Lecture XI
Stuttgart, January 11, 1921
My Dear Friends,
We have now
gained the most essential premises for a study of some
aspects at least of celestial and also of earthly-physical
phenomena. In human nature, once again, we have the very
significant contrast (to ascertain which, as you will readily
understand, we must leave the animal out of account to begin
with) — the contrast between the organisation of the
head and that of the metabolic system including the limbs. As
we have seen, if we wish to relate Man to the Cosmos, we must
assign the metabolic system to what is earthly, — what
comes to man in a radial direction. Whereas we must assign
the forming of the head to all that derives from the great
Sphere, — that sends its lines of influence, as it were
from the celestial Sphere towards the centre of the Earth,
even as the radius reaches outward with its lines of
influence to its surroundings. We saw this in the
construction of the typical long bones or tubular bones by
contrast to the skull-bones, the latter being sphere-like, or
like a sector of a sphere.
this difference, we must relate it, to begin with, to what
appears to us in the relation of the Earth to the Celestial
Sphere. You are of course aware, how the scientific
consciousness of our time departs from what the naive human
being, untouched by any learning, would judge of the
appearance of the celestial sphere, the movements of the
stars upon it, and so on. We speak of the ‘Apparent
aspect’ of the celestial vault. In contrast to it, as
you know, we have a picture — a World-picture —
gained in a fairly complicated way by interpreting the
apparent movements, and so on. Upon this picture — the
form of picture which has evolved through the great changes
in cosmology since the Copernican era — we are wont to
base all our considerations of celestial phenomena.
Today I take
it to be generally realised that this World-picture does not
represent absolute reality. We can no longer maintain: What
is presented to us by this picture, say, as the planetary
movements or as the Sun's relation to the Planets, is the
true form of the underlying reality, while what the eye
beholds is mere appearance. I hardly think any competent
person would adopt this standpoint nowadays. Yet he will
still have a feeling that he at least gets nearer to a true
conception when he proceeds from the apparent picture of the
celestial movements — fraught, he will say with
illusionary factors (yet after all, we must admit,
objectively observed) — to the interpretation of it by
mathematical Astronomy.
The question
now is, do we really gain a comprehensive view of the
phenomena in question if we only base our picture of the
World on this, the customary kind of interpretation. As we
have seen, when we do so we are in fact only basing it on
what the head-man ascertains, so to speak. We base it on the
aspect which emerges for man's powers of observation, aided
perhaps by optical instruments. But as we saw, for a more
comprehensive interpretation of the World-picture we must
have recourse to all that is knowable by man, of man. We
emphasised how to this end the form of man must be seen in
the light of a true science of metamorphosis. Then too we
must bring in the evolution of man and of mankind. In a word,
concerning the celestial phenomena, or some of them at least,
we cannot look for enlightenment till in our efforts to
interpret them we go as far as this, calling to our aid
whatever can be known of man.

Figure 1
Let us then
presuppose what we arrived at in former lectures — the
kind of qualitative mathematics, learned from the human form
and growth and evolution. With this in the background let us
take our start from what meets the eye — from what is
said to be the mere appearance of the Heavens — asking
ourselves how we may find the way to reality? Let us then
ask, dear friends: What does the eye behold, what do we learn
empirically, by simple observation? Then we can try to fill
in the picture with what is given by the whole structure of
man, both in morphology and evolution. First we will ask the
question as regards those stars which are commonly described
as fixed stars. I shall no doubt be repeating what is
well-known to most of you, yet we must call it to mind for
only by so doing, only from the facts as seen, taking them
all together, shall we be able to advance to the ideas.

What then do
we see as to the movement of the fixed stars, so-called? We
must consider longer periods of time, since in short periods
the Heaven of fixed stars presents practically the same
picture year by year. Only when taking longer epochs do we
find that it no longer presents the same uniform picture, but
that the whole configuration changes. We can envisage it by
taking one example; what we shall find in one region of the
Heavens would be found in other regions too. Take then this
constellation, which you know so well, the “Great
Bear” or “Plough” in the Northern sky.
Today it looks like this
(Fig. 2).
Acquaint yourselves with the minute displacements of the
so-called fixed stars which have been ascertained, and which
agree with what is shown by very ancient star-maps, although
the latter are not always reliable. Sum up the minute
displacements and calculate what the constellation will have
looked like very long ago, and you get this appearance
(Fig. 1).
You see, the fixed stars,
so-called, have undergone considerable displacements. About
50,000 years ago, if we may reckon it from the minute changes
observed, the constellation will have looked like this. If we
continue to sum up the ascertainable displacements for the
future, — assuming, as we surely may do, that they will
continue at least approximately in the same direction — we
may conclude that 50,000 years from now the constellation
will have this appearance
(Fig. 3).
