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Second Scientific Lecture-Course: Warmth Course
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Second Scientific Lecture-Course: Warmth Course
Schmidt Number: S-4001
On-line since: 22nd May, 2002
Stuttgart, March 2nd, 1920.
Yesterday I touched upon the fact that bodies under the influence of
heat expand. Today we will first consider how bodies, the solid bodies
as we call them, expand when acted upon by the being of warmth. In
order to impress these things upon our minds so that we can use them
properly in pedagogy and at this stage the matter is quite
simple and elementary we have set up this apparatus with an
iron bar. We will heat the iron bar and make its expansion visible by
noting the movements of this lever-arm over a scale. When I press here
with my finger, the pointer moves upwards.
(see drawing.)
You can see when we heat the rod, the pointer does move upwards which
indicates for you the act that the rod expands. The pointer moves
upwards at once. Also you notice that with continued heating the
pointer moves more and more, showing that the expansion increases with
the temperature. If instead of this rod I had another consisting of a
different metal, and if we measured precisely the amount of the
expansion, it would be found other than it is here. We would find that
different substances expanded various amounts. Thus we would be able
to establish at once that the expansion, the degree of elongation,
depended on the substance. At this point we will leave out of account
the fact that we are dealing with a cylinder and assume that we have a
body of a certain length without breadth or thickness and turn our
attention to the expansion in one direction only. To make the matter
clear we may consider it as follows: here is a rod, considered simply
as a length and we denote by
the length of
the rod at the original temperature, the starting temperature. The
length attained by the rod when it is heated to a temperature
we will indicate by
Now I said that the rod
expanded to various degrees depending upon the substance of which it
is composed. We can express the amount of expansion to the original
length of the rod. Let us denote this relative expansion by
Then we know the length of the rod after expansion. For the length
after expansion may be considered as made up of the original
and the small addition to this
length contributed by the expansion. This must be added on. Since I
have denoted by
the fraction giving the ratio of the
expansion and the original length, I get the expansion for a given
substance by multiplying
Also since the expansion is greater the higher the temperature, I have
to multiply by the temperature
Thus I can say the length of
the rod after expansion is
Lo + Lo αt,
which may be written
Lo (1 + αt).
Stated in words: if I wish to determine the length of a rod expanded
by heat, I must multiply the original length by a factor consisting of
plus the temperature times the relative expansion of the substance
under consideration. Physicists have called
the expansion
coefficient of the substance considered. Now I have considered here a
rod. Rods without breadth and thickness do not exist in reality. In
reality bodies have three dimensions. If we proceed from the
longitudinal expansion to the expansion of an assumed surface, the
formula may be changed as follows: let us assume now that we are to
observe the expansion of a surface instead of simply an expansion in
one dimension. There is a surface. This surface extends in two
directions, and after warming both will have increased in extent. We
have therefore not only the longitudinal expansion to
but also an increase in the breadth to
to consider. Taking first the original length,
we have as before the expansion in this direction to
Considering now the breadth
which expands to
I must write down:
b = bo (1 + αt)
(It is obvious that the same rule will hold here as in the case of
the length.) Now you know that the area of the surface is obtained by
multiplying the length by the breadth. The original area I get by
and after expansion by multiplying
Lo (1 + αt)
bo (1 + αt)
Lb = [Lo (1 + αt)] [bo (1 + αt)]
Lb = Lobo (1 + 2αt +
This gives the formula for the expansion of the surface. If now, you
imagine thickness added to the surface, this thickness must be treated
in the same manner and I can then write:
Lbd = Lobodo (1 + 3αt +
3α2t2 + α3t3)
When you look at this formula I will ask you please to note the
following: in the first two terms of (6) you see
raised no
higher than the first power; in the third term you see the second, and
in the fourth term it is raised to the third power. Note especially
these last two terms of the formula for expansion. Observe that when
we deal with the expansion of a three-dimensional body we obtain a
formula containing the third power of the temperature. It is extremely
important to keep in mind this fact that we come here upon the third
power of the temperature.
Now I must always remember that we are here in the Waldorf School and
everything must be presented in its relation to pedagogy. Therefore I
will call your attention to the fact that the same introduction I have
made here is presented very differently if you study it in the
ordinary textbooks of physics. I will not well you how it is presented
in the average textbook of physics. It would be said:
is a
ratio. It is a fraction. The expansion is relatively very small as
compared to the original length of the rod. When I have a fraction
whose denominator is greater than its numerator, then when I square or
cube it, I get a much smaller fraction. For if I square a third, I get
a ninth and when I cube a third I get a twenty-seventh. That is, the
third power is a very, very small fraction. α is a fraction whose
denominator is usually very large. Therefore say most physics books: if I square
α to get α2 or cube it to get α3
with which I multiply t3
these are very small fractions and can simply be dropped out. The average physics text says: we simply drop these last terms of the expansion formula and write
l · b · d
this is the volume and I will write is as
the volume of an expanded body heated to a certain temperature is:
V = Vo (1 + 3αt)
In this fashion is expressed the formula for the expansion of a solid
body. It is simply considered that since the fraction
squared and cubed give such small quantities, these can be dropped
out. You recognize this as the treatment in the physics texts. Now my
friends, in doing this, the most important thing for a really
informative theory of heat is stricken out. This will appear as we
progress further. Expansion under the influence of heat is shown not
only by solids but by fluids as well. Here we have a fluid colored so
that you can see it. We will warm this colored fluid
(See Figure 1).
