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Query was: geometrical
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- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- rather less. Thus, what we have to say concerning geometrical form is
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- kinematical, geometrical and arithmetical truths, — truths we
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- purely geometrical or kinematical, and as I pointed out, this also
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- geometrical and kinematical — calculable waves in an unknown
- somehow compelled to bring more movement into our geometrical and
- hold of in a fully valid way with geometrical ideas derived from a
- geometrical or kinematical ideas are related to what appears to us
- Physics — we calculate and draw them in geometrical figures.
- origin of all our phoronomical — arithmetical, geometrical
- calculating, or drawing it geometrically, or analyzing the forms of
- intelligent beings and on the other hand the geometrical,
- the geometrical, the arithmetical ideas — rise up from the
- organ in the metabolism. Our geometrical ideas above all spring
- And if you now apply these geometrical ideas (I will say
- “geometrical” henceforth to represent the arithmetical
- real object. So too, what in your geometrical and phoronomical
- phenomena of warmth) — by means of geometrical, arithmetical
- originate. For this, our arithmetical, algebraical and geometrical
- Plain-sailing arithmetical and geometrical methods proving
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