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- Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- educators, — not to apply directly in your lessons, but as a
- is of great importance to have the right direction of ideas, at any
- phenomena of Nature — I do not say directly, the mathematical
- sets out in this other direction and reaches c. If it then
- denote it by a corresponding length in this direction. With a force
- a different force than when I pulled direct from a to
- b. Then I might add a second pull, in the direction of the
- proceeds from one direction and works towards another. Thus we may
- of action in certain directions. And we have sundry means of
- take the right direction with your thinking when you speak thus: Say
- time have only looked in one direction, always observing external
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- always have to say, a point) is moving in a certain direction. For
- upward, and we can indicate the direction in which it is
- to say, the dimming is deflected upward in the same direction as the
- same direction as the light is. And now you see the outcome. Here in
- outraying light where the dimming effect takes the same direction as
- the deflection of it works in an opposite direction to the deflection
- same direction as the cone of light, while on the other hand, because
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- direction pursued by Science in modern time. Moreover — I speak
- yourselves to some extent still have to take the same direction with
- — thrust apart — in the direction of these two arrows.
- slit. And if I say, “the light moves in this direction”,
- direction. This again would not concern the light as such. People
- direction. What is the fact? An object is lying on the bottom of the
- IIIc). I look and see it in a certain direction. Such is the
- direction in which I saw it before. Looking in this direction, I
- facts? Having previously seen the thing in this direction, I expect
- this other direction. When there was no water in the vessel I could
- direction. And now the physicists go on to say a very curious thing.
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- object will appear modified by the darkness in the direction of the
- light colours, i.e. in the direction of the red and yellowish tones.
- more or less white if I were looking at directly, will appear
- directly, you will see it black, but if you interpose a trough of
- upward as it does, shines also in the same direction into which the
- direction of it through the prism. Instead of looking from outside on
- be coming directly towards me if the prism were not there, displaced
- in a downward direction by the prism. At the same time I see it
- over-whelms the dark. Thus as you look in this direction, however
- direction. After recoiling from the mirror they reach the screen and
- mirror, for many of them go in that direction also. It will be very
- that the more bodies are being hurled in a particular direction, the
- angles to the direction in which the light is being propagated. When,
- vibrating at right angles to the direction in which the light is
- light is, once again, a vibration at right angles to the direction in
- As I said before, the fact that wave-movements in many directions
- spectrum extending from violet to red — engendered directly by
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- direct kind; nothing is interposed between you and the colours. When
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- this particular direction, — see the
- the direction of the “ray” I am now drawing, the light
- find the direction in which the light will be refracted, you must
- it would go on in this direction. But, they now say, the light is
- original direction. And now the eye, looking as it is from here, is
- said to produce the final direction of the ray of light and thus to
- faculty of stating facts straightforwardly and directly. This has
- in direct connection with what is given to us from the outer world
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- the false direction in which modern Science generally tries to see
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- itself directly into movement in the instruments called pipes.
- too can be directly demonstrated. We kindle a note in this metallic
- prove by direct experiment that we are dealing with dilutions and
- to direct a stream of air on to the moving disc. (He did.) You can
- directly comparable — the eye and ear in this instance. It is
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- was in this direction, as I said before that they interpreted what
- taking this direction: they were always looking for the kinship
- life since we are looking rather intently in their direction. Look
- electricity shewed very strange phenomena. A clear direction was
- indeed laid out for further study, but in pursuing this direction
- ray, going in opposite directions.
- Those that first issued directly from the negative pole, proved to
- being deflected pretty strongly in this direction by the
- this direction, while yet another is deflected in the
- opposite direction. The radiation, then, contains three elements.
- direction, α-rays.
- nothing analogous. We perceive electricity indirectly.
- waking life. We do not experience our processes of will directly.
- going in precisely the same direction when we descend from the
- direct experience of the phenomena of our own Will; all we are able
- we have no direct experience of the electrical phenomena of Nature.
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- can distinguish the rays from the cathode, going in this direction,
- something of the direction from which it first began, that we were
- century thinking went a long way in this direction, especially
- things do not directly belong to one-another. They belong as
- unfold when half-asleep belongs directly to the outer things which
- directly. That is of course wide of the mark. For it is only when
- Xc). In all directions, you drive your ether— and astral
- have in future, leading directly from the scientific places of
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