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- Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- We take this opportunity to thank those
- premisses of thought, taken for granted in those who heard
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- takes its start from Goethe in this realm, as being almost
- conception. Therefore we will not take our start from the prevailing
- activity is already taken more or less unconsciously for granted.
- Nature. He takes the phenomena to begin with — say, such a
- out. This then — the Urphenomenon — is what Goethe takes
- in all these three are none the less valid for what takes place in
- kinematical phenomena can still take place entirely within a space of
- moment we take leave of things which we can settle purely in the
- We take hold of a warm
- the line taken by that school of Science which is at pains to express
- potentials. In this respect our need will be to take one essential
- take the right direction with your thinking when you speak thus: Say
- and every potential is dissolved away. This second leap will take us
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Till we take steps to understand it, it will however be quite
- which the force is acting on the point. Finally we must take account
- gets bigger. This too we must take into account; we have an ever
- illustrate it with an example. Once more I take my start from
- in this condition. Taken as a whole, their tendency is down-ward.
- to take hold of such things as physical weight and buoyancy for
- need some deepening of Science to take hold of these things. We
- his consciousness actually becomes more awake — awake to take
- opposite and polar qualities, no less than magnetism does, to take
- the rainbow in their proper order. We take the fact, purely and
- outraying light where the dimming effect takes the same direction as
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- yourselves to some extent still have to take the same direction with
- take my start from a much disputed saying of Goethe's. In the 1780's
- colours. The latter phenomenon only arises when we take so small a
- to begin with, considerably reduced in size. What then has taken
- more force; due to the longer path at the edge, more force is taken
- to pass, we find it very like any ordinary liquid taken from the
- partly take our start tomorrow in studying the relation of the eye to
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- take the trouble you will find it everywhere. The simple phenomenon
- If we now take a
- But it did not occur to the physicists to take the pure phenomenon as
- is simply to take the phenomena as we find them.
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- can take effect as it were simultaneously, the sodium line will be
- — A Bologna cobbler, to take one example, was doing some
- of that time, you need not take it to mean what is called
- take ordinary paraffin oil and look through it towards a light, the
- green. But if you take your stand to some extent behind it — if
- Bologna stone, we can take the light away and the thing still goes on
- t it takes to do it. We are supposed to be dividing the real
- second place we envisage the time it takes to do it. From the
- velocity”. Nor should we say, “The body takes so much
- mean now, a phenomenon that takes its course purely within the light.
- call “bodily colours”. Please take these things to heart
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- habit of feeling the pure facts as such; please do not take my words
- this takes time and trouble.
- I will now take my
- found to be displaced. Please take this well into account. Here is a
- must take the dark seriously, — take it as something real. (The
- appearing to the outer senses, was taken note of; then, to explain
- in debt, the fourth is £50 in debt. Yet why should I take note
- surrounded by darkness, and we shall find — I beg you to take
- withdraw, to suck at us and take away. So too must we distinguish
- under the influence of light; something is taken from us, we are
- other lectures too. Take a crystal cube of rock-salt. It is in some
- has taken place. First it is light and colour which they desire to
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- shadows, without perceptible colour. You only need to take a good
- idea of Goethe's is mistaken, as you may readily convince
- yourselves. Take a little tube and look through it, so that you
- this instance was mistaken, and as the error is incorporated in his
- have studied, I want you to take note of the pure fact we have just
- environment? Take then the following experiment. Fill a bucket with
- of light, inasmuch as we ourselves partake in this element. Quite
- partake also in this. Our consciousness is indeed able to dive down
- our own consciousness have to partake in the phenomena of light so
- have to partake in the element of warmth so that we swim also in
- this; so too must we partake in the element of air. We must
- breathing process. In that my bodily organism partakes in these
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- your perception of the sound, the time the sound has taken to go
- have gradually discovered what kind of movement it is. It takes
- Please take
- into such obvious mistakes. And yet they do. The whole distinction
- take it to be a finished reality, for it need not be so at all. The
- But we have still not reached the end. All this that takes its
- totality when you take together the more volitional element
- what is left of the eye if I first take away the vitreous body and
- aspect: just as the muscles of the larynx take hold of the vocal
- they take hold of it.
- larynx. If we take larynx and ear together as a single whole, we
- of light. Having begun with the mistaken premise that eye and ear
- are equally sense-organs, we shall be no less mistaken in our
- never do this if you take your start from the colour-theory of
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- the other. Electricity is thus able to take effect across space,
- spreads out in space and takes effect at a distance. In like
- spreads out through space and takes effect at a distance, unfolding
- taken by the electricity. Thus we may say: What otherwise goes
- magnet, so that it takes this form (
- to which I have been introducing you, all of them take their course
- in the element of light in such a way that we ourselves partake in
- scientists have taken the first step — they only do not yet
- have taken the first step towards the recognition of the fact that
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- while α' + ß' + γ' taken together give an
- world we see and examine with our senses — ever to be taken
- idea that what takes place outside us partly accords with what we
- blind alley if they first take the trouble to find out what is the
- spirit with which these lectures — if we may take them as a
- it, but you can at least take notice of it; you know that
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