Just as this
constellation changes in the course of years — for we have
only chosen it as an example — so do the others. Thus
when we make our drawings, of the Zodiac for instance in its
present form, we must be clear that the form of it changes in
the course of time — if we may thus include time in our
calculations and in interpreting them.
We must
therefore regard the celestial sphere as undergoing changes
within itself, ever changing its configuration, —
changing the aspect of the starry Heavens which we behold in
the fixed stars, — though the perpetual change is
scarcely perceptible in shorter periods. Naturally, our
observations here cannot go very far, nor can we do very much
by way of interpretation, though as some of you will know,
modern experiments enable us to ascertain even those
movements of the stars which are along the line of sight,
— towards us or away from us. Yet it remains very
difficult to interpret the ever-changing aspect of the starry
heavens. In the further course we shall be asking, what human
value and significance is to seek in the interpretation.
considered the movements of the fixed stars, let us now ask
after the movements of the planetary stars. The movement of
the planetary stars as we behold it is indeed complicated.
The movement we observe is such that if we follow the path of
a planet, in so far as it is visible, we see it moving in a
curve of peculiar shape — different for the different planets
and different too for the same planet at different times.
From this we have to take our start. Take for example the
planet Mercury. Precisely when it is nearest to us, its path
is of peculiar form. In a certain direction it seems to move
across the Heavens. Study it daily when visible, we see it
moving thus; but them it turns and makes a loop, and then
goes on as I am showing
(Fig. 4).
[[1]] It makes one such loop in a so-called
synodical period of revolution. This then we may describe as
the movement of Mercury — to begin with at least, so
far as observation is concerned. The rest of the path is
simple, only at certain places do the loops
Figure 4
Figure 5
Passing to Venus we have a similar
phenomenon, though somewhat different in shape and form.
Venus moves onward thus, then turns and then moves on, thus
(Fig. 5).
Here as a rule there is only one
loop in the course of a year, and, once again, when the
planet — as we conclude from other astronomical data —
is nearest to us. Now to Mars: Mars has a similar path, only
flatter. We may draw it somewhat like this
(Fig. 6).
In this case, you see, the loop is
more compressed, but the appearance is still that of a loop,
— distinctly so. Often however the path (both of this
and other planets) is so formed that the loop is completely
dissolved, flattened away until it is no more. The path is
loop-like, though not an actual loop.
(Fig. 7)
We will pass by the planetoids, interesting though
they are, and look at Jupiter and Saturn. We find them too
describing loops or loop-like paths. They again do it when
nearest the Earth — and only once a year. As a general
rule they make a single loop each year.
Figure 6
Figure 7
We have then
to consider certain movements on the part of the fixed stars,
and the movements of planets. The movements of fixed stars
occupy gigantic periods, judged by our standards of time. The
movements of the planets comprise a year or fractions of a
year and reveal from time to time strange deviations from
their ordinary path, loop-lines of movement, in effect. The
question now is, what are we to make of these two kinds of
movement? How to interpret the loop-movement for example? It
is a very big question. Only the following reflection can
lead towards any kind of interpretation of the
In all our
human observation the fact is that we are quite differently
related to our own conditions and to those things which are
not our own; — which take place apart from us, outside us, so
to speak. You need only recall how it is with objects: The
enormous difference between your relation to any object of
the so-called outer world and to an object inside yourself,
which you, so to speak, are sharing-in with your own inner
experience. If you have any object before you, you see it,
you observe it. What you yourself are living in — your
liver, your heart, even your sense-organs to begin with you
can observe. There is the same contrast, though not quite so
strongly marked, with regard to the conditions in which we
are living in the outer world. If we ourselves are in
movement and if it is possible for us to remain unconscious
of how we bring about the movement, then we may well be
unaware of our own movement and therefore leave it out of
account in judging outer movements. That is to say, though we
ourselves are in movement, we leave this out; we deem
ourselves at rest and envisage only the external
It is on this
reflection, in the main, that the interpretation of movements
amid the celestial phenomena has been based. You are aware,
it has been argued: Man, at a certain point on Earth, shares
of course in the spatial movement of his earthly habitation
(eg the circling movement of his latitude) but knows it not
and hence regards, what he sees happening in the Universe
outside him, as a real movement in the opposite direction.
The argument has been abundantly made use of! The question
now is: How might this principle be modified if we take into
account that in man's organized (if I may so express it)
radially, whilst in our head-man we are oriented spherically.
If it were then a fundamental feature of our own state of
movement that we relate ourselves differently to the Radius
and to the encompassing Sphere, this fact would somehow make
itself felt in what appears to us in the outer Universe.
