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- Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- all by the most up-to-day, the most gifted and conscientious of
- Title: Prefatory Note: First Scientific Lecture-Course
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- a task if I were fortunate enough one day to have the
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- these days will be no more than an episode.
- Chemistry of today, our scientists are fated in regard, whatever
- experiment. Today, by way of introduction, — and, as the saying
- aspects that shall help our understanding. In today's lecture it will
- present-day scientific thinking altogether. The scientists who think
- The scientist today
- by the man of today in scientific research, is that he tries by
- scientific literature to this day.
- and research as pursued today and on the other hand the Goethean
- studying Nature nowadays we do a lot of arithmetic — counting
- the phenomena of Nature. Today, of course, this hope is rather
- next few days. It is as though forces were concentrated at the points
- doubt it seems an ultimate ideal to the Science of today, to
- in more detail in the next few days.
- Today, I think, both
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Yesterday I was saying
- In yesterday's lecture
- saw this pretty clearly in yesterday's lecture, and it emerged that
- yesterday, present-day Physics (though now a little less sure in this
- confused ideas. Indeed, with the resources of Physics as it is today
- down a certain formula, putting it forward today simply as a
- those among you who may no longer recall it from your school days can
- Physics today cannot
- some-thing you will probably recall from your school-days; I have no
- — We have to consider man, not in the abstract manner of today,
- Monism of mere words, pursued today with lack of real insight. It is
- — I wish to speak today. I mean the relation to the outer world
- yesterday, this is indeed the Ur-phenomenon of colour. We shall reach
- make clear to you today. Now if you want to consider for yourselves,
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- phenomenon with the prism — at the end of yesterday's lecture
- prismatic phenomena we were beginning to study yesterday. It was
- — much as we have been doing in the last few days. He wanted to
- is placed like the one I drew yesterday, the upper one the opposite
- yesterday. The light would be diverted — upward in the one
- We will today begin
- may also tell from the following fact. During the day when you look
- there is one more experiment I wish to shew today, and from it we may
- shade? This we will try to answer tomorrow. Today we will adduce what
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- drawing of it. We may have what I shewed you yesterday — a
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- Today I will begin by
- “Phosphorus” today; it refers to phosphorescent bodies of
- need to get hold of today, for we shall afterwards want to relate it
- credulous believers in the Physics of today, nor need we be of
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- therefore begin today with these more theoretical reflections and put
- presented in the schools today, reaches hardly any farther back than
- 16th century was radically different. Today at school we get so
- thought prevailing in the schools today with that which can be gained
- circle. Cast your mind back to what you learned in your school days.
- The ordinary physicist of today thinks there is stronger light and
- violet. And if you will recall what I said a few days ago about the
- it still is to a great extent today. There have indeed been
- fundamental assumption, from which the people of today seem to be
- and as is done in Newtonian Physics to this day.
- abstraction. From this abstraction however present-day Physics has
- example, which we perceived in our experiment the day before
- yesterday.
- matters of principle today, to give the necessary background. In
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- today with an experiment bearing upon our studies of the theory of
- darkness. Today I will begin by shewing you the phenomenon of
- few days ago; the vitreous body, the lens, the aqueous humour
- should be borne in mind. Today now we will go thus far; please
- however one more thing I want to demonstrate today. It is among the
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- prevalent today. Historically it is of course well-known, but
- Physics nowadays, is fundamentally a product of the said tendency,
- Today however,
- so-called physical Nature. A few days ago we were demonstrating and
- to some extent analyzing the human eye. Today we will do the same
- the Physics of today, and which is to reality as is a tissue-paper
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- do during these days is to give you a few points of view, with the
- scientific knowledge. Now to prepare for tomorrow, I must today
- school days. This will enable us, in tomorrow's lecture, to gain a
- properly distinguished, unhappily for Science, to this day. Galvani
- You will remember how we demonstrated it the other day. By
- the barest outline in today's lecture — when in these
- the gist and conclusion of our studies for today, which I would
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- can always make visible by experiment. In Science today — and
- shew yesterday in this connection. I shewed how since the 1890's
- proved complicated. As we say yesterday, manifold types of
- place from here (as we say yesterday, this is how Crookes thinks of
- shew you, what was not possible yesterday, the rays that issue from
- yesterday. We observe this kind too, therefore.
- happened in this way. Put yourselves back into your school days:
- we only go by the resources of Natural Science as it is today, we
- presents itself to you in conscious day-waking life. Yet the two
- realms. Man of today can dream quite nicely, thinking out
- Nowadays, if
- be cited. Reality today — especially in Physics — often
- real essence of the sound or tone. I explained this some days ago;
- like this? Some days ago — as one would say, by chance
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