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Query was: effect

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • effect on us, upon our soul, our nervous apparatus, of an objective
    • effect. And when in thinking I picture this. The thought — the
    • involves realities of the outer world. What, in effect, must be
    • the heat or warmth is the effect on your own nerves. Objectively,
    • mass reveal itself in its effects, — how does it work? And if
    • You can only recognize the mass by its effects.
    • effect, in answering this question: If such a particle brings another
    • us, in effect, from quite another side — and, to begin with, in
    • element, for the effects of Force in Nature, as a minute atom-like
    • This in effect is what
    • forces to their centres; we try to find the points from which effects
    • can issue, For this kind of effect in Nature, we are obliged to
    • “potential force”. In studying these effects of Nature we
    • Such, in effect, is
    • in terms of centric forces. Why, in effect, — why not?
    • look for centres, — to study the potential effects that may go
    • out from such centres. Suppose we find the effect. If I now calculate
    • how the integral effects will be, in a certain sphere, subject to the
    • never explain any process involving Life. In effect, the forces that
    • physical effects due to the influences of a, b and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • is, as beings of sense and nerve, or even beings of soul. This effect
    • p is acting on the mass m, a certain effect will of
    • course be produced. The effect shows itself, in that the mass moves
    • contact with an effect of pressure — with an effect, therefore,
    • water interpenetrate, and this is evidently not without effect for
    • effect, — the light is weakened, naturally. When you see the
    • here. That the dimming of the light has a real effect, you can tell
    • cloudy medium you see something more. The dimming has an effect,
    • light is. The light that is deflected upward has a dimming effect, so
    • unimpaired, but into it the darkening, the dimming effect is sent
    • into it of the darkening effect that is poured into this shining
    • light. Only the dimming and darkening effect is here deflected in the
    • outraying light where the dimming effect takes the same direction as
    • prime force and momentum, here on the other hand the dimming effect
    • upward, the dimming and darkening effect rays in. Here is a region
    • of the dimming, darkening effect. This, then, is the result: —
    • Above, the dimming effect is deflected in the same sense as the
  • Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • then put in its way a lens, — which in effect is none other
    • it another time, as to how this effect can be determined, by which I
    • this effect be due? How shall I answer this question, purely from the
  • Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • in effect — you look at something light, namely at the
    • experiment, they do; or again, they reinforce each other. In effect,
    • extinguishing effect upon the other, just as the effect of the prism
    • effect of it is not to intensify but to extinguish. As a real active
  • Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • can take effect as it were simultaneously, the sodium line will be
    • all. How comes it in effect that the material bodies have this
    • we may say: what in effect is Phosphorescence? It is a Fluorescence
    • effect, we can separate ourselves, while from the space and time we
    • make use of space and time for our perception. In effect, space and
  • Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • this example, for you know very well that the effect of being
    • ourselves to the darkness. Thus we may say: the effect of light upon
    • us is to communicate, to give; whilst the effect of darkness is to
    • just now, with our etheric body. This in effect — this
    • very much averse. For in effect, if these are two independent
    • then to construe the effects which arise in fact between them. This
    • example two other lines arise, purely by the effect of the
    • electricity with which magnetic effects are always somehow
    • forces” proves to be not without effect upon those processes
    • the effect of electricity on the phenomena of light now led to the
    • effects had been perceived, one could lean back and rest content. Now
    • the form of light among the electro-magnetic effects. They think it
  • Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • isn't there, but your own eye is active and makes an after-effect,
    • the effect of it then finds expression in your experience of
    • descends effectively into the airy element. Even as it enters into
    • affects my ear, and the effect upon my ear is perceived in some way
    • as an effect on my subjective being. For the “subjective
    • Thus in effect
  • Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • life of thought but which consists of outer realities. In effect, I
    • effects of the vibrations — effects that are merely
    • everyone of you who are here seated is only the effect on my own
    • effect” of the other. What you experience in your
    • soul, — when I experience it with you it is not the effect
    • approach to the related phenomena. My seeing in effect is
    • “Ethical-Aesthetical Effects of Colour”
  • Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • electricity and its effects. It was then these discoveries which
    • The effect produced — the development of warmth — may
    • the other. Electricity is thus able to take effect across space,
    • spreads out in space and takes effect at a distance. In like
    • effect of it is perceptible at a distance. Thus in his own
    • spreads out through space and takes effect at a distance, unfolding
    • taking effect once more — at a distance. You know how
    • the tubes which you here see. In effect, the terminals from which
    • have been able to pick out. In effect, they said: It isn't waves,
    • known as Roentgen rays or X-rays. They have the effect of
    • effects shew that there is also a raying-forth of the material
    • inaugurating. In effect, when we expose ourselves to light, we swim
  • Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • kind of effects we are accustomed to see in matter.
    • the other pole. For in effect, all that goes on in these vacuum
    • saying in effect: The War has clearly shewn that we have not yet
    • effective. At the beginning of the War we suffered greatly because

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