Stuttgart, March 11th, 1920.
At this point I would like to build a bridge, as it were, between the
discussions in this course and the discussion in the previous course.
We will study today the light spectrum, as it is called, and its
relation to the heat and chemical effects that come to us with the
light. The simplest way for us to bring before our minds what we are
to deal with is first to make a spectrum and learn what we can from
the behavior of its various components. We will, therefore, make a
spectrum by throwing light through this opening you can see it
here. (The room was darkened and the spectrum shown.) It is to be seen
on this screen. Now you can see that we have something hanging here in
the red portion of the spectrum. Something is to be observed on this
instrument hanging here. First we wish to show you especially how heat
effects arise in the red portion of the spectrum. Something is to be
observed on this instrument hanging here. These effects are to be
observed by this expanding action of the energy cylinder on the air
contained in the instrument, which expanding action in turn pushes the
alcohol column down on this side and up on this one. This depression
of the alcohol column shows us that there is a considerable heat
effect in this part of the spectrum. It would be interesting also to
show that when the spectrum is moved so as to bring the instrument
into the blue-violet portion, the heat effect is not noticeable. It is
essentially characteristic of the red portion. And now, having shown
the occurrence of heat effects in the red portion of the spectrum by
means of the alcohol column, let us show the chemical activity of the
blue-violet end. We do this by allowing the blue portion to fall on a
substance which you can see is brought into a state of
phosphorescence. From the previous course you know that this is a form
of chemical activity. Thus you see an essential difference between the
portion of the spectrum that disappears on the unknown on this side
and the portion that disappears on this other side; you see how the
substance glows under the influence of the chemical rays, as they are
called. Moreover, we can so arrange matters that the middle portion of
the spectrum, the real light portion, is cut out. We cannot do this
with absolute precision, but approximately we can make the middle
portion dark by simply placing the path of the light a solution of
iodine in carbon disulphate. This solution has the property of
stopping the light. It is possible to demonstrate the chemical effect
on one side and the heat effect on the other side of this dark band.
Unfortunately we cannot carry out this experiment completely, but only
mention it in passing. If I place an alum solution in the path of the
light the heat effect disappears and you will see that the alcohol
column is no longer displaced because the alum, or the solution of
alum, to speak precisely, hinders its passage. Soon you will see the
column equalize, now that we have placed alum in the path, because the
heat is not present. We have here a cold spectrum.
Now let us place in the light path the solution of iodine in carbon
disulphate, and the middle portion of the spectrum disappears. It is
very interesting that a solution of esculin will cut out the chemical
effect. Unfortunately we could not get this substance. In this case,
the heat effect and the light remain, but the chemical effect ceases.
With the carbon disulphide you see clearly the red portion it
would not be there if the experiment were an entire success and
the violet portion, but the middle portion is dark. We have succeeded
partly in our attempt to eliminate the bright portion of the spectrum.
By carrying out the experiment in a suitable way as certain
experimenters have done (for instance, Dreher, 50 years ago) the two
bright portions you see here can be done away with. Then the
temperature effect may be demonstrated on the red side, and on the
other side phosphorescence shows the presence of the chemically active
rays. This has not yet been fully demonstrated and it is of very great
importance. It shows us how that which we think of as active in the
spectrum can be conceived in its general cosmic relations.
In the course that I gave here previously I showed how a powerful
magnet works on the spectral relations. The force emanating from the
magnet alters certain lines, changes the picture of the spectrum
itself. It is only necessary for a person to extend the thought
prompted by this in order to enter the physical processes in his
thinking. You know from what we have already said that there is really
a complete spectrum, a collection of all possible twelve colors; that
we have a circular spectrum instead of the spectrum spread out in one
dimension of space. We have (in the circular spectrum) here green,
peach blossom here, here violet and here red with the other shades
between. Twelve shades, clearly distinguishable from one another.
Now the fact is that under the conditions obtaining on the earth such
a spectrum can only exist as a mental image. When we are dealing with
this spectrum we can only do so by means of a mental picture. The
spectrum we actually get is the well-known linear one extending as a
straight line from red through the green to the blue and violet
thus we obtain a spectrum formed from the circular one, as I have
often said, by making the circle larger and larger, so that the peach
blossom disappears, violet shades off into infinity on one side and
red shades off on the other, with green in the middle.
