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Query was: cause
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- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- experiment, to arrive at what he calls the “causes” of
- phenomena. Speaking of causes, our scientists will have in mind
- causes of phenomena, the scientists are always wanting to find their
- the quest of so-called “causes” in Nature, which Science
- tries to form ideas about the so-called causes that are supposed to
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- causes. The point will be moving more or less quickly or slowly. We
- would also cause it to move off with a certain velocity if there were
- immense. It cannot find it because it has no real human science,
- phenomenon it is blotted out, extinguished, because in fact the Will
- world of colour meets us with a polar quality? Because in fact the
- below. If therefore we cause such a cylinder of light to pass through
- same direction as the cone of light, while on the other hand, because
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- split up into them. It is because this picture which I am projecting
- light, due to the aperture through which we caused the light to pass.
- isn't responsible. Yet as we say, the colours are really caused by
- what arises in the prism. This wedge of dimness is the cause. The
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- because the upper light goes through the lower and in so doing makes
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- that I cause the light to go through this solution — iodine in
- cause a body to remain coloured still for a certain time after
- abstractions. Because there is a velocity, there is a distance moved
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- century were only able to creep in because these things were not
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- no real green here. I only see the green incidentally, because the
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- that sound or tone may cause misgivings. Is it not evident that in
- work the siren I cause the air to oscillate, — this tone is
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- together with a metallic discharger we should cause a spark to fly
- they imagined — though to begin with surely there is no cause
- of an electric current along a wire will cause a current to arise
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- effective. At the beginning of the War we suffered greatly because
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