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Query was: speak

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Foreword: First Scientific Lecture-Course
    Matching lines:
    • speak, of their own accord; but on this basis we can only
    • teachings of Anthroposophia, one could speak to them as to
    • more intimate circles I might speak of many things in a form
  • Title: First Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • Hochstift” had invited me to speak on Goethe's work in Science.
    • then he speaks of the species “wolf” or
    • phenomena. Speaking of causes, our scientists will have in mind
    • forces or substances or even more universal entities. They speak for
    • force of heat or warmth, and so on. They speak of an unknown
    • too is, fundamentally speaking, still remote from what we call the
    • I am now speaking and the way I spoke before. Before, I spoke of
    • there, before we can speak of a parallelogram of forces? So long as
    • we are only speaking of the parallelogram of movements, no actual
    • begin to speak at all of natural phenomena. Aware as he was of this,
    • we always look for, when speaking of the World in terms of Physics.
    • working. Speaking in general terms, we call the measure of a force
    • take the right direction with your thinking when you speak thus: Say
    • his Theory of Colour is also founded, of which we shall be speaking
    • Physics will be such as to enable one to speak in Goethe's sense. Men
    • will perhaps begin to speak of Colour, for example, more in Goethe's
  • Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • respect) still mostly goes on speaking for example of the phenomena
    • place, so to speak, on a small scale when you exert a pressure that
    • — I wish to speak today. I mean the relation to the outer world
    • have to speak of how and why it is that we see the so-called white
    • to speak, sent after it. Up there, the light cannot spread out
    • the light that surges through — so to speak — with its
  • Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • direction pursued by Science in modern time. Moreover — I speak
    • simply have to do with images or pictures, the physicists speak of
    • speak of rays of light being sent out and refracted and so on. And
    • speaking — the so-called sclerotic and the transparent portion
  • Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • “objective” colours if you wish to speak in learned
    • movement. What has here been disturbed, goes on. Here, so to speak, a
  • Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • IVg). The rest of the spectrum is stunted, so to speak. By very
    • existence so to speak, develop such relation to the light that one
    • with this property. They shine in a different way when, so to speak,
    • so to speak — what the light has been doing in the chlorophyll;
    • the phenomena, in a manner of speaking, side by side. What we must
    • colours so to speak, — those that arise and vanish within the
  • Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • phenomena of light in rather recent times, historically speaking.
    • boundary of the darker. Instead, they speak in such a way as to
    • they speak as though the light patch alone were suffering
    • never to speak of rays of light or anything of that kind, but only of
    • then I still ought not to speak of it in such a way as to build my
    • whole theory of the phenomenon upon it. I still ought to speak in
    • and to assume this bombardment too. The masses then are, so to speak,
    • sounds. There is a genuine connection — and we shall speak of
  • Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • mere shadow. In the other case we permeate the shadow, so to speak,
    • warmth the whole of me is, so to speak, the sense-organ. For
    • cannot therefore speak of the perception of warmth in the same
    • somewhat condensed modification, so to speak, of the air, for it is
    • they speak so unrealistically of what is there in the outer world,
    • “Man”. They speak no doubt of soul and mind, or even
    • tomorrow speak of the science of sound and tone, whence you will
  • Title: Eighth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • speaking about sound and tone which you will find in the customary
    • confirm what I so often speak of more generally in Spiritual
    • speak of the phenomena of sound and tone in the scholastic system
    • qualitative is no concern of mine. A man who speaks like this is at
    • appearance. That which arises (speaking in terms of Physics) in the
    • larynx and adjoining organs when we are speaking. There is the act
    • of speaking, — its instruments quite obviously inserted into
    • your active speaking and on the other hand your hearing. Then you
    • volitional way in your speaking. Once more, you only have a
    • should have separated-out what is larynx-like, so to speak, for the
    • thing happens in my eye as when I hear and speak at the same time.
  • Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • speaks of vitreous and resinous electricities respectively;
    • speaking more generally one calls them “positive” and
    • Herewith the first breach had, so to speak, been made in the old
    • madness! Often and often, when speaking of the greatest activities
    • in the Universe which we can comprehend, we had to speak of
    • sound and warmth we ourselves are swimming, so to speak, as was
    • speak, into the realms of light and sound and warmth etc. For we
  • Title: Tenth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
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    • right out of its bearings, so to speak, even by Physics itself.
    • Ohm's Law. Now one was able, so to speak, to get a glimpse of the
    • service to you in the whole way you speak with the children about

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