12, 1924
unknown, revised here.
you have seen, the methods of Spiritual Science seek in agricultural,
as in other matters, for a comprehensive vision of the character and
activity of spirit in nature, whereas a materialistically inclined
science has entered more and more into small units and restricted
areas. Even if in agriculture the units concerned are not always of
microscopic order as in some of the other sciences, yet agriculture
usually concerns itself with the workings within restricted areas and
with what can be inferred from these limited observations. But the
world in which man and other earthly creatures live can by no means
be judged from a narrow standpoint. To adopt this standpoint as is
done by contemporary science in relation to agriculture is, in view
of the real facts of the case, rather like attempting to gain
knowledge of the whole being of a person by observing his little
finger and the tip of his ear, and trying to reconstruct the whole
from these two features. As opposed to this — and never was the
task more necessary than today — we must develop a real
science, which will go out in search of the wide range of cosmic
greatly the scientific ideas current today or at any rate a few years
ago, stand in need of correction can be seen from the absurdities
which not so very long ago prevailed in the matter of nutrition.
Everything was very scientific. It was all scientifically proved and
no objection could be taken to any of the facts adduced. It was taken
as scientifically proven that a person weighing from 70 to 75
kilograms required about 120 grams of protein a day. This was
regarded as scientifically established. Today no scientist would give
credence to such a proposition. Everyone knows nowadays that 120
grams of protein are not only not necessary but would actually be
harmful, and that man is at his healthiest when he is taking about 50
grams a day. In this case science has corrected itself. It is known
today that if too much protein is consumed it produces poisonous
by-products in the intestines. If we examine not only the particular
periods in the man's life when protein is administered to him, but
his life as a whole, it will be found that arteriosclerosis in old
age, can be attributed primarily to the poisonous effects of
overdoses of protein. Scientific investigations often go wrong
because they only take account of the moment. A normal human life
lasts longer than ten years and the harmful effects of the seemingly
beneficial causes which they seek to promote often do not emerge for
a long time.
Science is less likely to fall into such an error. It is true, I do
not wish to echo the facile criticism so often leveled at science
today on account of such rectifications as I have just exemplified. I
can see quite well that this rectification was necessary. But on the
other hand it is equally facile to attack Spiritual Science when it
seeks to enter practical life, because it is obliged to lay stress
upon the larger connections of life, and because its eyes are open to
those more attenuated forces and substances which play into the
spiritual, and not merely to the coarser forces and substances of
matter. This applies in every respect to agriculture and particularly
to the question of manuring. The very phrases used by scientists in
dealing with this question show how little they understand of the
significance of manure in the economy of nature. A phrase very often
used is: “Manure contains the nourishment for the plant.”
mentioned the subject of nutrition earlier just to show you how
science has of late been obliged to review its own position on the
subject of human nutrition. Science had to correct its own errors
because it started with an erroneous view of the nutrition of
anything living. The old view was, if I may express myself quite
freely, that the most important thing about nutrition was what one
ate every day. It is quite true that what one eats is important, but
the greater part of it is not there for the purpose of being taken
into the body and deposited there as substance. This greater part has
to give over to the body the forces which it contains in itself and
thus stimulate the body into activity. The greater part of what is
taken up as substance in this way is eliminated again from the body.
What matters, therefore, is not whether a certain weight of matter in
certain proportions undergoes digestion, but whether we are able to
absorb in the right way, with the food we eat, the active forces
therein. For we need these active forces when we walk or work, or
even more when we use our arms.
the other hand, what the body needs in order to fill up, to enrich
itself with substance (the substance being continually discarded and
renewed during the course of every seven or eight years) is absorbed
for the most part through the sense-organs, by means of the skin and
by means of breathing. So that what is needed by the organism is
assimilated, continually, in a highly attenuated state and only
becomes dense in the organism. The body absorbs it from the
atmosphere, densifies and hardens it, to the point where to be
eliminate it must be cut off as hair and nails and the rest. The
schematic formulation: “Food taken in, passage through the
body, wearing away of the nails, peeling of the skin, etc.” is
quite wrong. It should run: “Breathing, highly-rarefied
absorption through the sense-organs, including through the eyes,
passage through the organism, excretion.” What is absorbed
through the stomach on the other hand becomes important because it
has an inner vitality, like fuel, and it introduces into the body
those forces which enable the will to act.
