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Query was: water

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Second Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • put a vessel there, filled up to here with water, so that the object
    • is submerged in water. Immediately, the beam of the balance goes up
    • on that side. By immersion in water the object has become lighter,
    • weight of water it displaces. If we weigh the same volume of water we
    • outer object in our experiment swims in the water, so does the brain
    • water. We let the cylinder of light, produced by the projecting
    • apparatus, pass through the water-prism. If you now look at the wall,
    • the prismatically formed body of water, — neglecting, as we can
    • luminous cylinder of water where the light is going through the
    • through the prism of water and there is thus an interpenetration of
    • the light with the water. Pay careful attention please, once more. In
    • that the cylinder of light goes through the water, the light and the
    • water interpenetrate, and this is evidently not without effect for
    • light somehow has power to make its way through the water-prism to
    • light through clear unclouded water, you see it in full brightness;
    • if the water is cloudy, you see it weakened. By dim and cloudy media
  • Title: Third Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • glass or water, the cylinder of light would just go through and a
    • instead of the simple plate, made of glass or water, I have a lens.
    • IIId), filled with liquid — water, for example. On the
    • the eye. I can now make the following experiment. Omitting the water
    • vessel with water or some other liquid up to here. A strange thing
    • this other direction. When there was no water in the vessel I could
    • air. Now my sighting line impinges on the water. The water does not
    • water onward I must give way to the stronger resistance, and, that I
    • difficult for me to see through the water than through the air; the
    • resistance of the water is harder for me to overcome. Hence I must
    • the water. The ray is there refracted. Owing to the transition from a
    • Finding increased resistance in the water, we are obliged to shorten
    • is evidently given: the resistance of the denser water to the
  • Title: Fourth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • water through which you send a stream of light so that the liquid is
  • Title: Seventh Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • water just warm enough for you to feel it lukewarm. Put both your
    • hand in water as hot as you can bear and your right hand in water
    • into the lukewarm water. You will find the lukewarm water seeming
    • solid bodies. More than 90% of us is just a column of water, and
    • — what matters most in this connection — the water in
    • into the lukewarm water you perceive the state-of-warmth of your
    • warmth of the water, so too do you perceive the tone or sound by
    • 16° C. The vessel contains water. Immersed in the body of
    • water is a kind of drum or flywheel which we now bring into quick
    • water all about, stirring it thoroughly. After a time we shall look
    • dint of purely mechanical work the water will have gained in
  • Title: Ninth Lecture (First Scientific Lecture-Course)
    Matching lines:
    • apparatus whereby a mass of water was brought into inner mechanical
    • activity. The water thereby became warmer, as we were able to shew.
    • we expended for example in making these vanes rotate in the water,

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