Now you notice that after a short time the colored fluid rises and
from that we can conclude that fluids expand just like solids. Since
the colored fluid rises, therefore fluids expand when warmed.
Now we can in the same way investigate the expansion of a gaseous
body. For this purpose we have here a vessel filled simply with air.
(See Figure 2).
We shut off the air in the vessel and warm it. Notice
that here is a tube communicating with the vessel and containing a
liquid whose level is the same in both arms of the tube. When we
simply warm the air in the vessel, which air constitutes a gaseous
body, you will see what happens. We will warm it by immersing the
vessel in water heated to a temperature of 40°. (Note: temperatures in
the lectures are given in degrees Celsius.) You will see, the mercury
at once rises. Why does it rise? Because the gaseous body in the
vessel expands. The air streams into the tube, presses on the mercury
and the pressure forces the mercury column up into the tube. From this
you see that the gaseous body has expanded. We may conclude that
solid, liquid and gaseous bodies all expand under the influence of the
being of heat, as yet unknown to us.
Now, however, a very important matter approaches us when we proceed
from the study of the expansion of solids through the expansion of
liquids to the expansion of a gas. I have already stated that
the relation of the expansion to the original length of the
rod, differed for different substances. If by means of further
experiments that cannot be performed here, we investigate
for various fluids, again we will find different values for various
fluid substances. When however, we investigate
for gaseous
bodies then a peculiar thing shows itself, namely that
not different for various gases but that this expansion coefficient as
it is called, is the same and has a constant value of about
This fact is of tremendous importance. From it we see
that as we advance from solid bodies to gases, genuinely new
relations with heat appear. It appears that different gases are
related to heat simply according to their property of being gases and
not according to variations in the nature of the matter composing
them. The condition of being a gas is, so to speak, a property which
may be shared in common by all bodies. We see indeed, that for all
gases known to us on earth, the property of being a gas gathers
together into a unity this property of expanding. Keep in mind now
that the facts of expansion under the influence of heat oblige us to
say that as we proceed from solid bodies to gases, the different
expansion values found in the case of solids are transformed into a
kind of unity, or single power of expansion for gases. Thus if I
may express myself cautiously, the solid condition may be said to be
associated with an individualization of material condition.
Modern physics pays scant attention to this circumstance. No attention
is paid to it because the most important things are obscured by the
fact of striking out certain values which cannot be adequately
The history of the development of physics must be called in to a
certain extent in order to gain insight into the things involved in a
deeper insight into these matters. All the ideas current in the modern
physics texts and ruling the methods by which the facts of physics are
handled are really not old. They began for the most part in the
17th century and took their fundamental character from the
new impulse given by a certain scientific spirit in Europe through
Academia del Cimento in Florence. This was founded in 1667 and many
experiments in quite different fields were carried out there,
especially however, experiments dealing with heat, acoustics and tone.
How recent our ordinary ideas are may be realized when we look up some
of the special apparatus of the Academia del Cimento. It was there for
instance, that the ground work for our modern thermometry was laid. It
was at this academy that there was observed for the first time how the
mercury behaves in a glass tube ending at the bottom in a closed
cylinder, when the mercury filling the tube is warmed. Here, in the
Academia del Cimento, it was first noticed that there is an apparent
contradiction between the experiments where the expansion of liquids
may be observed and another experiment. The generalization had been
attained that liquids expand. But when the experiment was carried out
with quicksilver it was noticed that it first fell when the tube was
heated and after that began to rise. This was first explained in the
17th century, and quite simply, by saying: When heat is
applied, the outer glass is heated at the start and expands. The space
occupied by the quicksilver becomes greater. It sinks at first, and
begins to rise only when the heat has penetrated into the mercury
itself. Ideas of this sort have been current since the 17th
century. At the same time, however, people were backward in a grasp of
the real ideas necessary to understand physics, since this period, the
Renaissance, found Europe little inclined to trouble itself with
scientific concepts. It was the time set aside for the spread of
Christianity. This in a certain sense, hindered the process of
definite physical phenomena. For during the Renaissance, which carried
with it an acquaintance with the ideas of ancient Greece, men were in
somewhat the following situation. On the one hand encouraged by all
and every kind of support, there arose institutions like the Academia
del Cimento, where it was possible to experiment. The course of
natural phenomena could be observed directly. On the other hand,
people had become unaccustomed to construct concepts about things.