really makes one despair when, in face of this truth, which is the
simple outcome of spiritual investigation, one sees the attitude
adopted by modern science, which maintains precisely the opposite
view. One is tempted to despair because it makes one see how
difficult it is to find any meeting ground whatever with modern
science on the most important subjects. Yet such an understanding
will have to come, otherwise where its views are applied to practical
life, modern science ends in a blind alley. For science is unable to
understand certain things even when they are under its very nose. I
am not speaking of the experimental side of science. What science
says there is, as a rule, true. The experiments have a definite
value; it is the theorizing about them which is bad. And it is
unfortunately on these theories that suggestions for practical
applications are based. All this makes one realize the difficulty of
finding a meeting ground. However, an understanding will have to be
reached, and in the most practical spheres of life, among which we
must include agriculture.
these things are to be handled correctly, it is necessary to gain
insight into the mode of activity of substances, forces, and the
dynamic and of the spirit in every part of agriculture. A child who
does not know what a comb is for will bite into it or otherwise
misuse it. In the same way we shall use things incorrectly if we do
not understand their essential being and their specific functions.
make the matter clearer, let us take the case of a tree. A tree is
different from an ordinary annual plant which remains at the merely
herbaceous stage. It surrounds itself with rind and bark, etc. What
then is the fundamental nature of the tree as opposed to that of an
annual plant? In order to answer this question, let us compare the
tree to a mound of soil which has been piled up and is exceptionally
rich in humus, that is, which contains an exceptionally large
quantity of more or less decomposed vegetable matter, and includes
perhaps some decomposing animal matter as well.
= yellow; hell = clear
Let us assume that this
[left] is the mound of soil, rich in humus, and I will make a
crater-like depression in it; and let us take this [right] as the
tree, the more or less solid part being outside, while inside grows
what builds up the tree as a whole. It may strike you as strange that
I should place these two things side by side, but they are more
closely related than you may think. The reason is that soil such as I
have described it, soil containing plenty of humus, i.e. substances
in process of decomposition, bears etheric life within it. And this
is the point. When soil is so constituted as to have etheric life
within it, it is on its way to becoming the outside covering of the
plant, but does not in fact develop so far as to become bark. Now
imagine (although, of course, this does not happen in nature) that
such a mound of soil with its humus content has, by means of its
etheric life, raised itself to a higher form of development and
wrapped itself round the plant.
if any part of the earth is raised above the general level, if the
outer separates itself from the inner, then that which is raised
above the normal level will show a definite tendency to life, a
distinct tendency to be penetrated with etheric life. This is why, if
you want to make inorganic soil more fertile by mixing it with
humus-like substance or with any sort of decomposing refuse, you will
find it easier to do so successfully if the soil is heaped up into
mounds. For then the soil will have the tendency to become inwardly
alive and plant-like. The same process takes place in the formation
of a tree. The soil bulges upwards, as it were, and surrounds the
plant with its own etheric life. Why?
reason is that I wish to waken your consciousness to the fact that
there is an intimate relationship between what is enclosed within the
contours of the plant and what comprises the soil round the plant. It
is untrue that the life of the plant stops short at its outer sphere.
The actual life is continued, particularly from the roots, into the
soil and in many cases there is no sharp boundary between the life
within the plant and that in its immediate surroundings. In order to
have a fundamental understanding of a soil which is manured or
similarly treated, one must know that manuring consists in vivifying
the soil so that the plant is not be planted in dead soil. A plant
will more easily develop from its own vitality what is necessary for
fruit formation if it is planted in something already alive.
Fundamentally, all plant growth Is slightly parasitic in character;
it grows like a parasite on the living earth. And it must be so. In
many parts of the earth we cannot rely on nature herself to supply a
sufficient quantity of organic waste matter to enable the soil
adequately to revivify itself by decomposition of such matter. In
those places, therefore, we must assist the growth of plants with
manure. This necessity, however, arises least of all in districts
containing so called “black soil,” for here nature
herself has seen to it that the soil is sufficiently alive.
will see from all this what Is really happening; but there is
something further which must be understood. One must learn —
and this may not always be pleasant — to enter into a personal
relationship with everything that comes within the sphere of
agriculture, and particularly with the work connected with manure and
manuring. The job may seem to be an unpleasant one, but you cannot do
without this personal relationship. Why? Well, if you consider the
nature of any living being you will find the reason. Every living
being always has an inner and an outer side. The inner side is inside
some kind of skin, the outer side is outside that skin. Let us begin
with the inner side.