Imagine what
I have said to be in some way true. Suppose for instance that
you yourself were moving thus
(Fig. 8),
— you were describing a Lemniscate. Let us assume
however that the Lemniscate you were describing was not
exactly like this, but that by variation of the constants the
form of Lemniscate were brought about in which the lower
branch did not close
(Fig. 9). Assume then
that a Lemniscate arises which by a certain variation of the
constants is open on one side. The curve is mathematically
feasible, and if you find the right way, you can certainly
draw it into the human form and figure.

Say now that
this were the surface of the Earth
(Fig. 10).
We should have to draw, somehow in relation to the
Earth, what passes through our limb-nature and then in some
way turns, goes through our head-nature and then back again
into the Earth. Say you could truly draw into the nature and
organisation of man such an open Lemniscate; we should be
justified in saying: There is an open Lemniscate of this kind
in man's nature. The question is, is it of real significance
to speak of such an open Lemniscate in human nature? It is
indeed. You need only make a deeper morphological study; you
will find the Lemniscate, either in this or in some modified
form, in diverse ways inscribed in human nature. These things
have not been gone into with due method. I advise you, try
it. (As I said, we are only giving indications for further
work; diligent research is needed.) Try it; investigate the
curve that arises if you trace the middle line of a left-hand
rib, then go past the junction into the vertebra, then turn
and go back along the right rib
(Fig. 11).
Bear in mind what it must signify that as you go
along this line — rib-vertebra-rib — various
inner relationships of growth must play their part, not only
quantitatively but qualitatively; then you will find in the
Lemniscate with its loop-formation a morphological key to the
whole system. Going upward from thence to the
head-organisation, the farther you go upward, the more will
you find it necessary to modify the form of Lemniscate. At a
certain point you must imagine it transformed; the
transformation is already indicated in the forming of the
sternum, where the two come together. When you get up into
the head there is a far-reaching metamorphosis of the
lemniscatory principle. Study the whole human figure —
the contrast above all of the nerves-and-senses organisation
and the metabolic, — you get a Lemniscate tending to
open out as you go downward and to close as you go upward.
You also get Lemniscates — though highly modified, with
the one loop extremely small — if you follow up the
pathway of the centripetal nerves, through the nerve-centre
and outward again to the termination of the centrifugal
nerve. Follow it all in the right way: Again and again you
will find this Lemniscate inscribed in man's nature, — man's
above all. Then take the animal organisation with its
manifestly horizontal spine. You will find it differing from
the human, in that the Lemniscates, whether the downward loop
be open or closed to some extent, are far less modified, less
varied than they are in man. Moreover in the animal their
planes are more parallel, whereas in man they are variedly
inclined and askew to one another.
Figure 10
Figure 11
It is an
immense and very promising field of work, — this
ever-deepening elaboration of morphological study. And as you
apprehend these tasks, you will appreciate the outlook of
such men — of whom there have always been a few — as
Moritz Benedikt for instance, whom I have mentioned before.
Benedikt had many fruitful thoughts and good ideas. As you
may read in his memoirs, he regretted how little possibility
there is of speaking to doctors of medicine from a
mathematical standpoint or with the help of mathematical
notions. In principle he is quite right, only we have to go
still farther. Ordinary mathematics, reckoning in the main on
rigid forms of curve in a rigid Euclidean space, would help
us little if we tried applying it to organic forms. Only by
seeking, as it were, to carry life itself into the realms of
mathematics and geometry as such, by thinking of the
independent and the dependent variable in an equation as
being subject to an organic and inherent variation, as
illustrated yesterday for the Cassini curves (Variability of
the first and of the second order), only thus shall we make
progress. But if you do this immense possibilities will be
opened up. It is indeed already indicated in the principles
applied when constructing cardioid or cycloid curves; you
must only not fall back again into rigidity of treatment.
Apply this
principle — the inner mobility, as it were, of movement in
itself — to Nature. Try to express in equations, this
that ‘moves the moving’. You will then find it
possible, mathematically to penetrate what is organic. You
will come to say, for it can well be formulated thus: The
axioms of rigid space — space immobile in itself
— lead to an understanding of inorganic Nature.
Conceive a space that is inherently mobile — or
algebraic equations whose very functionality is in itself a
function — and you will find the transition to a
mathematical understanding of organic Nature. This
incidentally is the method which should accompany the efforts
now being made to investigate the transition-forms from
inorganic Nature to organic, as regards shape and form at
least. Valueless apart from this, they have a future if this
method be applied.