They had lost the habit of really following things in thought. The old
Grecian ideas were now taken up again, but they were no longer
understood. Thus the concepts of fire or heat or as much of them as
could be understood were assumed to be the same as were held by the
ancient Greeks. And at this time was formed that great chasm between
thought and what can be derived from the observation of experiments.
This chasm has widened more and more since the 17th
century. The art of experiment reached its full flower in the
19th century, but a development of clear, definite ideas
did not parallel this flowering of the experimental art. And today,
lacking the clear, definite ideas, we often stand perplexed before
phenomena revealed in the course of time by unthinking
experimentation. When the way has been found not only to experiment
and to observe the outer results of the experiments but really to
enter into the inner nature of the phenomena, then only can these
results be made fruitful for human spiritual development.
Note now, when we penetrate into the inner being of natural phenomena
then it becomes a matter of great importance that entirely different
expansion relations enter in when we proceed from solids to gases. But
until the whole body of our physical concepts is extended we will not
really be able to evaluate such things as we have today drawn plainly
from the facts themselves. To the facts, already brought out, another
one of extraordinary importance must be added.
You know that a general rule can be stated as we have already stated
it, namely if bodies are warmed they expand. If they are cooled again
they contract. So that in general the law may be stated: Through
heating, bodies expand; through cooling they contract. But you
will recollect from your elementary physics that there are exceptions
to this rule, and one exception that is of cardinal importance is the
one in regard to water. When water is made to expand and contract,
then a remarkable fact is come upon. If we have water at 80° say, and
we cool it, it first contracts. That goes without saying, as it were.
But when the water is cooled further it does not contract but expands
again. Thus the ice that is formed from water and we will speak
further of this since it is more expanded and therefore less
dense than water, floats on the surface of the water. This is a
striking phenomenon, that ice can float on the surface of the water!
It comes about through the fact that water behaves irregularly and
does not follow the general law of expansion and contraction. If this
were not so, if we did not have this exception, the whole arrangement
of nature would be peculiarly affected. If you observe a basin filled
with water or a pond, you will see that even in the very cold winter
weather, there is a coating of ice on the surface only and that this
protects the underlying water from further cooling. Always there is an
ice coating and underneath there is protected water. The irregularity
that appears here is, to use a homely expression, of tremendous
importance in the household of nature. Now the manner of forming a
physical concept that we can depend on in this case must be strictly
according to the principles laid down in the last course. We must
avoid the path that leads to an Achilles-and-the-turtle conclusion. We
must not forget the manifested facts and must experiment with the
facts in mind, that is, we must remain in the field where the
accessible facts are such as to enable us to determine something.
Therefore, let us hold strictly to what is given and from this seek an
explanation for the phenomena. We will especially hold fast to such
things, given to observation, as expansion and irregularity in
expansion like that of water (noting that it is associated with a
fluid.) Such factual matters should be kept in mind and we must remain
in the world of actualities. This is real Goetheanism.
Let us now consider this thing, which is not a theory but a
demonstrable fact of the outer world. When matter passes into the
gaseous condition there enters in a unification of properties for all
the substances on the earth and with the passage to the solid
condition there takes place an individualizing, a differentiation.
Now if we ask ourselves how it can come about that with the passage
from the solid to the gaseous through the liquid state a unification
takes place, we have a great deal of difficulty in answering on the
basis of our available concepts. We must first, if we are to be able
to remain in the realm of the demonstrable, put certain fundamental
questions. We must first ask: Whence comes the possibility for
expansion in bodies, followed finally by change into the gaseous state
with its accompanying unification of properties?
You have only to look in a general way at all that is to be known
about the physical processes on the earth in order to come to the
following conclusion: Unless the action of the sun were present, we
could not have all these phenomena taking place through heat. You must
give attention to the enormous meaning that the being of the sun has
for the phenomena of earth. And when you consider this which is simply
a matter of fact, you are obliged to say: this unification of
properties that takes place in the passage from the solid through the
fluid and into the gaseous state, could not happen if the earth were
left to itself. Only when we go beyond the merely earthly relations
can we find a firm standpoint for our consideration of these things.
When we admit this, however, we have made a very far reaching
admission. For by putting the way of thinking of the Academia del
Cimento and all that went with it in place of the above mentioned
point of view, the old concepts still possible in Greece were robbed
of all their super-earthly characteristics. And you will soon see,
that purely from the facts, without any historical help, we are going
to come back to these concepts. It will perhaps be easier to win way
into your understanding if I make a short historical sketch at this
I have already said that the real meaning of those ideas and concepts
of physical phenomena that were still prevalent in ancient Greece have
been lost. Experimentation was started and without the inner thought
process still gone through in ancient Greece, ideas and concepts were
taken up parrot-fashion, as it were. Then all that the Greeks included
in these physical concepts was forgotten. The Greeks had not simply
said, Solid, liquid, gaseous, but what they expressed may
be translated into our language as follows:
Whatever was solid was called in ancient Greek earth;
Whatever was fluid was called in ancient Greece water;
Whatever was gaseous was called in ancient Greece air.