inner side of every living thing has not only streams of force which
go outwards in the direction shown by these lines (Image 2) but it
also has streams of force which go inwards from the skin, which are
pressed back. Now an organism is surrounded on the outside by streams
of all kinds of forces. There is something which expresses very
exactly, although in a personal way, the relationship which must be
established by the organism between its inner and outer sides. All
the forces working inside the skin, all that stimulates and maintains
life, must — pardon the phrase — inwardly smell, must
have an inward stench. Taken as a whole, life itself consists in
this: what is generally diffused as a smell is instead retained so
that the smell is kept inside and does not stream outward too
strongly. An organism must therefore allow as little as possible of
its smell-producing life to escape outwards through its skin. Indeed
one might say that the healthier an organism, the more it will smell
inwardly and the less it will smell outwardly. A living organism and
particularly the plant organism, apart from the flower, is designed
not to give out scent but to take it in. And if we consider the
beneficial influences on a meadow full of fragrant aromatic flowers,
we shall begin to notice how living things mutually support each
another in nature. This fragrance of flowers which is diffused and
which is something different from the odor of mere life, issues from
sources of which we shall become aware later, and it acts on the
plants from outside. One must enter into a personal, living relation
to all these things; only then are we really one with nature.
the main thing to understand is that manuring and the like must
consist not only in conveying a certain degree of aliveness to the
soil, but also in enabling nitrogen to spread through it, in such a
way that with its help life is carried along certain lines of force
as I showed yesterday. In manuring therefore we must bring sufficient
nitrogen Into the soil to enable life to be borne into the organic
structure of the soil which is to bear the plant. This is the task,
but it must be carried out exactly and properly.
is a very significant hint. When purely mineral matter is used for
manure it never reaches the earth element, but at best only the water
element in the soil. You can produce with mineral manures an effect
in the watery part of the earth, but you will not achieve a
vivification of the earth element itself. Plants, therefore, which
are under the influence of any sort of mineral manure will exhibit a
type of growth which betrays that it comes from water which has been
activated, not from the solid element which has been vivified. The
best way to approach these things will be to consider the most
unassuming and often despised kind of manure: compost. Here we have a
means of vivifying the soil. We include in compost all kinds of
neglected refuse from farm or garden, mown grass, fallen leaves, and
the like, even the remains of dead animals. These things should by no
means be despised, for they retain something not only of the etheric
but even of the astral elements. And that is important. A compost
heap is actually pervaded not only by living and etheric elements,
but also by astral elements. These are present to a lesser degree in
solid or liquid animal manure, but here they are more stable, more
settled, especially the astral element; only we must make use of this
stability in the right way. The action of
the astral element upon nitrogen is hindered wherever the etheric
element is too ebullient. A too powerful sprouting of the etheric
life hampers the astral element in the compost heap from doing its
work. Now there is in nature a substance which I have already
mentioned from varied angles which is extremely useful in this
respect, and that is the chalky or limestone element. If, therefore,
some of this, preferably in the form of quicklime is introduced into
the compost heap, we get the following special result: without
causing the astral element to “volatilize” too much, the
etheric element is taken up by the quick-lime and the oxygen is
absorbed as well. In this way the astral element is brought to a
wonderful activity. This leads to a very definite result: in manuring
the soil with compost we are giving it something which has the
tendency to carry the astral element directly into the solid element
without the detour through the etheric element.
this way, therefore, the earthly element is thoroughly “astralized”
and thereby becomes permeated with nitrogen. This result, indeed,
very much resembles a certain process in the human organism — a
plant-like process — so plant-like in fact that it does not
proceed to fruit formation, but stops at the stage of leaf and stem
formation. What we give over to the soil in the compost has its
parallel in that process which brings about in the food we eat that
“mobility” of which I spoke before. We bring about a
similar activity in the soil when we treat it in the manner
described. Soil prepared in this way will be especially suitable for
producing plants which, when they are eaten by animals, will continue
to bring about a similar activity in their organisms. In other words,
we shall do well to manure our meadows and pasture lands with this
compost, and if we carry out the process carefully, with strict
regard for the other proceedings and ingredients, we shall succeed in
obtaining good fodder, which, when mowed and dried, preserves its
should like to remind you that to take the right steps, one must look
into the nature of the whole process, and finding the right thing to
do in any particular case will, of course, depend to a great extent
upon having the right feeling. This feeling, however, develops when
we look into the nature of this composting process. For instance, if
the compost heap is left alone the astral element in it will begin to
spread in all directions. It will then be a question of developing
the right personal relationship to the heap in order to find out how
it can be made to retain its smell within. This can easily be done by
putting down a thin layer of the compost material and covering it
with peat moss, then adding another layer and so on. In this way we
hold together what would otherwise “volatilize” itself as
smell. Nitrogen, indeed, is a substance which in all its
modifications is eager to spread out in all directions. And now it is
held back. By this I wish to indicate how necessary it is to treat
the whole agricultural individuality in the
light of the conviction that etheric life and even the astral
principle must everywhere be poured out over it to make our work
this trend we can take a further step. Have you ever wondered why it
is that cows have horns while certain other animals have antlers? It
is a very important question. Yet what science has to say about it is
quite one-sided and based on externals. Let us consider why cows have
horns. I said that the forces within a living organism need not
always be directed outwards, but can also be directed inwards. Now
imagine an organic entity possessing these two sets of forces, but is
unformed and lumpish in build. The result would be an irregular,
ungainly being. We should have curious looking cows if this were the
case. They would all be lumpish and unformed, with rudimentary limbs
like at an early embryonic stage. But this is not how a cow is made.
