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Human and Cosmic Thought:
Related Literature

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

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Human and Cosmic Thought:
Related Literature

On-line since: 12th June, 2004

List of literature (published by Rudolf Steiner Press) recommended for reading:

By Rudolf Steiner:

The Philosophy of Freedom

Practical Training in Thought

The Evolution of Consciousness as revealed through Initiation-knowledge

Occult Science — an Outline (1962-3 edition)

Human Questions and Cosmic Answers

Man as a Being of Sense and Perception

Cosmology, Religion and Philosophy

World History in the Light of Anthroposophy

Published by Hodder & Stoughton, London:

The Redemption of Thinking. Three lectures by Rudolf Steiner on Ac Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. Translated and edited by A. P. Shepherd and Mildred Robertson Nicoll.

A Scientist of the Invisible, by A. P. Shepherd.

The Faithful Thinker. Essays on Rudolf Steiner by various authors.

All the published works of Rudolf Steiner in English translation and in the original German, catalogues, and the works of other authors on Anthroposophy can be obtained from the

Rudolf Steiner Press and Bookshop
35 Park Road, London, N.W.I.

Last Modified: 28-Jul-2024
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