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- Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- of individuals or groups among his friends and pupils. Yet as
- the faculty to apprehend the spiritual aspect of the World
- transcend the mechanical explanation of the World generally
- This mental tendency has become habitual throughout the
- faculties with which we apprehend what is mechanical are
- I saw any beginnings or indications that seemed to tend in
- “To this end the many
- another circumstance. The lectures were attended by members
- in written books intended for the world at large. In these
- which I should certainly have had to change had I intended it
- century produced will be transcended — transcended above
- generations due to come at the end of the 20th century, let
- Title: Prefatory Note: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- wanting to defend Goethe's Theory of Colour in every
- not only to extend the range of information but who look
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- My dear Friends,
- fundamental trend and tendency in Science, which should permeate your
- friend Dr. Stein has kindly been recalling, I may add one more. It
- suspended by a string, will pull vertically down towards the earth.
- things we really must reach clarity. You see, dear Friends, along the
- do not envisage the distinction clearly. They always tend rather to
- only find them when as it were I go to the very ends of the world
- ends of the Universe and imagine forces to the working inward from
- Friends, I have been saying to the end that we may understand how the
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- My dear Friends,
- a pressure stronger than you can endure — is taking place
- we come into regions which are opposed to our consciousness and tend
- object of equal weight, suspended this time, at the other end of the
- of which the brain is really tending upward, contrary to its own
- in this condition. Taken as a whole, their tendency is down-ward.
- only bound to downward tending matter. And now please think of this:
- ponderable matter. We always tend to go up and out beyond our head
- Naturally it spreads out and extends after the light has gone through
- the brightly shining light, itself deflected, and then the sending
- deflection of the light. Up there, the dimming or darkening tends to
- You see, dear Friends:
- give a grey but remaining mutually independent in their activity.
- light, it remains there and independent, it is true, but the light
- and into your eyes. Into a muscle it is so inserted as to blend with
- apparatus in the same way, but remains comparatively independent.
- our astral body is more independent, and independent in a different
- bodily part and is by no means independent. In the eye too it is
- inserted: here however it works independently. The space is filled by
- independently while in the other they do not. It is but half the
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- My dear Friends,
- phenomenon with the prism — at the end of yesterday's lecture
- light and colour, let us now begin again, but from the other end. I
- enough to send him some scientific instruments to Weimar. Goethe
- Goethe had to pack the instruments to send them back again. Meanwhile
- felt the theory did not make sense. He was no longer minded to send
- circle that the colours extend inward from the edges to the middle.
- This, my dear Friends,
- together, one from either end. But I could now move the screen
- Where I should otherwise merely get the image extending from red to
- — then, my dear Friends, I am already fancying all kinds of
- now the beauty of it, my dear Friends! The light, they say, reaches
- picture outward. So after all they end by attributing this activity
- organic is. The whole working of it depends on this. First the
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- My dear Friends,
- water through which you send a stream of light so that the liquid is
- send the light through the prism we therefore have to do with two
- Friends, in modern time. The phenomena have not merely been observed
- and stated purely as phenomena, as we have been endeavouring to do.