A cow has horns and hoofs. Now what happens at the points where horns
and hoofs grow? At these points an area is formed from which the
organic formative forces are reflected inwards in a particularly
powerful way. There is no communication with the outside as in the
case of the skin or hair; the horny substance blocks the way for
these forces to the outside. This Is why the growth of horns and
claws has such a bearing upon the whole form of the animal.
are quite different in the case of antlers. Here the streams of
forces are not led back Into the organism, but certain of them are
guided for a short distance out of the organism. There must be
valves, as it were, through which the streams localized in the
antlers (we can speak of streams of force, just as we can speak of
streams of air or liquid) can be discharged. A stag is beautiful
because it stands in intense communication with its environment by
reason of its sending outward streams of certain of its forces; by
this it lives within its environment and absorbs from it everything
which works organically in its nerves and senses. Hence the nervous
nature of the stag. In a certain respect all animals which have
antlers are suffused with a gentle nervousness. This is clearly to be
seen in their eyes.
cow has horns in order to reflect inward the astral and etheric
formative forces, which then penetrate into the metabolic system so
that increased activity in the digestive organism arises by reason of
this radiation from horns and hoofs. If one wants to understand
foot-and-mouth disease, i.e. the retro-action from the periphery to
the digestive tract, one must know of this connection. Our remedy for
foot-and-mouth disease is based on the recognition of this. In the
horn, therefore, we have something which by its inherent nature is
fitted to reflect the living etheric and astral streams into the
inner life organs. The horn is something which radiates etheric life
and even the astral element. Indeed, if you were able to enter Into
the cow's belly, you would smell the current of etheric-astral life
which streams inwards from the horns; and the same is true of the
gives us an indication as to the measures
we may recommend for increasing the effectiveness of ordinary stable
manure. What is ordinary stable manure really? It is foodstuff which
the animal has ingested and which up to a
certain point has been assimilated by its organism, thereby stirring
into activity certain dynamic forces in the organism. Its main use
has not been to increase the amount of substance in the organism, for
after having had its effect it is excreted. It has become permeated
with astral and etheric elements. The astral element has filled it
with nitrogen-bearing forces and the
etheric element with oxygen-bearing forces.
The substance which emerges as dung is permeated with these forces.
Imagine now: we take this substance and pass it into the soil in some
form or other (the details will be dealt with later). Thus we add to
the soil an etheric-astral element whose proper place is in the belly
of the animal, where it produces forces of a plant-like nature. For
the forces which we produce in our digestive tract are of a
plant-like nature. We should be extremely thankful that we get such a
residue as dung, for it carries etheric and astral forces from the
interior of the organism out into the open. These forces remain with
it, and it is for us to keep them there. In this way the dung will
act in a life-giving and also astralizing way on the soil, not only
on the water element in it, but especially on the solid (earthly)
element. It has the power to overcome what is inorganic in the
earthly element. Now what is passed over to the soil will necessarily
lose the form it originally had when taken in as food, for it has to
go through an inner organic process in the metabolic system. There it
enters upon a phase of decomposition and dissolution. But it is at
its best just at the point where it begins to dissolve through the
workings of its own astral and etheric elements. It is then that the
parasites, the micro-organisms, make their appearance. They find a
good feeding ground in which to develop. This is why the theory arose
that these parasites are themselves responsible for the virtues in
the manure. But they are only indications of the condition of the
manure. If we think that by inoculating the manure with these
bacteria we shall radically improve its quality, we are making a
serious mistake. Externally there may seem at first to be an
improvement, but in reality there is none. I shall deal with this
point later. For the moment let us continue with the matter in hand.
us put manure just as it comes to hand into a cow-horn, press it
full, and bury it at a certain depth — say a
fourth to a half a meter deep according to the soil, which
should not be too sandy or clayey. By burying it with its filling of
manure, we preserve in the horn that function which it would normally
exercise in the cow's body, that is, reflecting the life-giving and
astral elements. Through the fact of its being surrounded with earth,
all the currents of etheric and astral
forces stream into its interior. These forces attract the astral and
etheric elements from the surrounding soil and the manure contained
in the horn becomes inwardly quickened with these forces in the
course of the winter season when the earth itself is most alive, for
the earth is most inwardly alive during the winter. All these living
forces are preserved in the manure and thus there is a highly
concentrated, life-giving manuring force in the contents of the horn.
