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- Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- unless it could be grasped in mechanistic forms of thought.
- printed versions of my lectures are reports, more or less
- Title: Prefatory Note: First Scientific Lecture-Course
Matching lines:
- “Needless to say I am not
- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- educators, — not to apply directly in your lessons, but as a
- activity is already taken more or less unconsciously for granted.
- regardless of “subjective or objective” — bring to
- rather less. Thus, what we have to say concerning geometrical form is
- in all these three are none the less valid for what takes place in
- impregnable, is none the less beginning to be undermined. I mean the
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- hand it is no less significant that we must have recourse to quite
- yesterday, present-day Physics (though now a little less sure in this
- causes. The point will be moving more or less quickly or slowly. We
- say it moves with a greater or lesser “velocity”. Let us
- accordingly, we shall say that the point has a greater or lesser
- also make it move quicker and quicker, but to a lesser extent; a
- of consciousness that you can bear it. Nevertheless, what I have
- human experience contains the m no less than the v,
- Nevertheless, although
- opposite and polar qualities, no less than magnetism does, to take
- — there is no less of a polar quality in the realm of colour.
- and even certain lesser shades of green. Why do I emphasise that the
- the light is weakened; you will see this in countless instances. We
- in it, — no less than in the muscle. You see from this:
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- will restrict themselves to thoughts of a more or less phoronomical
- colourless light go through a prism the colourless light is analyzed
- we let a cylinder of colourless light impinge on the screen, it shows
- a colourless picture. Putting a prism in the way of the cylinder of
- explain it thus, so he was told — The colourless light already
- — more or less indistinct. Moreover in this case (
- matter than in the middle, where it has less matter to go through.
- that it has less matter to go through in the middle and more at the
- edges. Think of it now. In the middle the light has less matter to go
- goes through less matter — the force of it is greater than
- due to the light's having less matter to go through, which presses
- should then encounter less resistance, — so I should push it
- peculiarity of the eye, and there is also another, scarcely less
- — they will appear to you more or less sharp and clear, or at
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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- more or less white if I were looking at directly, will appear
- surely be less illumined by reflected light than when the two mirrors
- selfless enough to let the kindred yellow light arising here it would
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- say: When colourless sunlight — according to the physicists, a
- something you none the less entertain astral relations to what we
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- light is sometimes more and sometimes less intense. There can be
- stronger light and less strong. The point is now to understand: How
- less strong; he will admit every degree of intensity of light, but he
- in debt. I will by all means distinguish between more and less
- £25 in debt is less than that of being £50 in debt. But in
- there will be less bombardment inside than outside; hence the two
- something else. Needless to say, the impacts in the theory of
- century conceived this strange idea of universal, inorganic, lifeless
- soul and Spirit-Nature — that underlies it. Lifeless Nature is
- unless the air in our environment is vibrating we shall not hear any
- Kirchhoff was rather shattered and more or less admitted: It will be
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- reddish-shining colour. In fact I see the screen more or less red.
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- is, in the world outside us, no more nor less than a certain
- case unless we bring it into connection with a more widespread
- never gain insight into these things unless we have the will to see
- are equally sense-organs, we shall be no less mistaken in our
- nowhere in these realms unless you apprehend what is real. For if
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- wireless telegraphy is based on this.
- Nevertheless,
- the external revolution in the social realm. It is no more nor less
- The text-book knowledge I may none the less bring forward, is only
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- not emerged, Physics has suffered no less a loss than the concept
- Waldorf teachers, will teach it too, needless to say; they cannot
- phenomena but really thinks about them. If you arrange your lessons
- Science lessons, whereby these lessons will be very fruitful for
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