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- Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- The strivings of many of our contemporaries towards some form
- his career as a disciple of Haeckel, he afterwards took leave
- they could bring forward only the vaguest notions.
- orientation of our faculties of knowledge towards the outer
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- goes, “theoretically” — I will put forward certain
- many single wolves, single hyenas, single phenomena of warmth, single
- force of heat or warmth, and so on. They speak of an unknown
- the properties of this ether. Now you are well aware how very
- suspended by a string, will pull vertically down towards the earth.
- towards b with a force of five grammes, I should have to
- towards c and d respectively. Yet I cannot
- into difficult and uncertain regions. You are of course aware how
- We take hold of a warm
- the heat or warmth is the effect on your own nerves. Objectively,
- shaken. But even if we do press forward to the atom with our
- downward thrust that comes into play when 0.001019 grammes are being
- outwardly real if I want to approach what is called
- begin to speak at all of natural phenomena. Aware as he was of this,
- proceeds from one direction and works towards another. Thus we may
- ends of the Universe and imagine forces to the working inward from
- works inward from all sides, from the infinitudes of space? In the
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- down a certain formula, putting it forward today simply as a
- onward not with uniform speed but more and more quickly. The velocity
- consciously aware of this: — Press with your finger against
- liquid it strives upward, — in some sense it withdraws itself
- from the downward pressure of weight.
- of which the brain is really tending upward, contrary to its own
- not in forces that pull downward but on the contrary, in forces that
- pull upward. With our Intelligence, we live in a force of
- of our body — from the base of the skull downward, with the
- in this condition. Taken as a whole, their tendency is down-ward.
- Here then we live in the downward pull. In our brain we live in the
- upward buoyancy, while for the rest we live in the downward pull. Our
- Will, above all, lives in the downward pull. Our Will has to unite
- with the downward pressure. Precisely this deprives the rest of our
- unites with the downward force of gravity or weight. Our Intelligence
- only bound to downward tending matter. And now please think of this:
- as it were, by the downward pressure, we see men being put to sleep.
- For the Will works in the sense of this downward pressure. Only a
- shewing, comes to terms both with the downward pressure and with the
- upward buoyancy; he therefore lives right into the connection that is
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- circle that the colours extend inward from the edges to the middle.
- facts, but to confine ourselves to a clean straightforward study of
- yesterday. The light would be diverted — upward in the one
- case, downward in the other. Hence if I had such a double prism I
- again with colours graded from the edge towards the centre. Following
- the source of light upward, the light that falls on the slit would
- happens. I draw a line from the eye towards the object in the
- with it the whole floor of the vessel lifted upward. We may go into
- water onward I must give way to the stronger resistance, and, that I
- before but it all looks lifted upward. It is as though it were more
- shorten the force and so I myself draw the object upward. In meeting
- downward. Instead of simply noting this fact, the physicists will
- produces it on and outward in the same straight line and so projects
- picture outward. So after all they end by attributing this activity
- outward into space the stimulus which it receives. Surely we ought to
- is sinewy, — of bony or cartilaginous consistency. Towards the
- movable by means of muscles. From the lens onward the light then
- outward portion of the eye and what is there in the more contained
- comparative development of the eye from the lower animals upward, we
- from within outward but by the forming of new cells from the
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- is diverted upward. Moreover, as we said before, it is not only
- the light is mainly diverted upward, the dimming that arises, raying
- upward as it does, shines also in the same direction into which the
- produced. But the darkness rays downward too, so, while the cylinder
- of light is diverted upward, the darkness here rays downward and
- be coming directly towards me if the prism were not there, displaced
- in a downward direction by the prism. At the same time I see it
- cylinder of light — which, once again, is coming now towards
- cylinder-of-light coming towards you. Through what is dark you look
- an experiment of Fresnel's, towards which some preliminary work had
- on their downward journey (see the figure). Why then the latter
- which the light is propagated. This ray, going towards the lower one
- vibrations happens to be vibrating downward at the very moment when
- the other is vibrating upward. Then they will cancel each other out
- upward at the same moment, light will arise. Thus they explain, by
- one swings upward when the other downward so that they cancel each
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Figure IVf), towards the end of Lecture IV). Now we can also
- too; it then appears displaced downward instead of upward, moreover
- take ordinary paraffin oil and look through it towards a light, the
- Va). Look towards the light through the solution and it appears
- need to get hold of today, for we shall afterwards want to relate it
- exactly of what I shall bring forward. Think as precisely as you can.
- say, then, A — C is red. You look towards the surface
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- by following the facts straightforwardly. Suppose this were a plate
- “refracted” — in this case, towards the normal,
- i.e. towards the perpendicular to the glass surface at the point of
- is twice refracted — once towards the normal, a second time
- will appear shifted upward. The entire complex we are looking at is
- darker part bordering on a lighter. The dark is shifted upward, and
- one patch of light, it is not true that it alone is shifted upward.
