this work there appears in print the richest in scope and indeed the
most comprehensive of the Natural Science Courses held by Rudolf
Steiner before the teachers of the Waldorf School. In no other Course
has the great teacher given so much of the foundations of method and
so such of what is needed to link up the single sciences with one
another as in this “Astronomical Course,” to which in his
opening words he expressly gave the title “The Relation of the
different Branches of Natural Science to Astronomy.”
scientists, medical doctors, mathematicians and astronomers were
directed towards ways in which to overcome the separation of their
various domains. At the same time the most significant indications
were given to the specialist, by which he might re-organise his own
special sphere in the sense of a science based on spiritual knowledge.
An immeasurable feeling of responsibility and duty is aroused by this
gift of wisdom; all the more so when its creator no longer lives among
us physically.
A short
time before his death he was able to accept the study on this Course
by W. Kaiser (Astronomy in the Light of Spiritual Science: Published
by Der Kommende Tag) but this, his own work, we can only dedicate to
his eternal spirit, which remains united with all his work when it is
carried forward in his spirit.
being printed, the text of the shorthand notes was carefully revised.
My cordial thanks for this responsible task are due to Herr E. A.
Stockmeyer of the Waldorf School in Stuttgart for his ready assistance.
the Mathematical and Astronomical Section
May, 1926.