Then in spring the horn can be dug up and its contents removed. Those
of you who were present at Dornach when last we made this experiment
will remember that you were able to convince yourselves of the fact
that when the manure was removed it was completely odorless. It was
quite striking. The manure no longer smelled at all, though naturally
it began to do so a little when it was mixed with water. This shows
that all its smell had been concentrated and worked up within it. You
have here a tremendous astral and etheric force which you can utilize
by taking the content of the cow-horn after its period of hibernation
and diluting it with water, which perhaps should be slightly warmed.
As regards quantities and dilution, I have ascertained by repeated
observation that an area of about 1200 square meters can be served
with the contents of such a cow-horn, diluted in about half a bucket
of water. The whole of the contents of the horn must be thoroughly
united with the water. You must begin to stir it briskly round the
edge of the bucket, until a crater is formed in the middle reaching
almost down to the bottom. At this point, suddenly reverse the
movement, thus causing the liquid to swirl round in the opposite
direction. If you do this for an hour, the ingredients will become
thoroughly mixed. You must remember what a really small amount of
work is entailed in this. I can very well imagine that some of the
less occupied members of a farming community would derive particular
pleasure from stirring manure, at any rate to begin with. It would be
splendid work for the son or daughter of the house, for it is a very
agreeable experience to find that a faint perfume develops from what
is at first completely odorless. It is extremely beneficial for a
person thus to establish a relationship with the work he is doing,
instead of studying nature with the help of guidebooks for tourists.
next thing to do is to spray the mixture over tilled land so that it
can get thoroughly into the soil. Small areas can be treated with an
ordinary syringe, larger areas will naturally call for the employment
of specially constructed machines. But once we have learned to
combine this kind of spiritual dung with ordinary manure it will be
found that great fertility will result. In particular it will be
found that these things are capable of still further development, for
in addition to the measures I have just, indicated we can proceed as
we take a cow-horn and fill it in the same way, not with manure this
time, but with quartz or silicon or even felspar that has been ground
to powder and mixed with water so as to form a thin paste. Then,
instead of leaving the horn in the ground throughout the winter, we
leave it there over the summer, take it out in late autumn and keep
it till the following spring. Its contents, which have been exposed
to the summer-life of the earth, are then emptied out and treated in
the same way as has been described in connection with the dry manure,
except that much smaller quantities are required. Thus a pinch of the
contents of the horn about the size of a pea or even of a pin's head
can be diluted in a bucket of water; the main thing is that it must
be stirred for an hour, as before. And if you use this mixture for
spraying the plants (not pouring it on to them but finely sprinkling
it) you will see, particularly in the case of vegetables and the
like, that this has the effect of supplementing and reinforcing that
which works out of the soil through the cow-horn manure. And if, as
would not be amiss, the practice were extended to whole fields —
it would be easy enough to devise machines which would sprinkle the
liquid over whole fields — then you would see how the cow-horn
manure was pressing up from below, the other drawing from above,
neither too weakly nor too strongly. And this could have a wonderful
effect, particularly on cereals
things are derived from a wider range of experience than those which
result from the viewpoint which would try to construct a whole human
being theoretically from his pinky. Let us not underrate the results
obtained. For to tell the truth what is generally meant by making a
farm productive is to make it as paying a proposition as possible.
Nothing else matters very much. Unconsciously at any rate the farmer
is always pleased when by some method or other he has achieved big
results — big potatoes, outsized, something inflated and
swollen. His research goes no further than this. And yet this is not
what matters most. What matters most is that the food which is put
before people should be that which is most beneficial to them. You
may grow the most splendid looking fruit in field or orchard, but it
may only fill a person's stomach and not really benefit his inner
organic existence. Modern science simply has not found the way to
supply man with the food which will support the life of his organism.
will see that what Spiritual Science has to say on the subject is
very different, for it has as its background the whole economy of
nature. The principles are drawn from out of the whole. That is why
the particular indications have a decisive bearing upon the whole. If
farming is practiced in this way, it cannot but result in giving the
best both to man and beast. Indeed, as everywhere in Spiritual
Science, the study of man is the starting-point; man is taken as the
basis. Thus practical hints can be given as to how man may best
sustain his human nature. This is what distinguishes our way of
looking at things from those usual nowadays.