We may ask the question: how does this partial spectrum, this
fragmentary color band arise from the complete series of color, the
twelve color series which must be possible? Imagine to yourselves that
you have the circular spectrum, and suppose forces to act on it to
make the circle larger and larger and finally to break at this point
(see drawing). Then, when it has opened, the action of these forces
would make a straight line of the circle, a line extending apparently
into infinity in each direction.
(Fig. 1).
Now when we come upon this straight line spectrum here under our
terrestrial conditions we feel obliged to ask the question: how can it
arise? It can arise only in this way, that the seven known colors are
separated out. They are, as it were, cut out of the complete spectrum
by the forces that work into it. But we have already come upon these
forces in the earth realm. We found them when we turned our attention
to the forces of form. This too is a formative activity. The circular
form is made over into the straight-line form. It is a form that we
meet with here. And considering the fact that the structure of the
spectrum is altered by magnetic forces, it becomes quite evident that
forces making our spectrum possible are everywhere active. This being
the case, we have to assume that our spectrum, which we consider a
primary thing, has working within it certain forces. Not only must
we consider light variation in our ordinary spectrum, but we have to
think of this ordinary spectrum as including forces which
render it necessary to represent the spectrum by a straight line.
This idea we must link up with another, which comes to us when we go
through the series, as we have frequently done before
(Fig. 2),
solids, through fluids, to condensation and rarefaction, i.e. gases,
to heat and then to that state we have called X, where we have
materialization and dematerialization. Here we meet a higher stage of
condensation and rarefaction, beyond the heat condition, just as
condensation and rarefaction proper constitute a kind of fluidity of
When form itself becomes fluid, when we have a changing form in a
gaseous body, that is a development from form as a definite thing. And
what occurs here? A development of the condensation-rarefaction
condition Keep this definitely in mind, that we enter a realm where we
have a development of the condensation-rarefaction state.
What do we mean by a development of rarefaction? Well,
matter itself informs us what happens to it when it becomes more and
more rarefied. When I make matter more and more dense, it comes about
that a light placed behind the matter does not shine through. When the
matter becomes more and more rarefied, the light does pass through.
When I rarefy enough, I finally come to a point where I obtain
brightness as such. Therefore, what I bring into my understanding here
in the material realm is empirically found to be the genesis of
brightness or luminosity as a heightening of the condition of
rarefaction; and darkening has to be thought of as a condensation, not
yet intense enough to produce matter, but of such an intensity as to
be just on the verge of becoming material.
Now you see how I place the realm of light above the heat realm and
how the heat is related to the light in an entirely natural fashion.
But when you recollect how a given realm always gives a sort of
picture of the realm immediately above it, then you must look in the
being of heat for something that foreshadows, as it were, the
conditions of luminosity and darkening. Keep in mind that we do not
always find only the upper condition in the lower, but also always the
lower condition in the upper. When I have a solid, it foreshadows for
me the fluid. What gives it solidity may extend over into the
non-solid realm. I must make it clear to myself, if I wish to keep my
concepts real, that there is a mutual interpenetration of actual
qualities. For the realm of heat this principle takes on a certain
form; namely this, that dematerialization works down into heat from
above (see arrow). From the lower side, the tendency to
materialization works up into the heat realm.
