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- Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- past. They looked for ways to get beyond that realm of
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- present-day scientific thinking altogether. The scientists who think
- third way in which the scientist tries to get at the configuration of
- ways that “scientific research” tries to get near to
- the phenomena themselves together till in the last resort he gets the
- correct is altogether different from the way we contemplate and form
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- to get to b, but we suppose it does not go there at once. It
- get to b. Thus I can also imagine the movement from
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- must not forget. There must be a mass at the point a, to begin with.
- it really? And we shall have to admit: Here we already get stuck! The
- world of thought so that they then hold good in outer Nature, we get
- get to know in quite external ways, namely a weight. In the last
- mechanics. Not till we get to mechanics, have we the content of what
- you were studying the play of forces in an animal or vegetable embryo
- B' and C'; and so on. I should thus get a notion of
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- gets bigger. This too we must take into account; we have an ever
- our reach, so that we can only get to know it, as it were, by staring
- altogether contained within what is calculable and what is spatial
- Can I get a clear intelligible notion of what the m
- contains, as by arithmetic, geometry and kinematics I get a clear
- analogous to what goes on in us when we get the clear intelligible
- recourse to these, you will never get beyond what is phoronomical,
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- get the loss of weight exactly. You know this is called the law of
- that are beneath it that it would not get properly supplied with
- but so as to bring the spiritual and the physical together. Only the
- indeed high time, if I may say so, for Physics to get a little grit
- man. In the part of him which serves Intelligence, you get the ether
- free, as it were, while for the rest of him you get it bound to the
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- and so on, — please to forget them now. Hold to the simple
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- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- the diverse ways in which light and dark work together —
- yourselves: Here we get stuck! You must attribute it to the unnatural
- light, the physicists went on to say, we get the sequence of colours:
- Goethe wanted to get
- often happens, one does not get down to a thing right away. Now
- through the space of the room, we get a white circle on the screen.
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- when by reducing the circle in size we get a continuous sequence of
- at the borders, where light and dark flow together.
- prisms together so as to make them into a single whole. The lower one
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- prism, I should of course get something very like what we had
- should get a figure of light still more drawn out than before. But it
- get an image of the circle of light as if there were two pushed
- together, one from either end. But I could now move the screen
- farther in. Again I should get an image. That is to say, there would
- to get an image. You see then how the double prism treats the light.
- Where I should otherwise merely get the image extending from red to
- violet, I now get the outer edges red, with violet in the middle and
- should get a similar figure if I moved the screen farther away.
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- Colour. Of course the phenomena get complicated; the simple
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- passing through the prism, the light gets darkened. The moment we
- overwhelms and outdoes the darkness. We get the yellowish or
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- corresponds a kind of substance, so that seven colours altogether are
- indeed most interesting, and we must try to get a clear idea of what
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- get pictures by means of the one mirror and also pictures by means of
- difficult to see. Nay, altogether, in the textbooks you will find the
- one wants to rush on; the other gets in the way and, in consequence,
- it extinguishes the light. Here therefore on the screen we do not get
- here get an element of darkness (
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- step, here once again the light is able to get through more easily.
- We get the pattern of a lattice, moving on from step to step. Turn by
- turn, the light from above can get through and extinguishes the
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- prism, we get a “spectrum”, a luminous picture, very like
- what we should get from the Sun, (compare
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- found to act like an untransparent body. It gets in the way of the
- yellow) of the spectrum. It blots it out, so that we get a black line
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- however we must get hold of the pure facts.
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- need to get hold of today, for we shall afterwards want to relate it
- distance s by the real time t, to get the velocity
- us is the velocity; the s and t we only get by
- not what you can get from the first text-book you may purchase. Nor
- is it what you can get by reading Goethe's Theory of Colour.
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- 16th century was radically different. Today at school we get so
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- — I let into the room a cone of light which then gets diverted
- our eyes. Otherwise our very habit of thought begets the impression
- these facts together.
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- together. My task is not merely to describe what I see; I have to
- however in the machines which we ourselves piece together from the
- insofar as they are pieced together from sundry forces of Nature by
- ourselves. Only the “put-togetherness” of them is
- recoil of elastic bodies are not so difficult to get to know, they
- as vibrations in the elastic ether. In the last resort we shall get
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- that wherever colours arise there is a working-together of light
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- shadows. I darken this source of light and get green, said Goethe
- demonstrated. In the one case we get a grey, a bit of darkness, a
- with colour. The light and darkness then work together in a
- shall not get any further if we do not try to think out clearly,
- together what I have just been shewing with what I told you before
- since they get so little help from the psychologists. The latter,
- — the surface will get warm. By this exertion you have
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- — and you get something like a “velocity of propagation
- experiments; they are at hand, if I may say so. What you can get
- the intervening space it could not get through, then again it
- together what I have just been saying and what was said once
- this way of thought be true) are altogether subjective, since my
- utters it. It is the sympathetic going-together of events (or
- the cornea. As we go inward, we were saying, the eye gets ever more
- totality when you take together the more volitional element
- so long as you separate these two. The two belong together; this is
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- larynx. If we take larynx and ear together as a single whole, we
- — the perceiving, receiving activity of the eye. You will get
- together which are assigned to seemingly distinct organs of the
- make them, even as the conditions for the outer air to get into the
- get once more the picture of the World which is so worshipped in
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- gets electrified and will attract bits of paper. If the electrical
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- together with a metallic discharger we should cause a spark to fly
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- phenomenon gets modified. The electricity which otherwise flows
- not get where I want to in this course if I did not go through them
- tubes, to get to know their conditions and reactions. Certain
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- — an altogether different substance. Thus we no longer have
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- Ohm's Law. Now one was able, so to speak, to get a glimpse of the
- the cathode rays). The “bombs” do not get through the
- through the tube, we are now getting the so-called cathode rays. We
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- Xa) together make a straight angle — an angle of
- while α' + ß' + γ' taken together give an
- angles together make 180°, breaks down. For I should then
- that they are getting no further. They will only emerge from the
- including the forces? Whence do we get these ideas? We may commonly
- believe that we get them on the same basis as the ideas we gain
- door of the lecture-theatre he gets involved in a quarrel. The
- very act of losing it get more into reality. Conceivably for
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- draw your ether— and astral body together, so that they
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- not get our children into difficulties. But this at least we can
- so as to get the children to think in connection with the
- human beings of our time to get free of the ways of Kant and
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