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Query was: hand

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Cover: First Scientific Lecture-Course
    Matching lines:
    • Shorthand Report unrevised by
  • Title: Cover Pressing Page: First Scientific Lecture-Course
    Matching lines:
    • Shorthand Report unrevised by
  • Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
    Matching lines:
    • are my published books upon the one hand, while on the other
    • hand there are a larger number of lecture-courses, printed at
  • Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • the 19th century, and we still find it on all hands in the whole way
    • and research as pursued today and on the other hand the Goethean
    • our own thinking; mechanical phenomena on the other hand must first
    • parallelogram of forces on the other hand there must be a mass
    • and centric forces and on the other hand all that leads out into the
    • only centric forces work with their potentials, and on the other hand
    • on the other hand — even in inorganic Nature — can never
  • Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • how in our study of Nature we have upon the one hand the purely
    • hand it is no less significant that we must have recourse to quite
    • Look at the right-hand
    • interests us at the moment is however this: — On the right-hand
    • m on the other hand, I must first ask: Is there anything in
    • on the other hand becomes light and clear inasmuch as we are able to
    • underlies it, bring about upon the one hand the submersion of the
    • Will in matter and on the other hand the lightening of Will into
    • then see upon the one hand the lightening into Intelligence, brought
    • the other hand, where he has to let his Will be absorbed, sucked-up
    • what it wants. In the rest of our body on the other hand, the ether
    • other hand we have the light that has made its way through the
    • prime force and momentum, here on the other hand the dimming effect
    • simply through the fact that the prism on the one hand deflects the
    • full bright cone of light and on the other hand also deflects the
    • hand and bluish colours on the other make their appearance. At the
    • happens, namely that on the one hand the dimming is deflected in the
    • same direction as the cone of light, while on the other hand, because
    • interpenetrating like astral body and muscle. Or on the other hand
  • Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • dark — i.e. the unimpaired brightness and on the other hand the
    • the line of sight. What say the physicists on the other hand? They
    • cross-section.) This then would be a right-hand eye. If we removed
    • external. Inside the vitreous body on the other hand we find inherent
    • the right-hand eye is a little to the right of the point of entry the
  • Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • can be seen on every hand if we once accustom ourselves to think more
    • the other hand adding to them our own inventions. This movement of
  • Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • two portions; you only see the two poles on either hand.
    • throws back the blue alone. We on the other hand have to eschew these
    • oil appears slightly yellow. If on the other hand you place yourself
    • light. When there is Phosphorescence on the other hand, as with the
    • on the other hand you see the colours of bodily objects, something is
  • Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • the one hand, and the bodily realm on the other. When a space is
    • colours on the other hand have a quality of drawing on us, sucking at
    • and on the other hand the filling of space which we call matter,
    • spaces of our immediate environment and on the other hand the way we
    • the experience of light upon the one hand and warmth upon the other
    • hand to my forehead, I shall not dream of saying that my forehead
    • “attracts” my hand, but I shall say: It is an inner deed
    • done by the underlying soul-and-spirit. My hand is not independent of
    • there are two arms and hands, there is a trunk, there are two legs.
    • by means of which my forehead would attract my right hand. But in
  • Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • left-hand source of light. It is produced, in that the light from
    • arises where the light from the right-hand source is covered.
    • (the left-hand) light. I make the light go through a plate of
    • that the shadow of the rod, due to this left-hand source of light
    • hands in — not for long, only to test it. Then put your left
    • hand in water as hot as you can bear and your right hand in water
    • as cold as you can bear. Then put both hands quickly back again
    • very warm to your right hand and very cold to your left. Your left
    • hand, having become hot, perceives as cold what your right hand,
    • one impinge upon the other. And just as when you plunge your hand
    • own hand by the difference between the warmth of your hand and the
    • live with your consciousness. On the other hand you go beneath this
  • Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • experiments; they are at hand, if I may say so. What you can get
    • is “phoronomical” on the one hand, and on the other
    • hand all that which we do not merely think out in our own inner
    • mere displacements. Velocities on the other hand are outward
    • hand I want to look at the reality of the sound — at what is
    • in you when you breathe, you can therefore insert on the one hand
    • your active speaking and on the other hand your hearing. Then you
    • that goes through the ear. To separate the ear on the one hand, the
    • tone and sound on the one hand and on the other hand the phenomena
  • Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • led upon the one hand to the great triumphs in materialistic
    • science, and on the other hand provided the foundations for the
    • nature. On the other hand, in going through a plate of aluminium
    • other hand, the moment we go on to the essential qualities of
  • Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • pure Geometry — was a thing handed down from ancient time.
    • besides the ordinary geometry handed down to us from Euclid other
    • intelligent beings and on the other hand the geometrical,
    • experience with the outer world; these on the other hand
    • whence come geometry and kinematics — and on the other hand
    • as well, but so am I. With these phenomena on the other hand, what
    • intermediate between light and sound on the one hand, electricity
    • light and tone on the one hand, and of the very opposite of these
    • order of mankind. On the other hand, people fail to realize how

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