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- Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- thanks must be the will to widen out our own horizon, thus
- materialism — Natural Science. Future generations will
- It will be well for us to refer at this
- content of these privately printed lectures will of course
- who work with this lecture-course approach it with the will
- higher forms of reality”, the time will surely come when
- century produced will be transcended — transcended above
- our scientists, who will then see through the inherent
- impossibility and untruth of this world-picture. Then will the
- Title: Prefatory Note: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- “In time to come there will be
- physicists and chemists whose teaching will not be such as
- Spirits that have remained behind, but who will teach that
- Physics the Christ will be found. Thus will a spiritual
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- these days will be no more than an episode.
- have to wait till physicists and chemists will have witnessed —
- Then and then only will Goethe's outlook come into its own, also in
- goes, “theoretically” — I will put forward certain
- aspects that shall help our understanding. In today's lecture it will
- conception. Therefore we will not take our start from the prevailing
- modern time will generally work. Admittedly, this way of working is
- phenomena. Speaking of causes, our scientists will have in mind
- simple phenomenon as that a stone, let go, will fall to earth, or if
- suspended by a string, will pull vertically down towards the earth.
- Nature. Now I will emphasize at the very outset that the Goethean
- unknown; he will apply all thinking and all available methods to put
- light will interact with matter that is in its path. Goethe puts into
- I have pictured to myself in thought will really happen. So then it
- Ib). This time, the point a will signify a material thing —
- contemporaries fail to think clearly enough. I will explain by an
- object, for example. The scientist will tell us: What you are calling
- you put this question, you must ask again: How will you recognize it?
- faster in each successive second, the former mass will have exerted a
- will adduce one more example. Even as we may think of the unit
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- Till we take steps to understand it, it will however be quite
- about the phenomena of light, you will find contradictory and
- We will now try to set
- mechanics already has to do with forces and with masses. I will write
- then revise what is necessary for the understanding of it. Now I will
- causes. The point will be moving more or less quickly or slowly. We
- a force to be acting on the point. I will call v the
- we will suppose the force not only to be working instantaneously,
- no hindrance — but we will presuppose that the force is working
- p is acting on the mass m, a certain effect will of
- growing velocity, and there will be a certain measure of this
- increase of velocity. A smaller force, acting on the same mass, will
- larger force, acting on the same mass, will make it move quicker more
- let us denote the acceleration by g. Now what will interest
- then go on making it ever more intense. What will happen? If you go
- on long enough you will lose consciousness. You may conclude that the
- little farther and you will no longer be so remote from understanding
- recourse to these, you will never get beyond what is phoronomical,
- — you will not even reach the mechanical domain.
- live in it after all. We live in it above all with our Will. And as
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Do not be troubled if this is so; you will understand it better by
- relation to the rest of Physics, and will therefore provide a good
- You will realize that
- things which you will not find in the text-books, things not included
- will restrict themselves to thoughts of a more or less phoronomical
- character. They will restrict their thoughts to what is arithmetical,
- especially to Waldorf-School and other teachers — you will
- your pupils. It will not be possible, all at once, to bring the
- Within a certain distance either way, such a picture will be able to
- with the prism, will be much simplified. We therefore have this
- the middle), the entire cylinder of light will have been thrust
- apart, — will have been widened. We see too how this widening
- will consider another phenomenon. Suppose I have a vessel here
- downward. Instead of simply noting this fact, the physicists will
- Physics they will invent all manner of concepts but fail to reckon
- they will not do is to go into the qualities. Thus in the first place
- We will today begin
- IIIf). it will be like this. (When looking at your neighbour's
- — they will appear to you more or less sharp and clear, or at
- enveloped with a little halo. The rim of a circle for example will be
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- I will begin by
- by, you will find it confirmed and reinforced in the phenomena you
- take the trouble you will find it everywhere. The simple phenomenon
- object will appear modified by the darkness in the direction of the
- more or less white if I were looking at directly, will appear
- directly, you will see it black, but if you interpose a trough of
- illumined, you will be looking at the dark through something light.
- Blue or violet (bluish-red) tones of colour will appear (
- Figure IVc). You will remember; if this is the prism and this the
- what you actually see will emerge in all detail. Only you must hold
- therefore, you are looking at dark through light and you will see
- prism — will then be called the “subjective”
- giving rise in us to the phenomenon of red, etc., — this will
- source of light, I will call it L, and here a
- upper mirror and by reflection from the lower. It will then be as
- mirror, for many of them go in that direction also. It will be very
- is only one. Therefore if I remove the second mirror the screen will
- difficult to see. Nay, altogether, in the textbooks you will find the
- the next body-of-light will go through all the more easily and
- alongside the darkness you will have a patch of light so much the
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Today I will begin by
- of which we spoke last time. You will remember: when an incandescent
- can take effect as it were simultaneously, the sodium line will be
- you will presently see, the elements we are compiling will pave the
- We will now shew you,
- screen. Instead we will observe the spectrum by looking straight into
- commonly call “bodies” — I will however also shew
- will be explained how it comes about that they appear coloured at
- will then at last enable us in time to “catch” — as
- The following will
- behind, the oil will seem to be shining with a bluish light —
- forming of ideas. There is another fundamental idea which you will
- I will remind you again (as once before in these lectures) of the
- “objective” thing — here, the velocity. It will be
- good, my dear Friends, if you will bring this home to yourselves very
- clearly; the truth will then dawn upon you more and more: v
- it x, if you will — something in which you are and in
- with our etheric body. You will never understand what light is
- the light (or, if you will, you may say, in the light-ether; the word
- of the body, and, to begin with, you will imagine rather crudely.