Thus you see that I draw near to the heat nature when I see in it a
striving for dematerialization, on the one hand, and on the other a
striving for materialization. (If I wish to grasp its nature I can do
it only by conceiving a life, a living weaving, manifesting itself as
a tendency to materialization penetrated by a tendency to
dematerialization.) Note, now, what an essential distinction exists
between this conception of heat based on reality and the nature of
heat as outlined by the so-called mechanical theory of heat of
Clausius. In the Clausius theory we have in a closed space atoms or
molecules, little spheres moving in all directions, colliding with
each other and with the walls of the vessel, carrying on an outer
(Fig. 3)
And it is positively stated: heat consists in
reality in this chaotic movement, in this chance collision of
particles with each other and with the walls of the vessel. A great
controversy arose as to whether the particles were elastic or
non-elastic. This is of importance only as the phenomena can be better
explained on the assumption of elasticity or on the assumption that
the particles are hard, non-elastic bodies. This has given form to the
conviction that heat is purely motion in space. Heat is motion. We
must now say heat is motion, but in an entirely different
sense. It is motion, but intensified motion. Wherever heat is
manifest in space, there is a motion which creates the material state
striving with a motion which destroys the material state. It is no
wonder, my friends, that we need heat for an organism. We need heat in
our organism simply to change continuously the spatially-extended into
the spatially non-extended. When I simply walk through space, my will
carries out a movement in space. When I think about it, something
other than the spatial is present. What makes it possible for me as a
human organism to be inserted into the form relationships of the
earth? When I move over the earth, I change the entire terrestrial
form. I change her form continually. What makes it possible that I am
in relation to the other things of the earth, and that I can form
ideas, outside of space, within myself as observer, of what is
manifested in space? This is what makes it possible, my being exists
in the heat medium and is thus continually enabled to transform
material effects, spatial effects, into non-spatial ones that no
longer partake of the space nature. In myself I experience in fact
what heat really is, intensified motion. Motion that continually
alternates between the sphere of pressure and the sphere of suction.
Assume that you have here
(Fig. 4)
the border between pressure and
suction forces. The forces of pressure run their course in space, but
the suction forces do not, as such, act in space they operate
outside of space. For my thoughts, resting on the forces of suction,
are outside of space. Here on one side of this line (see figure) I
have the non-spatial. And now when I conceive of that which takes
place neither in the pressure nor in the suction realms, but on the
border line between the two, then I am dealing with the things that
take place in the realm of heat. I have a continually maintained
equilibrium tendency between pressure effects of a material sort and
suction effects of a spiritual sort. It is very significant that
certain physicists have had these things right under their noses but
refuse to consider them. Planck, the Berlin physicist, has made the
following striking statement: if we wish to get a concept of what is
called ether nowadays, the first requisite is to follow the only path
open to us, in view of the knowledge of modern physics, and consider
the ether non-material. This from the Berlin physicist, Planck. The
ether, therefore, is not to be considered as a material substance. But
now, what we are finding beyond the heat region, the realm wherein the
effects of light take place, that we consider so little allied to the
material that we are assuming the pressure effects
characteristic of matter to be completely absent, and only
suction effects active there. Stated otherwise, we may say: we leave
the realm of ponderable matter and enter a realm which is naturally
everywhere active, but which manifests itself in a manner
diametrically opposite to the realm of the material. Its forces we
must conceive of as suction forces while material things obviously
manifest through pressure forces. Thus, indeed, we come to an
immediate concept of the being of heat as intensified motion, as an
alternation between pressure and suction effects, but in such a way
that we do not have, on the one hand, suction spatially manifested
and, on the other hand, pressure spatially manifested. Instead of
this, we have to think of the being of heat as a region where we
entirely leave the material world and with it three-dimensional space.
If the physicist expresses by formulae certain processes, and he has
in these formulae forces, in the case where these forces are given the
negative sign when pressure forces are made negative
they become suction forces. Attention must be paid to the fact that in
such a case one leaves space entirely. This sort of consideration of
such formulae leads us into the realm of heat and light. Heat is only
half included, for in this realm we have both pressure and suction
These facts, my dear friends, can be given, so to speak, only
theoretically today in this presentation in an auditorium. It must not
be forgotten that a large part of our technical achievement has arisen
under the materialistic concepts of the second half of the
19th century. It has not had such ideas as we are
presenting and therefore such ideas cannot arise in it. If you think
over the fruitfulness of the one-sided concepts for technology, you
can picture to yourselves how many technical consequences might flow
from adding to the modern technology, knowing only pressures
the possibility of also making fruitful these suction forces. (I mean
not only spatially active suction which is a manifestation of
pressure, but suction forces qualitatively opposite to
Of course, much now incorporated in the body of knowledge known as
physics will have to be discarded to make room for these ideas. For
instance, the usual concepts of energy must be thrown out. This
concept rests on the following very crude notions: when I have heat I
can change it into work, as we saw from the up and down movement of
the flask in the experiment resulting from the transformation of heat.
