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- Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- light of spiritual knowledge, and we who have received this
- knowledge which has plunged most deeply into agnostic
- dissatisfied with the ways of knowledge of the immediate
- as nothing was held valid as “secure knowledge”
- of spiritual knowledge touched me deeply. There were
- knowledge seemed to me to find expression in such men as
- weight, constitute genuine knowledge. Men did not venture to
- orientation of our faculties of knowledge towards the outer
- gain insight into the mechanical domain. If we desire to know
- our deeper, latent faculties of knowledge the same
- to me, that in our striving after knowledge we should arrive
- knowledge in its many aspects. Here I set forth, what in the
- at the very least some knowledge of the anthroposophical
- described in Anthroposophia; also a knowledge of
- “to awaken in themselves the faculties of knowledge for
- Title: Prefatory Note: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- yet known in Goethe's time. I could only do justice to such
- deep into the central issues of our life of knowledge
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- force of heat or warmth, and so on. They speak of an unknown
- way from what is known into some unknown realm. They scarcely ever
- ask if it is really justified thus to proceed from the known to the
- unknown. They scarcely trouble, for example, to consider if it is
- example are the three statements known as “Kepler's
- “known” to the so-called “unknown”. He always
- wants to stay within the sphere of what is known, nor in the first
- scientific method is not to draw conclusions from the known to the
- unknown; he will apply all thinking and all available methods to put
- so-called “known” to an “unknown” of any
- to be fundamental, in place of the unknown entities or the
- to outer Nature. I mean Geometry, — all that is known by means
- Nature. We know what we have to say about a cube without first having
- centimetre a second quicker every second, we know the ratio between
- get to know in quite external ways, namely a weight. In the last
- of knowledge.
- only find our way aright if we know what the leap is from Kinematics
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- well-known theorem. (We can go into it again another time so that
- you most probably know; I only call it to your mind.) Multiply the
- our reach, so that we can only get to know it, as it were, by staring
- — no real physiology. It does not know the human being. You
- presence known, to begin with, simply by this: by its ability to
- get the loss of weight exactly. You know this is called the law of
- embrace also the knowledge of the physical. In the human being we
- Nature. We need a knowledge with a strongly spiritual content,
- the connection and you know at once: so it must be, — the
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- IIIf). The human eye, as you know, is in form like a kind of
- a kind of lens. The lens is carried by a muscle known as the ciliary
- reaches what is commonly known as the vitreous body or vitreous
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- expansion, known as waves, we imagine sound to spread. To begin with,
- adding things out of the blue, of which man has no knowledge. Of
- vice-versa, if we do not know what is in a flame and we make a
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- remarkable fact, which, although not unknown before, was brought to
- you know, in dividing s, the distance which the mobile
- intimately united, we learn to know and understand the real velocity.
- knowledge you have no alternative, but must say to yourselves: The
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- “I know four men. One of them owns £25, another £50;
- this example, for you know very well that the effect of being
- — to add all manner of unknown agencies and fancied energies,
- Now it is simpler to add in thought some unknown forces than to admit
- ethereal ocean. Their calculations relate to an unknown entity which
- recoil of elastic bodies are not so difficult to get to know, they
- Ether-vibrations are moving through space. They think they know what
- electro-magnetic force. They know still better now, what light is,
- they do not know what these are! Such is the pretty round they have
- sense-world is explained by an unknown super-sensible, the vibrating
- confess that they do not know what the latter is. It is a highly
- search for an unknown to the explanation of this unknown by yet
- another unknown.
- Helmholtz got to know of the phenomenon, he said: Very well, we shall
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- you know there is all the physical apparatus we were describing a
- which have claimed all the knowledge of the soul and Spirit for
- achievement. You know that if you merely rub a surface with your
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- prevalent today. Historically it is of course well-known, but
- condensations and attenuations; that unknown something within me
- path. We can have no real knowledge of these things if we relate
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- scientific knowledge. Now to prepare for tomorrow, I must today
- beginning no doubt with things that are well-known to you from your
- You know the
- attract small bodies such as bits of paper. You know too what
- brings negative toward itself in some way. You know the phenomenon
- coating thereby becomes electrified negatively. Then, as you know,
- again, I am presumably still recalling what you already know
- taking effect once more — at a distance. You know how
- tubes, to get to know their conditions and reactions. Certain
- your knowledge of these things; I cannot go into them all from the
- pole, known as the cathode, which lent themselves especially to
- know what so-called “matter” is. But the phenomena
- they now obtained the rays known as “canal rays”. In
- known as Roentgen rays or X-rays. They have the effect of
- know the Roentgen rays have the property of going through bodies
- The text-book knowledge I may none the less bring forward, is only
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- another thing emerges from these materials, known as radium etc. It
- geometrical and kinematical — calculable waves in an unknown
- arithmetical thinking. Geometry, you know, was a very ancient
- 180°. Of course you know this. Now then we have to give our
- process of knowledge you are connecting, what arises from within
- is, we shall not know where we are in our Natural Science, so that
- from us and only makes its presence known to us in the phenomena of
- tubes makes itself known to us in phenomena of light, etc. Whatever
- it, but you can at least take notice of it; you know that
- They do not know what havoc has in fact been wrought by the
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