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- Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- place he is at pains to observe Nature in such a way that from her
- process that is taking place in the universal ether — say a
- respects. In the first place, when he began to study natural
- place is he concerned to enquire whether the latter is merely
- to be fundamental, in place of the unknown entities or the
- two other movements. That is to say, in place of the one movement the
- in all these three are none the less valid for what takes place in
- calculate this in the same way as I did the displacements in our
- kinematical phenomena can still take place entirely within a space of
- Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- place, so to speak, on a small scale when you exert a pressure that
- a pressure stronger than you can endure — is taking place
- weight of water it displaces. If we weigh the same volume of water we
- liquid it displaces. You see therefore that when a body is in a
- the brain displaces is about 1230 grammes. To that extent the brain
- before. It is displaced, — it appears elsewhere. Moreover you
- help of the prism, once more you see the patch of light displaced,
- completely filled with colours, The displaced patch of light now
- light is displaced and the phenomena of colour appear at the edges
- Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- Now in the first place
- But the only place where he could see any colour at all was at some
- Looking at such a place through the prism he saw colours; where there
- IIc), but what appears in the first place is not the series of
- only colours arise; there is also the lateral displacement of the
- entire cone of light. To study this displacement further —
- is placed like the one I drew yesterday, the upper one the opposite
- as follows. Catching the picture by a screen placed here, I should
- a larger angle, I got the picture at a given place, if I then made
- place? The whole cylinder of light has been contracted. Look first at
- replace the double prism by a lens, — a lens of this
- given realities. They put a merely fancied activity in place of what
- they will not do is to go into the qualities. Thus in the first place
- outer world. At this place in the human body therefore — in the
- seen the red at a particular place, the quick rotation brings the
- Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- the place of this picture, and, looking through the prism, we then
- displaced (
- be coming directly towards me if the prism were not there, displaced
- though the screen were being illumined from two different places. Now
- more a little cylinder of light from above impinges on a light place,
- the place where the sound is evoked, the air in the immediate
- and darkness will arise at this place. Or if the two are vibrating
- find one place in the spectrum strongly developed. For sodium light
- dark place here. Precisely where you would expect a lighter part you
- itself in the way at the very place where the yellow should be coming
- Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- light or little bands of light at different places, according to the
- is at one place a far more intense yellow line, making the rest seem
- quality of light which would be appearing at this place (i.e. in the
- here in place of yellow, (
- developed at this place of the spectrum) acts like an opaque body. As
- way to an understanding also of this phenomenon. In the first place
- too; it then appears displaced downward instead of upward, moreover
- on to the screen. Into the path of the cylinder of light I place a
- oil appears slightly yellow. If on the other hand you place yourself
- Thus we have placed
- through. This distance we envisage in the first place, and in the
- second place we envisage the time it takes to do it. From the
- Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- perceive the thing displaced. It appears at a different place than
- found to be displaced. Please take this well into account. Here is a
- part, we must admit the lighter part is displaced simply as the upper
- displacement. Surely this is wrong. For even if I fix my gaze on this
- what is displaced in these optical phenomena can never be thus
- one place, now at another, now at a third and so on. If you then say
- is placed in the totality of Nature in quite another way. The only
- of light. The sodium line is extinguished in its old place and for
- has taken place. First it is light and colour which they desire to
- Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- there at the place you look at. You can convince yourself by this
- particular place in my body, — this is not so for warmth. For
- what is taking place in our environment of air. It is precisely
- Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- place in ‘longitudinal’ waves, as they are called. This
- beats as there were holes arriving at the place where the stream of
- mere displacements. Velocities on the other hand are outward
- spatial and temporal, kinematical and arithmetical forms, in place
- and understand how man himself is placed into the midst even of
- it interacts with what is taking place more externally in the outer
- Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- current, taking place to all appearances purely within the
- is taking place from the one side and the other, — how the
- Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
Matching lines:
- place from here (as we say yesterday, this is how Crookes thinks of
- colours, scientists replaced the colours, which they could not
- idea that what takes place outside us partly accords with what we
- methods of calculation seem to break down in so many places. In
- placed into this world of sound and tone — as I explained in
- domain, my dear Friends. In the first place there is no wave or
- developments must come in place of what is breaking down. This
- Earth and Solar System by the theory of Kant and Laplace. To
- and Laplace. And you must realize how much is yet to do for the
- have in future, leading directly from the scientific places of
- will have to alter! So may the Waldorf School be and remain a place
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