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- Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- member's lectures came to be different from what was possible
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- for us to realize the fundamental difference between natural science
- there is a difference between the mere crude description of a
- When we are counting it makes no difference what we count. Learning
- correct is altogether different from the way we contemplate and form
- on from a to b. Mark the difference between the way
- b. Now I might also do it differently. Namely I might first
- a different force than when I pulled direct from a to
- the world of facts. If once you realize this difference between the
- difference between all those things that can be determined within the
- have the difference — clear and keen — between Phoronomy
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- interacting in a different way than upward.
- how differently your own etheric body is inserted into your muscles
- our astral body is more independent, and independent in a different
- is inserted into both, but in a very different way. Into the muscle
- must ask how it is in it, for it is in it differently in the eye and
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- thing differently by using a prism with curved instead of plane
- vitality. This difference, between what is contained in this more
- What is it due to? It is due to there being two different kinds of
- as we have seen, they are quite different. The lens is formed more
- activity is differentiated into that of the lens and the vitreous
- body respectively. From what is thus differentiated the activity is
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- reflected a little differently. Part of the cone of light, as
- though the screen were being illumined from two different places. Now
- here by way of differences in velocity of light, — is not of
- the waves are of a different kind from those of sound. In sound there
- a great difference there is between taking the phenomena purely as
- generate a spectrum in a somewhat different way (
- force, it puts itself in the way, even as an indifferent obstacle
- different order (
- into greenish-blue. I get a band of colours in a different order. On
- black band too in seven colours, only in a different order, —
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- light or little bands of light at different places, according to the
- with this property. They shine in a different way when, so to speak,
- latter whizzes past us. This is quite different from the Kantian
- see, the case is different. Here too you have an astral relation; but
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- 16th century was radically different. Today at school we get so
- perceive the thing displaced. It appears at a different place than
- space. It is projected moreover to a position different from where it
- of any difference in their case? It is precisely the same; both are
- property, but not between different degrees of debt. Debt is debt and
- different degrees; darkness is simply darkness. It is this failure to
- space differ for our perception from the negative? As to the
- feeling and sensation there is an essential difference between being
- difference between the way we thus unite with the light-flooded
- essential difference between the way we feel ourselves within the
- 16th century, has quite lost hold of this difference. The
- somehow to blur and wipe away such differences as these. Suppose
- however that you face the difference, quite obviously given in point
- each other by the difference between the number of impacts they
- entity, — if I describe the different items so that they belong
- parts of Nature. And here we come to something radically different.
- that the different kinds of ether-vibrations are dispersed by the
- prism; these different kinds of vibrations then appear to us as
- different colours. By calculation one may even explain from the
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- different way. We note that by darkening the light with red the
- between the lens and the cornea, — a highly differentiated
- on. The only difference is that in the ^one case the whole
- the eye alone, — is in no way different from what it is when
- one with it. It is but an incidental difference, whether you become
- essential difference between the green image engendered spatially
- there is no tangible difference, save that the process is spatial
- essential difference. A sensible and thoughtful contemplation of
- difference does it make, whether the necessary apparatus is out
- significant difference. You can localize the perception of light
- difference between itself and your environment. What is it
- imparting something to us. But this grows different again when we
- must distinguish between different levels in our consciousness. One
- differentiated form so that we may be able to perceive —
- differentiated airy element outside us. In this respect, my dear
- differentiation, enabling me to perceive and experience the airy
- differentiation of the air.
- manifold and differentiated way — this upward and downward
- own hand by the difference between the warmth of your hand and the
- the differentiated airy movement that comes to you from without.
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- of thinking was very different from what it then became.
- different object that happens to be so attuned — is there in
- perceive notes of different pitch. How do the external phenomena of
- vibration, which accompany the note, differ with respect to notes
- of different pitch? The answer can be shewn by such experiments as
- at once distinguish the different pitch of the two notes. How then
- fundamentally different from my hearing. When I am seeing, the same
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- means of different metals with the help of liquids. The other thing
- which here revealed itself, proved to be very different from what
- something quite different after all? In course of time the
- such a tube, they now imagined there to be two different kinds of
- and bone in different ways and have thus proved of great importance
- So they were dealing already with many different kinds of rays.
- They no longer had names enough for all the different kinds! They
- separated-out and analyzed and then reveal very striking differences
- differences in velocity as the most essential thing. What is it
- present time? It is the different velocities with which the normal,
- one-another. It is that differences of velocity are there in the
- with, unconsciously — to go into differences of velocity in a
- — an altogether different substance. Thus we no longer have
- fundamentally different from that of the phenomena of sound or
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- different from what it was before. We have to do no longer with
- for instance, revealing all these different kinds of rays, the
- — and something radically different. For we have certainly
- The difference
- different when we go down from the phenomena of light and sound,
- different when you as human being meet the phenomena of this other
- spiritual realm we differentiate between the Luciferic, that is
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