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Query was: arise
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- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- were, for such a play of forces to arise, whereas the forces do not
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Intelligence. Never could Intelligence arise if our soul's life were
- This, to begin with, is the picture which arises, in that a cylinder
- glass — phenomena of colour arise at the edges.
- working-together of matter and light; a dimming of the light arises
- that has arisen spreads and shines further, so that there is a space
- Upward, the darkening runs into the light and there arise the blue
- darkness and there arise the yellow shades of colour.
- overwhelms and outdoes it. So there arise the lighter shades, —
- arise where dark and light work together. This is what I desired to
- arises; in the other, colour. When they interpenetrate like the
- astral body and the muscle, grey arises; whilst when they
- interpenetrate like the astral body and the eye, colour arises, since
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- a number of statements as to the way colours arise in and about the
- colours. The latter phenomenon only arises when we take so small a
- edges stay as they are. This is the primal phenomenon. Colours arise
- only colours arise; there is also the lateral displacement of the
- should make it possible for such a figure to arise, — and I
- arise — coloured at the edges, coloured in the middle too, and
- what arises in the prism. This wedge of dimness is the cause. The
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- the light is mainly diverted upward, the dimming that arises, raying
- darkened here, is clearly proved by the fact that blue arises in this
- hole has arisen in the light. The light rushed through; a hole was
- in your thought, how such a lattice arises. You will have alternating
- turned to darkness. The fact that such a lattice arises is to be
- mirrors. The velocity of light — nay, altogether what arises
- arises within the light itself by means of this apparatus, so that a
- neighbourhood is, to begin with, compressed. Compressed air arises
- and darkness will arise at this place. Or if the two are vibrating
- upward at the same moment, light will arise. Thus they explain, by
- so as to reinforce each other, a lighter patch will arise; if
- Mark well, the yellow line also arises inasmuch as it is part of an
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- these lectures we have seen how colours arise — and that in
- ways, colours arise in and about the light; so also they arise, or
- colours so to speak, — those that arise and vanish within the
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- section of a whole. How many errors arise by considering to be a
- then to construe the effects which arise in fact between them. This
- arisen. This Physics is an outcome of abstraction; it thinks that
- example two other lines arise, purely by the effect of the
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- that wherever colours arise there is a working-together of light
- arises where the light from the right-hand source is covered.
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- there arises a condensation, a densifying of the air; this will
- way. So there arises a thinning-out, a dilution of the air. Then at
- did it arise? Nearer the centre of the disc are fewer holes,
- the other. The note that arises when we have 80 oscillations is
- twice as high as the note that arises when we have 40. Sundry
- n such waves arise in a second and the length of each wave
- appearance. That which arises (speaking in terms of Physics) in the
- cerebrospinal fluid is also due. In the whole rhythm which arises
- conditions for a kind of suction to arise, — this is a true
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- mediated by the proper liquids, an interaction arises — an
- of an electric current along a wire will cause a current to arise
- second mirror, and an image arises here. We may then say, the light
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- not but arise: Are then the processes of the real world — the
- process of knowledge you are connecting, what arises from within
- it is from this that there arises what we possess in our
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