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Healthy Thinking

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

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Healthy Thinking

On-line since: 30th September, 2022


The Future of Anthroposophical Publications


The Internet is about choice, and choice means the freedom to choose. The Rudolf Steiner e.Lib believes this is what the future of publications — the dissemination of knowledge — is all about.

This publication absolutely falls in that category: the freedom to choose whether to just use the information we present on-line, or use that information and purchase one of our other offerings, like a hardcopy of the book, or a softcopy version, like a CD or something for your Kindle. Proceeds from your purchases help us to continue these efforts to bring newly translated material to researchers and Rudolf Steiner aficionados all over the world. Freedom is a gift ... it is a gift of love. And as John Lennon wrote, “Love is all there is!”




Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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