Take now the
presence of the loop-making tendency in the human body and
compare it with what confronts us, admittedly in a more
irrational form, in the forms of movement of the planets. You
will then realise: The 'apparent movements’ of the
planets, as we are wont to call them, in a most striking way
inscribe, in forms of Movement in the Heavens, what in the
human body is a Form as such — a characteristic,
fundamental figure. Therefore, to say the least, we must in
some way correlate this basic form in the human body and
these phenomena in the Heavens. And we shall now be able to
say: Behold the loop. It always appears when the planet is
relatively near the Earth, — therefore when we, being
on the Earth, are in a special relation to the planet.
Consider the position of the Earth in its yearly course and
our position on the Earth. (We must refer it back to our own
formative period, the embryo-period of our life, needless to
say.) Consider in effect how we are alternating between a
position relative to the planet wherein we turn our head
towards the planetary loop and a position where we take leave
of the loop and at length turn our head away from it. We in
our process of formation are thus related to the planet: We
are exposed at one time to the planet's loop and at another
to the remainder of its path. We can therefore relate, what
lies nearer to our head, to the loop, and what belongs more
to the remainder of our body, to the planetary path outside
the loop.
Take in
addition what I said before, I said, with regard to the
morphological relation of the tubular or long bone to the
skull-bone: Try how you would have to draw it. Here,
throughout the long bone, is the radius; then as you pass to
the skull-bone you will have to turn, like this
(Fig. 12).
Project this turn, in relation also to
the Earth's movement, outward into the Heavens. It is the
loop and the rest of the planet's path! If we develop a
feeling for morphology in the higher sense, we can do no
other than assign the human form and figure to the planetary

Fig. 12
And now the
movement of the fixed stars themselves: — The movements
of the fixed stars will naturally be less concerned with the
several movements of individual human beings. Think on the
other hand of the whole evolution of mankind on Earth. Bear
in mind all we have said in these days of the relation of the
great Sphere to the human head-formation. You cannot but
divine that there will be some relation between the
metamorphoses of aspect of the starry Heavens, and of the
evolution of mankind in soul and spirit. There is the vault
of the great Sphere above us. It reveals only that part of
the movements which would correspond to the loop among the
planets (nay more, as it would seem, only to part of the
Fig. 13,
dotted line). In the
movements of fixed stars, the rest of the path is omitted.
Our attention is drawn to this great differentiation: The
planets must somehow correspond to the whole man; the fixed
stars only to what forms the head of man. Now we begin to get
some guidance, how to interpret the loop.

Fig. 13
We human
beings are in some way with the Earth. We are at some point
on Earth and we move with it. We cannot but refer, what
appears to us in projection on the vault of heaven, to the
movements we ourselves are making with the Earth. For, as we
move with the Earth (we ,must project this backward, once
more, backward in time to the embryo-period of our life),
— as we move with the Earth, what we have in us comes
into being, formed as indeed it is by the very forces of
movement. In the movements we see up yonder in their seeming
forms and pictures, we have to recognise the cosmic movements
we ourselves are making in the year's course. We realise it
as we approach the true aspect of the loop-curve. (Downward
of course we always see the loop still open. In the immediate
aspect, it does not close at all. Looking at this alone, we
should never get a complete path. We only get the complete
path when contemplating the entire revolution.)
I am relating
all this rather quickly. You must reflect on it in detail and
try to see the different things together. The more minutely
and scrupulously you do so, the more will you find that the
planetary movements are, to begin with, images — images of —
movements you yourself accomplish, with the Earth, in the
year's course. (We shall see in time, how a synthesis arises
from the different planetary movements.)
If then we
see the human being as a whole and his projection to the
Cosmos, we are led to recognise that the true form of
movement of the Earth in the year's course will be the
loop-curve or Lemniscate. We shall have to study it more
closely during the next few days, but at this stage we are
already led to conceive the path of the Earth itself as a
loop-curve — quite apart now from its relation to the Sun or
any other factor. What is projected then, for our perception,
the planetary paths with the loops they make, — we must
regard as the projection by the planets of the loop-path of
the Earth on to the vault of Heaven, if we may formulate thus
simply a very complicated set of facts. As to why, when the
planet draws near the loop, we have to leave the rest of the
path open during a relatively short space of time, —
the reason lies in the fact that under certain conditions the
projection of a closed curve may appear open. For example, if
you were to make a Lemniscate, say of a flexible rod, and
project the shadow of it on to a plane, you could easily make
it so that the projection of the lower part appeared
divergent and unclosed, whilst the upper part alone was
closed; so the entire projection would become not unlike a
planetary path. Quite simply in the shadow-figure, you could
construct the likeness of a planet's path.
1. In Figures 4 to 7
only one of the many varieties of loop which actually
occur is shown in each case.