where every attempted calculation breaks asunder
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- cutting a hole in the shutters, letting the sunlight pour in from
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- According to this conception the Sun sends us its light, we let it
- the Sun. But we can also generate the spectrum in another way.
- Instead of letting the Sun shine through an opening in the wall, we
- the Sun or from an incandescent body.
- from the Sun or from a glowing solid body but from a glowing gas, we
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- what we should get from the Sun, (compare
- say: When colourless sunlight — according to the physicists, a
- have sundered space and time; yet the space in question is not there
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- or a mere section of some larger whole. If you consider Sun and Moon,
- or Sun and Earth, each by itself, you may of course invent and add to
- considering Sun and Earth and Moon thus separately, the things you
- insofar as they are pieced together from sundry forces of Nature by
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- twice as high as the note that arises when we have 40. Sundry
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