It is quite erroneous to think that we carry our own meaning of the
words earth, air and water over into old writings where Grecian
influence was dominant, and assume that the corresponding words have
the same meaning there. When in old writings, we come across the word
water we must translate it by our word fluid; the word
earth by our words solid bodies. Only in this way can we
correctly translate old writings. But a profound meaning lies in this.
The use of the word earth to indicate solid bodies
implied especially that this solid condition falls under the laws
ruling on the planet earth. (As stated above, we will come upon these
things in following lectures from the fact themselves; they are
presented today in this historical sketch simply to further your
understanding of the matter.)
Solids were designated as earth because it was desired to convey this
idea: When a body is solid it is under the influence of the earthly
laws in every respect. On the other hand, when a body was spoken of as
water, then it was not merely under the earthly laws but
influenced by the entire planetary system. The forces active in fluid
bodies, in water, spring not merely from the earth, but from the
planetary system. The forces of Mercury, Mars, etc. are active in all
that is fluid. But they act in such a way that they are oriented
according to the relation of the planets and show a kind of resultant
in the fluid.
The feeling was, thus, that only solid bodies, designated as earth,
were under the earthly system of laws; and that when a body melted it
was influenced from outside the earth. And when a gaseous body was
called air, the feeling was that such a body was under the
unifying influence of the sun, (these things are simply presented
historically at this point,) this body was lifted out of the earthly
and the planetary and stood under the unifying influence of the sun.
Earthly air being were looked upon in this way, that their
configuration, their inner arrangement and substance were principally
the field for unifying forces of the sun.
You see, ancient physics had a cosmic character. It was willing to
take account of the forces actually present in fact. For the Moon,
Mercury, Mars, etc. are facts. But people lost the sources of this
view of things and were at first not able to develop a need for new
sources. Thus they could only conceive that since solid bodies in
their expansion and in their whole configuration fell under the laws
of the earth, that liquid and gaseous bodies must do likewise. You
might say that it would never occur to a physicist to deny that the
sun warmed the air, etc. He does not, indeed do this, but since he
proceeds from concepts such as I characterized yesterday, which
delineate the action of the sun according to ideas springing from
observations on the earth, he therefore explains the sun in
terrestrial terms instead of explaining the terrestrial in solar
The essential thing is that the consciousness of certain things was
completely lost in the period extending from the 15th to
the 17th centuries. The consciousness that our earth is a
member of the whole solar system and that consequently every single
thing on the earth had to do with the whole solar system was lost.
Also there was lost the feeling that the solidity of bodies arose, as
it were, because the earthly emancipated itself from the cosmic, that
it tore itself free to attain independent action while the gaseous,
for example, the air, remained in its behavior under the unifying
influence of the sun as it affected the earth as a whole. It is this
which has led to the necessity of explaining things terrestrially
which formerly received a cosmic explanation. Since man no longer
sought for planetary forces acting when a solid body changes to a
fluid, as when ice becomes fluid changes to water since
the forces were no longer sought in the planetary system, they had to
be placed within the body itself. It was necessary to rationalize and
to theorize over the way in which the atoms and molecules were
arranged in such a body. And to these unfortunate molecules and atoms
had to be ascribed the ability from within to bring about the change
from solid to liquid, from liquid to gas. Formerly such a change was
considered as acting through the spatially given phenomena from the
cosmic regions beyond the earth. It is in this way we must understand
the transition of the concepts of physics as shown especially in the
crass materialism of the Academia del Cimento which flowered in the
ten year period between 1657 and 1667. You must picture to yourselves
that this crass materialism arose through the gradual loss of ideas
embodying the connection between the earthly and the cosmos beyond the
earth. Today the necessity faces us again to realize this connection.
It will not be possible, my friends, to escape from materialism unless
we cease being Philistines just in this field of physics. The
narrow-mindedness comes about just because we go from the concrete to
the abstract, for no one loves abstractions more than the Philistine.
He wishes to explain everything by a few formulae, a few abstract
ideas. But physics cannot hope to advance if she continues to spin
theories as has been the fashion ever since the materialism of the
Academia del Cimento. We will only progress in such a field as that of
the understanding of heat if we seek again to establish the connection
between the terrestrial and the cosmic through wider and more
comprehensive ideas than modern materialistic physics can furnish us.

Figure 1

Figure 1a

Figure 2
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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