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  • Title: Foundation Course: Lecture 5: Conceptual Knowledge and Observational Knowledge.
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    • The three examples are, considered abstractly, are extraordinarily accurate but still, only thought about abstractly. They are actually only valid for today’s common knowledge. You see, with the water analysis, something can be done. For someone who doesn’t study Anthroposophy, it is useless. Because one has to, if one wants to approach it, begin by “drinking” it. Water in Anthroposophy is not there for mere outer analysis; it must be drunk at the same time. The activity of drinking and the activity of the analysing or synthesizing are the same. That one believes something else about it, results from the fact that recently an otherwise excellent man has written in “Tat” that he would have no interest in my statements regarding the Akasha-Chronicle unless I honour him with them in a splendid illustrated edition. — Yes, my dear friends, to use such an image at all, one must acknowledge that the Akasha-Chronicle can only exist for those who allow themselves to experience it spiritually. It can’t be allowed to be compared in this way. Already upon this basis I’m quite sure that the modern bad habit of the cinema will not be applied to Anthroposophy — hopefully not.

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