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Searching First Scientific Lecture-Course

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Query was: spectrum

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • spectrum, while with the larger circle the colours formed at the
  • Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • spectrum. The “subjective” spectrum appears as an
    • colour-spectrum, began to speculate as to the nature of light. Here
    • spectrum extending from violet to red — engendered directly by
    • the Sun. But we can also generate the spectrum in another way.
    • us such a spectrum. It does not matter if we get the spectrum from
    • generate a spectrum in a somewhat different way (
    • to gas; it burns and volatilizes. We make a spectrum of the sodium as
    • it volatilizes. Then a peculiar thing happens. Making a spectrum, not
    • find one place in the spectrum strongly developed. For sodium light
    • spectrum of sodium. The rest of the spectrum is stunted —
    • entire spectrum, only the rest of the spectrum in this case is
    • can make spectra of this kind appearing not as a proper spectrum but
    • spectrum of it, we can conclude, if we get this yellow spectrum for
    • this cylinder of light and the spectrum of it, while at the same time
    • Fresnel's experiment. In the resulting spectrum you might expect the
    • might do; it gets in the way. This yellow part of the spectrum is
    • prism, it appears to me in such a way that I get a spectrum: red,
  • Title: Fifth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • prism, we get a “spectrum”, a luminous picture, very like
    • IVg). The rest of the spectrum is stunted, so to speak. By very
    • luminous gives a complete spectrum — expending all the way from
    • red to violet, to say no more. Suppose for example we make a spectrum
    • with glowing sodium gas: in the midst of a very feeble spectrum there
    • the continuous spectrum and the one generating, say, the sodium line,
    • yellow) of the spectrum. It blots it out, so that we get a black line
    • For the yellow of the spectrum, another yellow (the strength of which
    • developed at this place of the spectrum) acts like an opaque body. As
    • spectrum when we interpose the glowing sodium. We have not been able
    • to arrange the experiment so as to project the spectrum on to a
    • screen. Instead we will observe the spectrum by looking straight into
    • it with our eyes. For it is possible to see the spectrum in this way
    • the following experiment. You now see the complete spectrum projected
    • disulphide. Note how the spectrum is changed. When I put into the
    • disulphide, this light is extinguished. You see the spectrum clearly
    • carbon disulphide — you see the complete spectrum divided into
    • light itself. For if I only cast a spectrum here it is indeed like
    • way brought about a phenomenon of colour — say, a spectrum. I
  • Title: Sixth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • showing, — e.g. the forming of the spectrum. The explanation is
    • spectrum, in which we either create or extinguish the sodium line

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