Rudolf Steiner e.Lib
Oswald Spengler, Prophet of World Chaos
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Oswald Spengler, Prophet of World Chaos
On-line since: 31st August, 2018
Oswald Spengler, Prophet of World Chaos
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Lectures Section
This book contains three lectures and four articles by Rudolf Steiner
from 1920 and 1922. There is one Lecture from the lecture series entitled,
Healing of the Social Organism, GA198 in 1920, published in German as,
Heilfaktoren Fuer den Sozialen Organismus. And there are two lectures from
the lecture series, The Mystery of the Trinity and the Mission ofi the
Spirit, GA214 in 1922, published in German as, Das Geheimnis der Trinitat.
Der Mensch und sein Verhaeltnis zur Geistwelt im Wandel der Zeiten. The
articles are from the GA 36 collection entitled, Articles from 'Das
Goetheanum,' 1921-1925, published in German as, Der Goetheanumgedanke
Inmitten der Kulturkrisis der Gegenwart. Gesammelte Aufsaetze aus der
Wochenschrift 'Das Goetheanum,' 1921-1925.
By Rudolf Steiner
Bn/GA/CW 198, 214, 36;
Translated by Norman MacBeth and Frances E. Dawson
This book contains three lectures and four articles by Rudolf Steiner
from 1920 and 1922. There is one Lecture from the lecture series entitled,
Healing of the Social Organism,
GA198 in 1920, published in German as,
Heilfaktoren Fuer den Sozialen Organismus.
And there are two lectures from the lecture series,
The Mystery of the Trinity and the Mission ofi the Spirit,
GA214 in 1922, published in German as,
Das Geheimnis der Trinitat. Der Mensch und
sein Verhaeltnis zur Geistwelt im Wandel der Zeiten.
The articles are from the GA 36 collection entitled,
Articles from “Das Goetheanum,” 1921-1925,
published in German as,
Der Goetheanumgedanke Inmitten der Kulturkrisis
der Gegenwart. Gesammelte Aufsaetze aus der Wochenschrift “Das
Goetheanum,” 1921-1925.
This translation is presented here with the kind permission of the
Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung,
Dornach, Switzerland. From several Bn/GA/CW's.
This e.Text edition is provided through the wonderful work of:
Various e.Text Transcribers
Some editions and/or translations of this book are available for purchase from:
for related titles available for purchase at
Thanks to a donation by the Longview Public Library, Longview, Washington and the Inez Morse Memorial Collection, this Lecture Series has been made available.
| Cover Sheet |
| Contents |
Lecture I: | Spengler's “Decline of the West,” |
July 02, 1920 |
Lecture II: | Oswald Spengler (part 1), |
August 06, 1922 |
Lecture III: | Oswald Spengler (part 2), |
August 09, 1922 |
Article I: | Spengler's Perspectives of World History, |
August 13, 1922 |
Article II: | The Flight from Thinking, |
August 20, 1922 |
Article III: | Spengler's Physiognomic View of History, |
August 27, 1922 |
Article IV: | Spengler's Spirit-Deserted History. |
September 03, 1922 |
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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