- when I describe it thus, is shifted upward too. In point of fact,
- quality of coming towards us and imparting something to us; the dark
- become united with the warmth-conditions of our environment, —
- very much in the condition of our environment as regards warmth; and
- namely the polarity of warm and cold. Yet we must needs perceive an
- warmth-condition of our environment and the way we feel ourselves
- the experience of light upon the one hand and warmth upon the other
- our environment as regards warmth and light respectively. Then in the
- we share in the warmth-conditions of our environment with our
- proneness to confuse what we become aware of through our ether-body
- and what we become aware of through our physical body — has
- faculty of stating facts straightforwardly and directly. This has
- the straightforward facts simply as they present themselves. Goethe
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- insight into Science, and you must look on all that I bring forward
- we need, forming a circle as it were, — then to move forward
- from the circumference towards the centre.
- appearing afterwards only in point of time. Looked at objectively
- descend from Light to Warmth. Warmth too we perceive as a condition
- perception of light and the perception of warmth there is a very
- warmth?”, you will have to answer, “While my relation
- particular place in my body, — this is not so for warmth. For
- warmth the whole of me is, so to speak, the sense-organ. For
- warmth, the whole of me is what my eye is for the light”. We
- cannot therefore speak of the perception of warmth in the same
- in realizing this we may also become aware of something more.
- warmth-condition of our surroundings? We must admit, we have a very
- warmth-element of our environment. And yet, what is it of us that
- that is swimming when you are swimming in the warmth of your
- water just warm enough for you to feel it lukewarm. Put both your
- into the lukewarm water. You will find the lukewarm water seeming
- very warm to your right hand and very cold to your left. Your left
- having become cold, perceives as warmth. Before, you felt the same
- lukewarmness on either side. What is it then? It is your own warmth
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- the next forward beat of the metal the original condensation goes
- forward; so then dilutions and condensations alternate. We can thus
- said, outward realities can never be merely spatial, or
- mere displacements. Velocities on the other hand are outward
- obtains of a horse corresponds to an outward reality, understands
- out to investigate are the outwardly spatial processes, which of
- least candid and straightforward, only he must not then go on to
- with the human ear. As we go inward in the eye, you will remember
- the cornea. As we go inward, we were saying, the eye gets ever more
- self-contained when outwardly regarded, but we must not therefore
- represented as such in this connection. What is transmitted inward
- human body I have the eye. In its more inward parts it is a
- — while that which reaches farther forward and is more
- you once become aware that in the eye two things are welded
- larynx and that lies farther forward. Etherically we are talking to
- this purely outward way of study — failing to look and see
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- brings negative toward itself in some way. You know the phenomenon
- across the gap. Now you are also aware that this kind of
- activity. The water thereby became warmer, as we were able to shew.
- The effect produced — the development of warmth — may
- chemical forces and see how warmth arose in the process. Again,
- reversing the experiment which we have just described, warmth could
- figures, how much warmth is needed to produce a given, measurable
- to produce a given, measurable amount of warmth or heat. So doing,
- has actually been transformed into the warmth. Again, they
- assumed that when warmth is applied in the steam-engine, this
- warmth is actually transformed into the mechanical work that
- sequences of waves. Also for warmth as it spreads outward into space,
- warmth are in fact similar in some respects. Now they could think the
- afterwards ensued, and was to some extent already on the way in his
- them outward. He inserted a thin wall of aluminium and led the rays
- therefore called the rays that will here be deflected towards the
- light for example, or even the phenomena of warmth. In light and
- sound and warmth we ourselves are swimming, so to speak, as was
- it. So has the sound, the ear. For warmth too, a kind of
- warmth-organ is built into man. For electricity, they say, there is
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- which projected itself forward into the dream. The idea-forming
- phenomena of warmth) — by means of geometrical, arithmetical
- via the phenomena of warmth, into the realm we are coming into with
- gas or air under the influence of warmth and in relation to its
- indeed; and to do this, my dear Friends, we must become aware of
- what meets us outwardly in this domain that is somehow separated
- Yet as you do so you become aware; herein is something far more
- Figure Xb) — you become aware of the undulations. You
- to experience of the sound or tone as such, in the thus inwarded
- of Will. Warmth is between the two. Even as Feeling is intermediate
- between Thought and Will, so is the outer warmth in Nature
- in the phenomena of Warmth.
- will have seen that there is a way of uniting what we see outwardly
- saying in effect: The War has clearly shewn that we have not yet
- effective. At the beginning of the War we suffered greatly because
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