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- were going into certain matters of principle which I will now try to
- in the realm of light, it will also help us observe and understand
- other natural phenomena which we shall presently be studying. I will
- I will now take my
- find the direction in which the light will be refracted, you must
- is said, you will remember, in tracing how the “ray of
- the point of exit from the glass, you will have to erect the normal.
- will appear shifted upward. The entire complex we are looking at is
- to it). You certainly will not deny that when you look at light the
- less strong; he will admit every degree of intensity of light, but he
- will only admit one darkness — darkness which is simply there
- in debt. I will by all means distinguish between more and less
- violet. And if you will recall what I said a few days ago about the
- will feel something very like this in the absorption of our
- consciousness by darkness. So then you will discern the deep inner
- last resort you will be bound to recognize that the distinction is:
- neighbourhood of other material bodies will under given conditions
- gravity”. Yet ponder how you will, you will never be able to
- will be bigger outside than in between. In the resultant therefore,
- there will be less bombardment inside than outside; hence the two
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- We will begin
- darkness. Today I will begin by shewing you the phenomenon of
- upright rod which will throw shadows on this screen. You see two
- look at what is here before you, you will be bound to say: the
- of the screen apart from the two bands of shadow, you will agree it
- is illumined by both sources of light. Now I will colour the one
- — that is, darkened to some extent. As a result, you will see
- only see the shadow; you will still see it green. You no longer see
- kund” — two witnesses will always tell the truth. I
- will produce the phenomenon and you must now look through on to the
- that this one stays. By dint of looking at the red, my eye will
- these things will lead you no longer to look for the contrast,
- it. You will then see it for what it really is. In the one case we
- warmth?”, you will have to answer, “While my relation
- into the lukewarm water. You will find the lukewarm water seeming
- environment. — If you think these things through, you will
- will describe them as the stage of Light, the stage of Warmth, and
- will have to admit: It is only with your etheric body that you can
- sound — and you will recognize: Here you yourself are
- out of Anatomy and Physiology. Then you will have to conceive the
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- speaking about sound and tone which you will find in the customary
- century at the earliest. By such examples you will most readily
- the same room, the other will begin vibrating too. The Jesuits
- there arises a condensation, a densifying of the air; this will
- holes. We can rotate it rapidly. Herr Stockmeyer will be so kind as
- before; it will then lead you to the following reflection. A single
- will lead me to a qualitative study of the sound, whereas the way
- ‘tone’. In all manner of variations you will find ever
- physiologists will naturally not presume that they could ever fall
- processes (he will not have to call them “objective
- room, attuned to the same note, will resound too, this being due to
- observe that the second clock starts of its own accord. We will
- never gain insight into these things unless we have the will to see
- to some extent analyzing the human eye. Today we will do the same
- with the human ear. As we go inward in the eye, you will remember
- But it will
- will have a totality; it only comes to manifestation in a more
- now been pointing out will lead us presently along a most important
- — the perceiving, receiving activity of the eye. You will get
- body in sound or hearing, then you will realize that in seeing, in
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- complete. Tomorrow I will give a few concluding aspects, also
- school days. This will enable us, in tomorrow's lecture, to gain a
- some material. The rod becomes, as we say, electrified; it will
- gets electrified and will attract bits of paper. If the electrical
- to the one coating, so that this coating will then evince the
- to discharge it with. I will now charge it. The charge is not yet
- You will remember how we demonstrated it the other day. By
- of an electric current along a wire will cause a current to arise
- the electricity will discharge into the tube are put far apart
- — as far as the length of the tube will allow. There is a
- will discharge (i.e. the positive pole) at the one end, so too the
- magnetic field will modify what is here shooting through the
- which, when charged electrically, will shoot through space in this
- and let it pass a magnet, — it will naturally be diverted So
- irradiated at all, but under certain conditions will emit rays in
- therefore called the rays that will here be deflected towards the
- beings of Thought, of Feeling and of Will. Moreover, as I have
- processes of will we are asleep — asleep even in the midst of
- waking life. We do not experience our processes of will directly.
- Where the essential Will is living, we are fast asleep. And now
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- I will now
- presented to us by Nature. You will remember what I was trying to
- We will here
- cathode rays impinge on it, and on the other side you will see
- will now bring the shadow which is thus made visible into the field
- of a magnet. I beg you to observe it now. You will find the shadow
- I will now
- Finally I will
- evades you. It will not answer the roll-call. In these experiments
- is just what Physics will require from now on. We have to enter the
- ways will have to be opened up — most of all for the realm of
- you will remember how you were taught (and our good friends, the
- Waldorf teachers, will teach it too, needless to say; they cannot
- γ will do the same. Thus I can prove it so that you
- will no longer be 180°, but may be larger. That is to say,
- Science — above all in Physics — they will then see
- that they are getting no further. They will only emerge from the
- intelligent part of our Will. We make them with our Will-system
- unconscious part of us, from the Will-part which has its outer
- And if you now apply these geometrical ideas (I will say
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
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