But we saw at the same time that the heat was only partly changed and
that a portion remained over of the total amount at hand. This was the
principle that led Eduard von Hartmann to enunciate the second
important law of the modern physics of heat a perpetuum mobile
of the second type is impossible.
Another physicist, Mach, well known in connection with modern
developments in this field, has done quite fundamental thinking on the
subject. He has thought along lines that show him to be a shrewd
investigator, but one who can only bring his thinking into action in a
purely materialistic way. Behind his concepts stands the materialistic
point of view. He seeks cleverly to push forward the concepts and
ideas available to him. His peculiarity is that when he comes to the
limit of the usual physical concepts where doubts begin to arise, he
writes the doubts down at once. This leads soon to a despairing
condition, because he comes quickly to the limit where doubts appear,
but his way of expressing the matter is extremely interesting.
Consider how things stand when a man who has the whole of physics at
his command is obliged to state his views as mach states them. He says
(Ernst Mach, Die Prinzipien der Warme Lehre, p. 345):
There is no meaning in expressing as work a heat quantity which
cannot be transformed into work. (We have seen that there is
such a residue.) Thus it appears that the energy principle like
other concepts of substance has validity for only a limited realm of
facts. The existence of these limits is a matter about which we, by
habit, gladly deceive ourselves.
Consider a physicist who, upon thinking over the phenomena lying
before him, is obliged to say the following: Heat exists, in
fact, that I cannot turn into work, but there is no meaning in simply
thinking of this heat as potential energy, as work not visible.
However, I can perhaps speak of the changing of heat into work within
a certain region beyond this it is not valid. And in
general it is said that every energy is transformable into another,
but only by virtue of a certain habit of thinking about those limits
about which we gladly deceive ourselves.
It is extremely interesting to pin physics down at the very point
where doubts are expressed which must arise from a straightforward
consideration of the facts.
Does this not clearly reveal the manner in which physics is overcome
when physicists have been obliged to make such statements? For,
fundamentally, this is nothing other than the following: one can no
longer hold to the energy principle put forth as gospel by Helmoltz
and his colleagues. There are realms in which this energy principle
does hold.
Now let us consider the following: How can one make the attempt
symbolically (for fundamentally it is symbolic when we try to set the
outlines of something), how can we make the attempt to symbolize what
occurs in the realm of heat? When you bring together all these ideas I
have developed, and through which in a real sense I have tried to
attain to the being of heat, then you can get a concept of this being
in the following manner.
Picture this to yourselves
(Fig. 5).
Here is space (blue) filled with
certain effects, pressure effects. Here is the non-spatial (red)
filled with suction effects. Imagine that we have projected out into
space what we considered as alternately spatial and non-spatial. The
red portion must be thought of as non-spatial. Using this intermediate
region as an image of what is alternately spatial and non-spatial, you
have in it a region where something is appearing and disappearing.
Think of something represented as extended and disappearing. As
substance appears, there enters in something from the other side that
annihilates it, and then we have a physical-spiritual vortex
continually manifesting in such a manner that what is appearing as
substance is annihilated by what appears at the same time as spirit.
We have a continual sucking up of what is in space by the entity which
is outside of space.
What I am outlining to you here, my dear friends, you must think of as
similar to a vortex. But in this vortex you should see simply in
extension that which is intensive in its nature. In this
way we approach, I might say figuratively, the being of heat. We have
yet to show how this being of heat works so as to bring about such
phenomena as conduction, the lowering of the melting point of an alloy
below the melting point of its constituents, and what it really means
that we should have heat effects at one end of the spectrum and
chemical effects at the other.
We must seek the deeds of heat as Goethe sought out the
deeds of light. Then we must see how knowledge of the being of
heat is related to the application of mathematics and how it affects
the imponderable of physics. In other words, how are real formulae to
be built, applicable to heat and optics.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5