- According to this conception the Sun sends us its light, we let it
- well be that the one infinitesimal particle with its perpendicular
- spectrum extending from violet to red — engendered directly by
- get a darker. Why is it so? It simply depends on the intensity of
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- My dear Friends,
- Figure IVf), towards the end of Lecture IV). Now we can also
- luminous gives a complete spectrum — expending all the way from
- they of themselves send the light back — when they have somehow
- with outer reality, my dear Friends, till we are thoroughly clear on
- good, my dear Friends, if you will bring this home to yourselves very
- from them — is also true of another thing. But, my dear Friends
- our astral body. You have no alternative, my dear Friends but to
- It is intended to be, what you will find in neither of the two, and
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- My dear Friends,
- i.e. towards the perpendicular to the glass surface at the point of
- since one end of it is lighter we see this shifted too. Placing
- light, the enduring colours. We cannot treat all these things
- has been completely lost; nay, the deliberate tendency has been,
- depends. For if we do not state the phenomena purely and simply, but
- attract one another, — send some mysterious force out into
- bottom of it all? This tendency to add to the phenomena in thought
- very much averse. For in effect, if these are two independent
- heavenly bodies as independent of each other. If for example I put my
- done by the underlying soul-and-spirit. My hand is not independent of
- this, my dear Friends, are far-reaching. Namely, for every
- planetary system. The tendency has been, first to regard as wholes
- It was the trend of
- as to how the ether should be vibrating: this they endeavour to
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Friends,
- if I engendered red by means of green, it would stay red. Goethe in
- on this passage.) He also recommended chemical and photographic
- with, my dear Friends, along with all the other phenomena which we
- essential difference between the green image engendered spatially
- have rigged-up an apparatus to engender colour while our eye stays
- descend from Light to Warmth. Warmth too we perceive as a condition
- descends effectively into the airy element. Even as it enters into
- Friends, our bodily nature is indeed of the greatest interest even
- ascend as it were into a higher, into an etheric sphere, therein to
- engender warmth. Now as a basis for tomorrow's lecture, we have
- between the mechanical work expended and the warmth produced, the
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Friends,
- strong tendency, above all things, not to enter spiritually into
- Physics nowadays, is fundamentally a product of the said tendency,
- they may well contend. There are the waves of condensation and
- dear Friends, for once deserve to be followed to their logical
- pendulum clock; you wind it up and start it. In the same room there
- is another pendulum clock; it must, admittedly, be of a certain
- forms the inner end of this canal. Behind the drum are the minute
- has its ending. Before the cochlea we come to the three
- rhythm of the ascending and descending cerebrospinal fluid and how
- But we have still not reached the end. All this that takes its
- represent? It would be an organ, my dear Friends, which I could
- however, my dear Friends, we shall no longer be able to conceive as
- nowhere in these realms unless you apprehend what is real. For if
- dear Friends, that if you work it through for yourselves this will
- this, dear Friends, the fundamentals of a true Physical Science,
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Friends,
- coating, connected with a metal rod, ending perhaps in a metallic
- we expended for example in making these vanes rotate in the water,
- and manifold as they appear. These tendencies were crowned to some
- extent when near the end of the century Heinrich Hertz, a physicist
- Hertz's discoveries were still the twilight of the old, tending as
- through air of very high dilution. High tension is engendered in
- pointed terminal at either end, one where the positive electricity
- will discharge (i.e. the positive pole) at the one end, so too the
- through these tubes is in fact endowed with remarkable properties,
- they thereby knew what it was; in any case they did not pretend to
- you how at the outset of these lectures we endeavoured in a purely
- shooting force, tending to remain behind, makes itself felt as
- against the other that tends to go nine times as quickly. Now
- in the Universe which we can comprehend, we had to speak of
- — to the field which we comprise and comprehend with our
- going in precisely the same direction when we descend from the
- We only experience what they deliver, what they send upward, to
- are crossing in ourselves when we descend from our thinking and
- we are in fact descending into the very same realm into which we
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Friends,
- here, its anode or positive pole here. Sending the electricity
- revealed in that the glass becomes fluorescent when we send the
- completely. In sending out its radiation, it is transmuted. It
- stable and enduring matter but with a complete metamorphosis of
- phenomena themselves with human thinking. Now to this end certain
- you will remember how you were taught (and our good friends, the
- little, my dear Friends, as the idea-forming faculty which you
- ceased to hold good at the end of this series. Many examples might
- indeed; and to do this, my dear Friends, we must become aware of
- phenomena of the realm we are now considering, my dear Friends. For
- inner life — your life of soul — to apprehend the tone
- domain, my dear Friends. In the first place there is no wave or
- dear Friends, must learn anew, and that in many fields. Once human
- End of the
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