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Searching First Scientific Lecture-Course

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Query was: lens

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • then put in its way a lens, — which in effect is none other
    • the original cross-section: by interposing the lens I get it narrowed
    • what is material — the material of the lens, which is a body of
    • glass — and the light that goes through space. The lens so
    • through the lens. If I confronted the light with an ordinary plate of
    • instead of the simple plate, made of glass or water, I have a lens.
    • replace the double prism by a lens, — a lens of this
    • lens, I get a picture considerably bigger than the cross-section of
    • material — though it appears transparent in all these lenses
    • we should get with a lens of this type (thick at the edge and thin in
    • path the light has to go through in the middle of the lens than at
    • a kind of lens. The lens is carried by a muscle known as the ciliary
    • lens is the so-called aqueous humour. Thus when the light gets into
    • the aqueous humour and then through this lens which is inherently
    • movable by means of muscles. From the lens onward the light then
    • through the transparent cornea, through the aqueous humour, the lens
    • is between the lens and the cornea through which the light first has
    • liquid or aqueous humour of the eye, between the lens and the outer
    • the outer world. The lens too is to a high degree
    • a quite external and objective kind of fluid. The lens too is still
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • few days ago; the vitreous body, the lens, the aqueous humour
    • between the lens and the cornea, — a highly differentiated
  • Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • considerable vitality. Then there is the fluid between the lens and
    • would be the ciliary muscle, the lens and the external liquid
    • ciliary muscles with the lens. The lens is inherently mobile and
    • the eye behind the lens — the inner and more vital part

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